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Defeats dismay Arab media
The Daily Telegraph ^
| April 7, 2003
| Gerald Butt
Posted on 04/06/2003 4:28:48 PM PDT by MadIvan
Arab satellite news channels, broadcasting footage of advances by coalition forces on Baghdad, are beginning to question whether Saddam Hussein has put up a proper fight against the allied advances.
Throughout the Arab world there is a mood of disappointment. The initial resistance by Saddam's forces raised expectations that he would put up a tougher fight around the capital.
"Why is he letting the Arabs down now," a Lebanese caller asked a phone-in programme, "when his forces fought so bravely in the south of the country?"
A presenter on the Dubai-based al-Arabiya television network said the Iraqi leader had promised "surprises" that would inflict huge losses. "Why have we not seen the surprises?"
A military expert later wondered why the Iraqi army had not concentrated on attacking the allies' supply lines, rather than moving forces back to try to defend Baghdad. "Saddam's fedayeen should be attacking the trucks carrying food, water and fuel," he added.
"Why didn't Saddam order all the bridges to be blown up along the route to the capital?" another studio guest wondered.
Several Arab newspapers highlight the discrepancy between Iraq's assessment of the war and that of the coalition forces. "The information war is intensifying," said al-Sharq in Qatar. In Jordan, al-Rai asked "where the real truth lies amid the confusion and contradiction of the news reports?" Nevertheless, on its front page the paper's main headline read: "Iraq retakes Saddam airport."
The Lebanese daily al-Nahar went one better, saying that "Saddam led the attack to retake the airport", while Akhbar al-Khaleej in Bahrain said: "We have wiped out the invading forces at the airport."
But other Arab papers adopt a more realistic line, with al-Watan in Saudi Arabia declaring that "the Americans have taken the airport and the Iraqis have retreated into Baghdad".
Kuwait's Rai al-Am assessed the situation in three words: "Baghdad's last stand."
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; US: District of Columbia; United Kingdom; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: baghdaddefense; blair; bush; iraq; iraqifreedom; saddam; uk; us; viceisclosing; war; warlist
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To: Guillermo
Kind of reminds of what is happening to our childrens textbooks these days.
posted on
04/06/2003 4:45:55 PM PDT
To: MadIvan
There they go again!
To: MadIvan
Schadenfreude is an ugly emotion.
Yet highly appropriate here.
To: goldstategop
The Arabs......should take their heads out of the sand they've buried them in for a moment and face reality [instead of their dream world].
They won't do that before the liberals in the US do it -- and you know that ain't going to happen in my lifetime.
posted on
04/06/2003 4:49:39 PM PDT
To: MadIvan
"Why is he letting the Arabs down now," a Lebanese caller asked a phone-in programme, "when his forces fought so bravely in the south of the country?"I read a great article by Victor David-Hanson late last year. To answer critics that war in Iraq would inflame the Arab street, he said that the Arab street could tolerate many things. It could tolerate genocide, torture, and gender apartheid, but what the Arab street could not tolerate is the humiliation of defeat. When Saddam is defeated, the street will revile him as a traitor.
To: Nachum
Red zone....area surrounding Baghdad and the final 20 yards to the goal line in US football.
posted on
04/06/2003 4:50:57 PM PDT
To: MadIvan
"Why is he letting the Arabs down now," a Lebanese caller asked a phone-in programme, "when his forces fought so bravely in the south of the country?"
Simple: Because they don't believe that preserving Hussein's sadistic and brutal grip on power justifies dying.
posted on
04/06/2003 4:51:21 PM PDT
To: Cachelot
"You got the surprises, loser. Not the surprises you expected, but then you wuldn't have been surprised, see?
Now for the next... Syria? Iran?? "Palestine"????
So many losers, so much ammo..."
posted on
04/06/2003 4:51:33 PM PDT
(The weather, everyone talks about it, no one does anything about it!)
To: expatpat
Nor do I think there's any danger they'll give up any time soon their Thousand And One Nights fantasies. :)
To: MadIvan
Defeats dismay Arab media And a great deal of the United States media as well.
To: MadIvan; *war_list; W.O.T.; 11th_VA; Libertarianize the GOP; Free the USA; knak; sakka; ...
A defaced portrait of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) in the port of Umm-Qasr in southern Iraq (news - web sites), March 23, 2003. Iraqi troops and paramilitary fighters loyal to President Saddam Hussein held up a U.S. advance toward Baghdad on Sunday, inflicting casualties and taking American prisoners on the fourth day of war. REUTERS/Desmond Boylan
To: MadIvan
Everything has been too easy so far, I'm just concerned that what's left of the Iraqi leadership has something bad in store for us. I wouldn't doubt the possibility that a nuke or a series of chem or bio are weapons ready to go off in Baghdad once there are enough coalition forces there.
posted on
04/06/2003 4:52:25 PM PDT
To: MadIvan
It is as if they were losing a football game!
posted on
04/06/2003 4:52:38 PM PDT
Cold Heat
(Negotiate!! .............(((Blam!.)))........... "Now who else wants to negotiate?")
To: MadIvan
Those who face reality have a definite advantage over those who don't.
To: MadIvan
The Lebanese daily al-Nahar went one better, saying that "Saddam led the attack to retake the airport", while Akhbar al-Khaleej in Bahrain said: "We have wiped out the invading forces at the airport." pink pigs saw flying in the Baghdad sky... developing...
posted on
04/06/2003 4:53:20 PM PDT
(Visit my gallery
To: stripes1776
I read a great article by Victor David-Hanson late last year. To answer critics that war in Iraq would inflame the Arab street, he said that the Arab street could tolerate many things. It could tolerate genocide, torture, and gender apartheid, but what the Arab street could not tolerate is the humiliation of defeat. When Saddam is defeated, the street will revile him as a traitor.
posted on
04/06/2003 4:54:42 PM PDT
(Jeremiah 51:24 ..."..Before your eyes I will repay Babylon for all the wrong they have done in Zion")
To: MadIvan
"The Lebanese daily al-Nahar went one better, saying that "Saddam led the attack to retake the airport", while Akhbar al-Khaleej in Bahrain said: "We have wiped out the invading forces at the airport."They must be getting imports from the poppy fields in Afghanistan and using the fruits of said poppys.
To: tet68
and the Iraqis who thank us for freeing them, and tell the truth about his regime will be seen as tools of the US...
posted on
04/06/2003 4:56:26 PM PDT
To: Bluntpoint
Sounds just like the posters on Democratic Underground.
Nah, these guys at least have SOME semblance of reality.
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