To: stripes1776
I read a great article by Victor David-Hanson late last year. To answer critics that war in Iraq would inflame the Arab street, he said that the Arab street could tolerate many things. It could tolerate genocide, torture, and gender apartheid, but what the Arab street could not tolerate is the humiliation of defeat. When Saddam is defeated, the street will revile him as a traitor.
57 posted on
04/06/2003 4:54:42 PM PDT by
(Jeremiah 51:24 ..."..Before your eyes I will repay Babylon for all the wrong they have done in Zion")
To: tet68
and the Iraqis who thank us for freeing them, and tell the truth about his regime will be seen as tools of the US...
59 posted on
04/06/2003 4:56:26 PM PDT by
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