To: Black Agnes; rmlew; cardinal4; LiteKeeper; hoppity; Lizard_King; Sir_Ed; TLBSHOW; BigRedQuark; ...
Leftism on Campus ping!
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2 posted on
04/04/2003 5:39:28 AM PST by
(Human nature can't be wished away by utopian dreams.)
To: JohnHuang2
I'd like to say I'm suprised...but I can't.
3 posted on
04/04/2003 7:39:25 AM PST by
(Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
To: JohnHuang2
4 posted on
04/04/2003 3:34:51 PM PST by
(Get The UN out of America! NOW...............)
To: Free the USA; ATOMIC_PUNK; backhoe; Libertarianize the GOP; Carry_Okie; 2sheep; 4Freedom; ...
5 posted on
04/04/2003 6:38:25 PM PST by
To: JohnHuang2
Isn't diversity wonderful? / SARCASM
7 posted on
04/04/2003 7:14:39 PM PST by
To: JohnHuang2
"UCLA MSA consistently invites radical Muslim speakers who call for the death of Jews and even the death of America."
"At the rally anti-Semitic statements and shouts of "Death to Israel!" and "Death to Jews!" were commonplace. (Ed. note: a video was attached to the memo) "Victory to Islam! Death to the Jews" could also be heard from Shama, the MSA president and rally co-sponsor. He also stated: "Our solution is simple. We are not simply anarchists . . . . Our solution is the establishment of justice by Islamic means. "
Do you imagine what would have happened if non-Muslims and Jews would have chanted: "Death to Muslims"? or "Death to Blacks"? Why would this be unacceptable as "hate speech", but "death to Jews"isn't?
Why is anti-Semitism tolerated at liberal, "progressive" establishments, which claim they teach tolerance.
The second point, is that they specifically make it clear, they are not merely "exercising free speech", disgusting as it is, but are calling for action: "establishment of justice by Islamic means", and "Islamic means" are to kill all infidels.
To: kevinjdeanna; nonliberal; PurVirgo; Tomalak; WillaJohns; GADIST64; NJ Freeper; ...
14 posted on
04/05/2003 12:06:59 PM PST by
To: JohnHuang2
15 posted on
04/09/2003 10:25:44 PM PDT by
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