who will win this battle. the United Nations boys in Congress
To: FreeSpeechZone
2 posted on
04/04/2003 3:48:12 PM PST by
Willie Green
(Go Pat Go!!!)
To: FreeSpeechZone
3 posted on
04/04/2003 3:49:06 PM PST by
(Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US)
To: FreeSpeechZone
The President should veto the bill to keep Rummy's hands free and tell the liberal and RINO UN and State Dept butt-kissers to keep their hands off Iraq's future.
To: FreeSpeechZone
I would personally view this as Powell's great mission if he is up to it.
Face down the UN and help to truly create a strong independent Democratic Iraq. A lasting legacy to both Americans and Iraqis alike. The UN would only accelerate Iraq's descent into another horrific state of government, one modelled after itself, the epitimy of incompetence.
10 posted on
04/04/2003 4:23:18 PM PST by
(Democrats.. Socialists..Commies..Traitors...Who can tell the difference?)
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