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Too Soon For Dire Predictions
The Rogue Review ^
| March 27, 2003
| Victor C. Welch
Posted on 03/27/2003 1:04:12 PM PST by vwelch
We are being warned by journalists, now that we are all the way into day eight of the war, that the U.S. is getting bogged down in a bloody quagmire. Not to make light of the daunting task that faces our nation, but considering that after eight days of armed conflict the U.S. known loss of life (40+ dead) is still less than the number of lives lost in the Rodney King rioting in L.A. that lasted less than 3 days (53 dead), this may be a bit premature.
For reference, consider the following recent successful U.S. military operations:
Grenada. The United States invaded on October 25, 1983 and hostilities ended on November 3. Duration: 10 days
First Gulf War. The allies began the air campaign on January 17, 1991 and didn't reach a cease-fire until February 28. Duration: 43 days
Afghanistan. The United States started bombing on October 7, 2001. The last Taliban forces didn't leave Kandahar until December 7. Duration: 63 days.
Oh, just as an aside, in WWII Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940, and got to Paris on June 14th. Formal surrender did not occur until June 22nd. Duration: 44 days.
TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: handwringers; militaryoperations
posted on
03/27/2003 1:04:12 PM PST
To: vwelch
You whack enough of those marxists and the rest are gonna find religion. Oh wait...
posted on
03/27/2003 1:05:44 PM PST
To: vwelch
Dang it, it's a quagmire, I tellya. A quagmire...
To: vwelch
Our success to date is due to the courage and bravery of our professional military personnel.
It is time for "Rummy" and "Wolfy" to get out of the way.
posted on
03/27/2003 1:07:01 PM PST
To: vwelch
OK, who was running the pool on the first media use of the term "bogged down?" My prediction was both bogged down and quagmire in the same sentence in the first ten days.
posted on
03/27/2003 1:09:04 PM PST
(American Lamb, from American farmers to your table. Never ever offered to the French.)
To: Billthedrill
Were well on the way of getting out of a 12-year quagmire called Northern Watch and Southern Watch.
To: blackdog
soon we'll see complaints about a lack of 'gravitas'
posted on
03/27/2003 1:13:44 PM PST
To: vwelch
Heck, did we start a war somewhere? I was out of town fill me in.
posted on
03/27/2003 1:21:15 PM PST
Conspiracy Guy
(eif eit smells eits french)
To: vwelch
Two or three days ago I was wondering how long it would take for the "Q" word to raise it's ugly head...didn't take long!
posted on
03/27/2003 1:23:26 PM PST
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