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America Haters Lament: "This is...a really ugly day!"
Posted on 04/09/2003 8:16:57 AM PDT by The FRugitive
Edited on 04/09/2003 8:32:39 AM PDT by Admin Moderator.
Moderator's Note: Normally we don't want up DU posts or the like. However, given the circumstances, we are going to let this thread slide. Thanks, AM
I know we're not supposed to post DU stuff, but I think this thread is VERY telling and exposes their true agenda.
"it's staged!"
"this is about to be a really ugly day!!"
And lots of anger, sadness, fear and loathing.
Their chracter is further exposed: the America haters don't give half a **** about the Iraqis, they're just about hateing America.
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: ajntsa; antiamerican; communists; girlymen; hateamericafirst; lordhawhaw; lovedclintonswars; lovedjoestalin; marxists; nearzotexperience; oppositionresearch; prosaddam; retardation; sickpuppies; soileddiapers; spinspinspin; unamerican; waaawaaaa; wishidbeenagirly; zot
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To: Russ
Plenty left -- W's can of Whoop Ass is still about 99% full, I'd expect.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:24:42 AM PDT
To: wku man
Flash forward to DU November 2004:
WillPitt: GODDDAMMMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's ok, we'll get them in 2006. UNELECTED RESIDENT!!!!!!!!!! BTW keep contributing here, I need the money for my coke dealer.
To: Maceman
DU Poster:
WTF!? What are they celebrating? How do you celebrate and cheer on the imperalistic thugs that just dropped 20,000+ bombs and missiles on your country, flattened your cities, and murdered hundreds-- if not thousands--of your friends and neighbors. I just don't understand this world anymore. As if you ever did. Obviously, if their country is going to run by "thugs," they prefer the imperialistic kind to the Hussein family kind.
If you are reading this, my clueless friend, think of it this way: If George W. Bush REALLY was as bad as some of you say he is, you would welcome liberators, too, regardless of the loss of life. You would accept it as the price of freedom.
Here's the big diff between Bush and Saddam (I know I HAVE to explain this to you): "Regime change" only happens in places like Iraq after war. In America, it can happen every four years. Iraq -- or a country like it -- will never have to liberate the USA as long as the USA allows the people to decide who runs it.
Why can't you understand that? It's not hard. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot: Public school civics classes.
Never miiind.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:26:18 AM PDT
L.N. Smithee
("HBO and Playboy, Showtime and MTV/I might like 'em more after my lobotomy" -- Weird Al Yankovic)
To: The FRugitive
I just don't understand this world anymore That's what we have been telling you America-haters for a long time.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:28:45 AM PDT
(Dead, wounded, hiding, or escaped, Saddam is "As good as dead".)
To: Fraulein
Funny, I was wondering when they would start their usual "hey someone is paying attention to us!" thread.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:30:21 AM PDT
To: Democratshavenobrains
Actually, they would never mention God. Communism and religion don't mix. They already want to revise every phrase that mentions Him.
To: Timesink
"Please tell me that no matter wha [sic]--we still love each other--the way the freepers [readers of the generally right-wing Free Republic Web site] never can/will."
This is actually an interesting statement.
I'll bet a lot of Freepers would agree with me, and if you disagree I hope you take no offense, but...
I Freep for news, educated opinion, humor, and general jollies. I don't come here for love.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:30:41 AM PDT
To: The FRugitive
Read about 50 posts @ DU.
Only about 50% idiots.
Seem to be some converts there, even if they wouldn't say so when asked.
Some seem truely concerned about the welfare of our troops, even as they take swipes at G.W.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:32:00 AM PDT
G Larry
($10K gifts to John Thune before he announces!)
To: Celtjew Libertarian
Good point. Recursive Godel, Escher, Bach bump.
To: spodefly
That's got to be an Freeper in disguise. No one could be that stupid. LOL
posted on
04/09/2003 10:35:40 AM PDT
To: ko_kyi
Why do you think they are always defending the rights of Internet porn? The closest these pimply-faced brats will ever get to sex is their computer.
To: psstoffpatriot
I am not against porn if it is consenting adults in it and viewing it. I think that there should be a .sex top level domain that you need some kind of age verification to use, and that all the sex sites should be moved to there.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:42:19 AM PDT
To: The FRugitive
Plus, they hate to be proven wrong. Again.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:44:12 AM PDT
("Mercy, detached from Justice, grows unmerciful." - C. S. Lewis)
To: TheBigB
Upon reading most posts at DU, I am too amazed to even laugh. I just feel sorry for them.
posted on
04/09/2003 10:48:49 AM PDT
To: All
They are absolutey frothing over this picture.
To: Physicist
To: The FRugitive
To: The FRugitive
visited the dumb ass web site.
Run their brains through an MRI and see if there is any biological reason for this kind of demented thinking
posted on
04/09/2003 11:06:30 AM PDT
(I like Tony Soprano even though he is a fat-boy)
To: All
In the spirit of goodwill, I decided to find some good recipes for crow since the DUer's have so much to eat. :-D
Summer Crow Kabobs
submitted by Gordon Krause (The CrowMaster)
16 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) (8 crows)
16 pieces of green pepper
16 cherry tomatoes
8 button mushrooms
8 ears of sweet corn
1 1/2 cups of Teriyaki sauce
1/2 cup melted butter
8 kabob skewers
Cut each piece of crow in half and place in a covered bowl with the Teriyaki sauce over night. Clean and cut each ear of corn into 3 pieces. Cook in boiling salt water for 10 minutes. Alternately put corn (3 pieces), green peppers (3 pieces) and cherry tomatoes (3) along with 4 pieces of crow meat on each skewer. Use 1 mushroom to top each skewer. Brush with melted butter and place on preheated grill for about 4 minutes. Flip, butter again and place back on grill for another 4 minutes. Repeat one last time for a total of 12 minutes or until they appear done. Serves four adults.
CrowBusters - Recipes
And now, I hereby give the bird to all our leftist loonies.
To: spodefly
Holy Crap! wonder I avoid DU.
posted on
04/09/2003 11:15:46 AM PDT
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