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Chairman Racicot: Kerry Remarks Reflect "His Questionable Judgment" (New Statement)
Republican National Committee ^
| 8 April 2003
| Marc Racicot, Chairman
Posted on 04/08/2003 12:53:25 PM PDT by PhiKapMom
For Immediate Release
April 8, 2003
Chairman Racicot: Kerry Remarks Reflect "His Questionable Judgment"
WASHINGTON - Marc Racicot, Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), today issued the following statement:
"Senator Kerry seems befuddled by the reaction of both Republicans and Democrats to his call for regime change in the United States. To compare President Bush to Saddam Hussein is at a minimum irresponsible by even Senator Kerrys own standard, reflecting his questionable judgment."
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; US: Massachusetts
KEYWORDS: kerry; president
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To: MeeknMing
Geez, this is the second time today someone has scooped me by seconds...
posted on
04/08/2003 1:10:42 PM PDT
To: PhiKapMom
Kerry just doesn't get it! Yes he does. He made his career as a "peace activist" from the late '60's / early '70's. Just plug "Kerry" and "Vietnam" into google.
posted on
04/08/2003 1:10:52 PM PDT
To: trebb
Does my heart good to hear the Republican Party to actually point out some of the inanities of the Dims...Absolutely! Marc Racicot has earmarked himself as a voice of integrity and leadership (much like our President). Ever since he called the RATS for ripping off the military vote in Florida, his voice has carried a "broadband" for the RNC. Compare this to the sleazoid the RATS use . . .
posted on
04/08/2003 1:16:11 PM PDT
(Never bring a box cutter to a Jihad)
To: PhiKapMom
He's like all the New England Irish....or is he Irish... or whatever.. liberal. He shoots his mouth off and then runs for cover.
To: MeeknMing
That is so easy to distinguish! Everyone knows Herman is the one with the scar on his forehead!
posted on
04/08/2003 1:19:47 PM PDT
(Never bring a box cutter to a Jihad)
To: PhiKapMom
This is an nefarious Republican attempt to "silence" dissent don't you know. Kerry is being oh so brave, just like when he hurled some one else's medals over the fence.
posted on
04/08/2003 1:21:42 PM PDT
To: MeeknMing
posted on
04/08/2003 1:35:59 PM PDT
(So..... This is Virginia..... where are all the virgins?)
To: hchutch
Nothing is certain, including 2004, until there is a lift in the economy. People will always vote their pocketbooks.
posted on
04/08/2003 1:40:18 PM PDT
To: PhiKapMom
Thanks for the ping. Kerry is an incredible idiot. If everyone remembers it wasn't long ago he was criticizing one of the battles in Afghanistan and explaining how he would have done it differently. He fashions himself to be a little of everything, from general to union worker, to soccer mom. He is like Gore, his identity is based on opportunity (just like his marriage to the cynical among us:)
posted on
04/08/2003 1:42:12 PM PDT
To: trebb; PhiKapMom
Does my heart good to hear the Republican Party to actually point out some of the inanities of the Dims... The Republican party actually points out all of the inanities of the Dims. The problem is 99% of the time the media will not report what the Republicans point out.
Almost all of what you know about the actions of politicians come from the media. Has it occurred to anyone that even here on this site every news post is from the media? Everything posted on Free Republic that is not labeled opinion has to appear in the media first before the moderators will allow it to be permanently posted as a topic.
You only know what the Republicans say when the media wants you to know what the Republicans say.
To: Dolphy
agree! somehow Kerry thinks he is going to win patriot of the 20th century just because he served in nam. there were a lot of slimeballs in nam and it does not give them a lifetime exemption from the scrutiny of his patriotic claims
posted on
04/08/2003 1:49:39 PM PDT
To: mwl1
Nothing is certain, including 2004, until there is a lift in the economy. People will always vote their pocketbooks.
although i agree with you that nothing is certain, i do not agree that people will always vote their pocketbooks. i, for one, do not solely vote for a candidate based on my pocketbook. i like to think that we are a wiser, more informed people now since the internet age has come to maturity and we see the folly of the economic arguments from the left.
posted on
04/08/2003 1:55:05 PM PDT
To: My2Cents
hehe ! I know the feelin'. :O)
posted on
04/08/2003 1:55:20 PM PDT
(Bu-bye Saddam! / Check out my Freeper site !:
To: theDentist
LOL ! Poor doggie ! :O)
posted on
04/08/2003 1:56:07 PM PDT
(Bu-bye Saddam! / Check out my Freeper site !:
To: gov_bean_ counter
Actually I think it is more a question of character.Actually we're all right: We should question Lurch's judgement, emotional stability AND character. He's unfit to be Commander in Chief (much less a Senator) by any of those criteria.
If Lurch thinks we're full of sh*t, he should have the guts to stand before the assembled families at Campl LeJune the way President Bush did. The collective "BOOs!!!!!!" from the marine families would blow him off the stage before he reached the podium.
To: hchutch; PhiKapMom
They are caught between the middle and the base. The fact is, the base could walk over to the Green Party (an increase there is NOT unheard of, particularly if Lieberman, Edwards or another pro-war Dem WINS the nomination).Seeing as how the decline of the Democrat Party began with the influx of the "new left" in the 60's & 70's, the best thing the 'Rats could do is encourage defections to the Greens. Unless the electorate moves in a very ugly direction, the 'Rats will never be a majority party again until they get shed of their extremists.
Fortunately for Republicans and conservatives -- but maybe unfortunately the country as a whole, considering the advantages of a bipartisan consensus in waging war and confronting enemies -- the 'Rats will have to hit bottom before seriously prosecuting reform of their party. Rebuilding the party without the radical-left will require farsighted leadership, which they don't have. It will also require that they let go of power in the near term to build stronger coalitions in the future, yet the clintonization of the party has left it obessed above all with maintaining a death grip on their power.
The result is that the 'Rats will continue their increasingly desperate attempts to hold their coalition together, despite incompatible interests among its constituent elements, and including the toxic left. Republicans will therefore be able to continue peeling off elements of their coalition like the layers of an onion (e.g. like anti-communists and traditional patriots following the nomination of McGovern and the fecklessness of Carter, and blue-collar Democrats lured away by Reagan). Consider all the great Republicans & conservatives that were driven into our arms by the 'Rats: Ronald Reagan, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Charles Krauthammer, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, the list is long and exceptional.
Some day, when their decline and failure has advanced sufficiently to be utterly and undeniably obvious, even to reality challenged 'Rats, they will change direction and begin to reform, and begin to attract Republicans disillusioned by the growing faults of a party too long in power. The two party system is pretty much unavoidable in the American system of government, and the parties will continue to ebb and flow in power, with neither ever becoming drastically weaker than the other, but I suspect the 'Rats' decline relative to this grand scheme may proceed in the near future to a truly historic degree.
posted on
04/08/2003 3:05:48 PM PDT
To: theDentist
posted on
04/08/2003 3:10:21 PM PDT
To: My2Cents
Sorry. Didn't notice you'd already taken care of the obligatory Frankentein/Lurch/Herman Munster comparison.
posted on
04/08/2003 3:16:01 PM PDT
To: PhiKapMom
None of the dems "get it". They remember a time when they were allowed to say anything about repubs or conservatives with impunity - NO LONGER WORKS!! That's why they don't get it.
Hitlery is out there personally directing this attack against the President and his admin. It's not working. She's tried everything. Even the war is not going her way; and neither is the economy. She directs all the dems to say they are against the war - but she says she's for it. Why? Because she is running for President, and she wants to appear centrist. She doesn't get it either - nothing can help her!
posted on
04/08/2003 3:18:11 PM PDT
To: Stultis
Actually, MeeknMing beat me to it by a few seconds. All of us Freepers have the same kind of minds and senses of humor. It cracks me up.
posted on
04/08/2003 3:20:33 PM PDT
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