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Kerry says US needs its own 'regime change'
The Boston Globe ^
| 4/3/2003
| Glen Johnson
Posted on 04/03/2003 6:40:13 AM PST by OriginalV
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To: OriginalV
Keep it up, Kerry. You will just make it easier for the Republicans in 2004.
posted on
04/03/2003 9:27:29 AM PST
Comment #82 Removed by Moderator
To: Boxsford
I did, you have to click on the link beneath the excerpt.
To: Mean Maryjean
Sen. Bob Kerrey(sp?) was accused of killing the women and children in Viet Nam. He is now president of a college in NY.
To: OriginalV
You can tell the Rats are desperate. They have only the lowest element of their sorry base left. They can only pander to the street hippies, and radical socialist/commies.
posted on
04/03/2003 9:44:00 AM PST
To: OriginalV
I mean why didn't you post the entire article here in one place without having to go to a link? Typically that is what is done.
posted on
04/03/2003 9:55:51 AM PST
To: OriginalV
Experience? What has this dipsh$t Kerry ever done? I know he's a Viet Nam vet which is good but then lots of people are vets. He was a half-arsed Senator. So what? Also, by comparing a regime change in America with Iraq, Kerry has crossed the line and should be called on it by the media and Republicans in Congress. This little scumbag is an opportunistic traitor.
To: hawkaw
Come on man, be serious!
A pile of excrement has a greater sense of duty to the American people than the current herd of democrats coveting OUR White House.
These guys really couldn't care less about our country, our security, our economy, or the lives of our valiant troops- he just wants to sit in OUR Oval Office and enjoy himself at OUR expense- just like the other parasites in the batch. Absolutely grotesque buffoons.
posted on
04/03/2003 10:23:06 AM PST
To: OriginalV
I stronly encourage everyone to contact their Senators and Representatives in the House immediately. What Kerrey is suggesting as a tactic for Dems in 2004 is to use bad blood overseas to finance their campaign against Bush. This is dangerous if not treasonous, to allude to the possibility of foreign influence and money influencing our next Presidential election.
To: OriginalV
Well put.
Frankly, I wouldn't doubt it if these types actually bs regarding their military service.
US Armed Forced are the last bastion where American virtues are expected and encouraged- i.e. love of country and fellow citizens, truth, performance, accountability- because lives are at stake.
So, when I hear these idoits making remarks and behaving in a way that clearly shows their contempt for American virtues, their citing awards and decorations merely compounds the shame on them!
posted on
04/03/2003 10:30:12 AM PST
To: hawkaw
Apparently bit no one seems to have the full story on him.
posted on
04/03/2003 10:31:11 AM PST
To: areafiftyone
Open mouth...insert foot.
To: Mr. K
Well said!
posted on
04/03/2003 10:33:10 AM PST
To: Yankee
L-O-L!!!!! Well said!
posted on
04/03/2003 10:34:06 AM PST
To: Nagual
L-O-L!!!!! Well said man!
posted on
04/03/2003 10:34:40 AM PST
To: Fred Mertz
Too late for that too.
posted on
04/03/2003 10:35:15 AM PST
To: OriginalV
John Kerry is doing a nice impression of a kamikaze presidential candidate...
Hey Kerry -- the 20% of the anti-American leftist libs in the country are already voting for your kind of slime. Exactly who are you trying to impress, you moron -- the French don't vote in American elections.
posted on
04/03/2003 10:38:29 AM PST
(Democrats -- The Party of Stalin and Chiraq)
To: Boxsford
It was a long article, I personally perfer links rather then placing the entire article, saves space on the web page. I figure a good excerpt will get to the point of the story, and if you want to read what else was said, then click on the link.
To: OriginalV
The DemonCRAPS Party need a regime change!
posted on
04/03/2003 10:41:44 AM PST
To: Jim Noble
Kerry said this for the first time in California about a week ago, and all the commie America-hating Saddamites in his audience went wild. Brought the house down. It is not even original. Julian Bond, GOP hating member of the NAACP, used it publicly before Lurch.
posted on
04/03/2003 10:43:34 AM PST
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