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To: Diddle E. Squat
2 posted on
03/18/2003 6:53:50 AM PST by
To: Diddle E. Squat
Said that if this occurs the French would be willing to send anti-chem war support ASAP. ... to which side?
3 posted on
03/18/2003 6:53:52 AM PST by
glock rocks
(pray for our men and women in harm's way. God bless America)
To: Diddle E. Squat
Tell you what Jack, if we need you, we'll give you a call.
4 posted on
03/18/2003 6:54:36 AM PST by
To: Diddle E. Squat
I suppose they could send a few mess wagons.
To: Diddle E. Squat
Overheard in france -We want to play! WAH! You won't let us play! Mean Americans!
6 posted on
03/18/2003 6:54:42 AM PST by
(Home of the FREE because of the BRAVE)
To: Diddle E. Squat
Well thank goodness for THAT!
We can use some canaries in this coalmine.
7 posted on
03/18/2003 6:54:59 AM PST by
Izzy Dunne
(Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
Who wants to eat some of my bread?
To: Diddle E. Squat
The french have embarassed themselves so deeply, their cannot be ANY co-operation, or ANY redemption.
If the president allows them to fight on our troops' side, he will be mistaken.
To: Diddle E. Squat
Frogs Back-Peddling?
11 posted on
03/18/2003 6:56:23 AM PST by
(successful, educated unauthentic latina--in Patrick Leahy's eyes, at least)
To: Diddle E. Squat
Oh keep your cheese cloth to yourself. We have much cooler stuff to protect ourselves.
13 posted on
03/18/2003 6:57:46 AM PST by
To: Diddle E. Squat
More likely they want to spy for Saddam or are worried about the truth of whose chem weapons Saddam got his furry little rat paws on...
Germany France Russia (China?)
To: Diddle E. Squat
Note to French: What chemical weapons? Thought you and Blix were convinced there were none!
15 posted on
03/18/2003 6:57:56 AM PST by
To: Diddle E. Squat
This will more than likely be seen as too little too late. It's too bad really because the french actually have a decent group of special ops guys. We could have used them.
16 posted on
03/18/2003 6:58:17 AM PST by
(legalize freedom!)
To: Diddle E. Squat
Exactly like the Democrats do. Watch Daschle to have a similar "Road to Damascus" conversion once the chem/bio comes out.
To: Diddle E. Squat
French Want to Join War-If Chem/Bio Weapons Used by Iraq My reply: drop dead, you arrogant prats.
Regards, Ivan
20 posted on
03/18/2003 6:59:29 AM PST by
(Learn the power of the Dark Side,
To: Diddle E. Squat
"Indy.........asps......very go first!" (RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK)
To: Diddle E. Squat
We've already said that if our boys are hit with bio or chem weapons, that we will respond with nukes... so France supports this?
22 posted on
03/18/2003 7:00:10 AM PST by
Lunatic Fringe
(When news breaks, we fix it!)
To: Diddle E. Squat
So, the frogs think chem warefare may be possible, but they deny that Iraq has chem weapons???
The frog's whole argument against war is that no one has proved that Iraq has chem weapons.
To: Diddle E. Squat
Well, if they won't do it, we'll have to: The French Opus; Goodbye. We'll miss you. No, really.
To: Diddle E. Squat
I'll just bet they want to join if Chemical or Bio weapons are used. They want to be sure to be on site when the cache of WMD are found with the "Made in France" labels on them, so they can quickly burn them off the containers.
27 posted on
03/18/2003 7:00:49 AM PST by
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