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Parapsychology in Intelligence:
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Posted on 03/17/2003 11:06:21 PM PST by jimlilko
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Parapsychology in Intelligence:
The Rise and Fall of the CIA's Psychic Spies
by Jon Elliston Dossier Editor
It is the summer of 1974. In Langley, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC, a handful of CIA officers venture to the edge of espionage, launching the first documented psychic spying mission in U.S. history.
The target: a secret research center in a remote region of the Kazakh Republic, USSR. At the CIA, where little is known about the facility, the Soviet site is referred to as URDF-3 (Unidentified Research and Development Facility Number 3). Pat Price, a "remote viewer" working on a CIA contract, is handed the coordinates of the target. After clearing his mind, Price peers out mentally in search of the site, and claims to observe it. A striking feature of the facility, he says, is the presence of a "damn big crane."
A CIA officer assigned to the unorthodox operation has seen the latest reconnaissance photos of URDF-3, and he marvels at what he later calls "some amazing descriptions" furnished by Price. There is indeed an unusually large crane at the site, one that Price is able to sketch in startling detail.
The day of the psychic spies had arrived. |
Price's remote viewing (RV) operation, and the strange developments in the U.S. intelligence community that set the stage for psychic spying, were described in detail as far back as 1977. But the astonishing story of the CIA's plunge into the paranormal was then available to a limited audience -- in fact, it was restricted to CIA eyes only.
A classified history of the CIA's attempts to utilize RV for espionage purposes appeared in Studies in Intelligence, the agency's internal journal on the tricks of the spy trade. Released to the public in 1996, the report has gone largely unnoticed in its file box at the National Archives facility in University Park, Maryland.
Titled "Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions," the report was authored by Dr. Kenneth A. Kress, a CIA engineer with the agency's Office of Technical Services (OTS). Kress managed the day-to-day operations of the project, and became one of the best known CIA parapsychology buffs. Working in this capacity, Kress held what might be the rarest of CIA jobs, that of paranormal project officer.
RV was a natural choice for the intelligence officer with a yen for weird science. The technique is a form of extra-sensory perception (ESP), a purported psychic phenomenon that has stirred heated debate among scientists. If RV could be verified as a viable way of "seeing" far-off people and places, Kress and others reasoned, the CIA (or perhaps the KGB!) would have the ultimate spy weapon in hand. Mental powers, properly focused, could circumvent the enemy's secrecy and security measures completely.
Jim Schnabel, an investigative reporter from England, notes in his book Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies that Kress was "in some ways the father of America's remote-viewing program." Who better, then, to recount the origins and demise of the CIA's RV program? Kress' report is richly detailed, offering not only his own observations as a key player in the program, buy also the analysis of several other CIA officers who became involved.
After briefly reviewing CIA-sponsored explorations of psychokinetics (the ability to affect physical objects with mental powers), Kress devotes most of the report to RV matters. He reveals some interesting background by mentioning that the CIA had ventured into the study of ESP a decade before his projects began. He notes a 1961 study of the phenomenon secretly contracted "under the auspices of Project ULTRA" -- the CIA program of mind and behavior control experiments more commonly known as MKULTRA. The study, by Oxford University's Stephen Abrams, "claimed ESP was demonstrated but not understood or controllable."
As Kress tells it, it was Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, two physicists in the employ of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), who "re-awakened CIA research in parapsychology." SRI, a California-based research group that has long handled scientific tasks for military and intelligence agencies, would conduct much of the CIA's RV work. The ball got rolling in early 1972, when Targ and Puthoff convinced the Office of Technical Services to invest $874 in a small psychic research project.
The test went well, and soon OTS had committed and additional $2,500. By the end of the year, OTS was fully on board with the psychic research effort, upping its investment to $50,000. Eventually the CIA would spend some $750,000 on research and development of psychic spying skills, according to news reports published in the 1990s.
In Kress' account, we can see the rancorous debates that funding such projects caused at CIA headquarters. In the mid-1970s, top officials were so beleaguered by scandal that they had little enthusiasm for weird-sounding endeavors like the RV spy ops. At one important juncture in the experiments, Kress writes, William Colby, then the CIA's Deputy Director of Operations, and CIA Director James Schlesinger decided that "the project was too sensitive and potentially embarrassing" to pursue. With the agency under heavy fire for its role in the Watergate scandal, this strange form of spy craft was seen as yet another risky political liability for the agency.
Looking back on the context of his RV work, Kress would note with a bit of humor: "As Project Officer, clearly my sense of timing had not been guided by useful paranormal abilities!"
Yet the RV project went forward, albeit in halting, unsure steps. Operational experiments using Pat Price, the psychic spy Kress called "our best subject," produced some arguably useful results. "In general, most of Price's data were wrong or could not be evaluated," Kress reported. "He did, nevertheless, produce some amazing descriptions."
In November 1976, CIA Director George Bush became concerned about Soviet advances in parapsychology and called the agency's RV researchers for a briefing.
In late 1975, Price's CIA handlers asked him to envision several sites in Libya using RV. Price spotted clandestine training centers for guerrilla fighters and underwater demolition teams. His findings were confirmed by reconnaissance photos, and the CIA's RV unit was hopeful that the program would survive based on the success of the Libya operation. But just when things were looking up, the RV intelligence collection program was dealt a fatal blow: Price suffered a heart attack and died, and the program was effectively shut down.
The CIA/RV story did not end with Price's demise, however. Some senior officials kept an eye on the phenomenon. Kress reports that in November of 1976, CIA Director George Bush became concerned about reported Soviet advances in parapsychology, and called in the agency's RV researchers for a briefing. (Such concerns often provided the impetus for U.S. government parapsychology research; the fear that the Soviets were getting ahead in the mind-war game was widespread among paranormal enthusiasts at military and intelligence agencies.)
In late 1995, the CIA finally fessed up to its secret involvement in parapsychology projects, and commissioned a report by private analysts to evaluate the merits of the RV method. (Click here to read the report and an overview by Enigma editor D. Trull.) A CIA public statement on the matter said that the agency's experiments with the technique were "always considered speculative and controversial."
Though the CIA seems to have all but abandoned RV in the mid-1970s, various Defense Department offices picked up the technique and examined and employed it much more extensively than the agency had. Since the 1995 revelations a number of media reports, memoirs, and investigative history books have revealed that several government agencies used psychic spying, with occasional apparent successes, to search out far more than just enemy research facilities. RV targets included U.S. hostages in foreign countries, Soviet submarines under the sea, and even secrets stashed in U.S. government filing cabinets (an effort to determine if the Soviets could conceivably do the same thing).
Psychic spying even caught the attention of the White House. In 1996, former President Jimmy Carter revealed that during this administration, the government used RV to locate a downed U.S. spy plane. (Click here for a report on Carter's comments.)
By the time the programs ground to a halt, the Defense Department had invested an estimated $20 million in RV and related pursuits. While the military's interest in the programs had fluctuated over the years, the Pentagon was prodded on by a pack of paranormal-minded politicians in the U.S. Congress.
So is there real potential for parapsychology in intelligence operations? Kress' final analysis of the CIA's short-lived RV work was both hopeful and regretful. "Tantalizing but incomplete data have been generated by CIA-sponsored research," he concluded. The agency never definitively determined if psychic spying works, he wrote, because "circumstances, biases, and fear of ridicule prevented CIA from completing a scientific investigation of parapsychology and its relevance to national security."
Want to know more?
Click here to read Kress' full report, "Parapsychology in Intelligence." Two excellent Web resources contain extensive information and declassified documents on government RV programs: see the Remote Viewing/Mind Control Index and the Star Gate Documents page.
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government
KEYWORDS: cia; parapsychology; tinfoil
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posted on
03/17/2003 11:06:21 PM PST
To: jimlilko
Having been a career student in this field for over 30 years now, I can tell you the Russians would cream us in a psy war. They were teaching this in kindergarten. They know the power of the mind and subconscious. Thank you for posting this. This is one of many articles I have, good choice!
posted on
03/17/2003 11:49:58 PM PST
(Pull out of the UN and drive into Bagdad)
To: All
- The ESP of Espionage -
We may all have latent psi powers, but our ability to develop them is being blanked out by socially engineered stress, and with the collusion of covert agencies.
MILITARY DEVELOPMENT OF REMOTE MIND-CONTROL TECHNOLOGY Military/intelligence interest in remote-viewing (RV) goes back to at least the 1950s. Remote-viewing-the ability to see things far from one's physical body-was developed during the Cold War to enable security organisations to gain information about top-secret enemy sites in which they had no assets.
The Russians have always been more advanced than their American counterparts in the study and development of RV and biophysical remote mind-control technology (RMCT). This did not go unnoticed by the CIA and the US military, who started experimenting with biophysical RMCT in the 1960s. However, because it proved difficult to control, the Americans concentrated instead on electronic techniques-until quite recently. US military research into RV was implemented with Project Scangate, and continued with many different projects including Grill Flame, Center Lane, Sunstreak and Stargate.
As a scientist I became fascinated by the implications of RV, for if it really worked it totally upset the paradigm upon which our scientific model of reality is based. The work of Dr Jessica Utts-a Professor of Statistics at Stanford who has scientifically proven that RV phenomena exist2-was significant in this respect for it showed that science as we know it is crucially flawed. We have developed atomic energy, yet it is as if we have less knowledge than our cave ancestors about the essential nature of reality. The sceptics rebutted the Utts paper and have denied that any paranormal phenomena could possibly exist.4 This might be more comfortable for the scientific community, but RMCT is being used more and more by the military/intelligence community.
This led me to ask whether there could be a scientific basis to RV and RMCT. As a proponent of RV, I knew that it worked.
Joe McMoneagle, a retired US Army intelligence officer-who claims to have left Stargate in 1984 with a Legion of Merit award for providing information on 150 targets that was unavailable from other sources-used RV to go into the mind of Shaw Taylor, to see through his eyes, in an experiment carried out on The Paranormal World of Paul McKenna (ITV, UK). This method of using RV to enter the brains of other people is called remote sensing (RS). Biophysical RMCT can be considered to have the explanation for how ESP and telepathy work.
I have had many people ask me whether there is information available on the scientific basis of RV. Having looked through the Internet at the web sites purporting to be leaders in RV technology, I came to the conclusion that either the knowledge base of Western experts was feeble, or most of the real information was classified. Most of the leading research done in the US on brain function with respect to electronic RMCT is classified. The excellent articles in NEXUS (e.g., vol. 3, no. 3) have covered electronic RMCT in more depth than is available elsewhere, but to my knowledge there has been little scientific discussion of biophysical RMCT, so the following is a brief introduction.
The Russians have been the world experts in biophysics since the 1950s. Their research in this area has concentrated on military uses of biophysical field effects and telekinesis (the ability to move objects at a distance), as well as the search for 'psi genes' that promote and mediate RV and the biophysical fields involved in telekinesis. This has led the Russians to study the biological basis of RV.
For RV to work, 'something' must leave the body so that remote locations can be seen. Research seems to indicate that RV uses biophysical field effects to manifest perception outside the body.
The Russians have used all means at their disposal to develop biophysical RMCT-drugs, hypnosis, invasive brain surgery, electronic implant technology and a number of electromagnetic, electrostatic, magnetic and psychotronic means to boost the latent psi abilities of carefully selected psi-able Russians.
There is reason to believe that their research in the biophysical domain became so advanced that they opened doorways to other continuums and themselves fell prey to malevolent forces. US research into these areas will eventually lead the Americans to the same crossroads. Indeed, in a secret underground base they are already experimenting with electronic extradimensional doorways, exposing the US consciousness to incredible levels of extradimensional influences.
It is well known that the physical body is surrounded by a mantle of electromagnetic (EM) energy. The eyes pick up this photonic emission, though 90 per cent of this information is filtered out in the thalamus, with the remainder fitted into a visual-mental model which we see as reality. Once visual perception can be unfiltered, auras can be seen around people.
To mask this, the US military's position on RV was stated by CIA spokesperson David Christian, who accepted that no further official US research into RV was warranted: "We think the intelligence community shouldn't pursue research on this and that it is best left to the private sector..."5
Is there a campaign of disinformation to cover up their continued and accelerated study of the subject? Could programmes such as The Real X-Files (shown on Channel 4, UK)-created by Jim Schnabel, an alleged CIA operative-be designed to act as red herrings, to mask the US security organisation's true intent? If so, wouldn't the public's interest in this area mean that the privately-run US RV organisations (all headed by 'retired' US security officers), to which the public could turn for training, would have a large number of applicants? This would be useful if the US intelligence community were trawling for undiscovered psi-able people to recruit for a burgeoning RMCT military programme.
People, no tin foil hat, not sci-fi, this is a frightening reality check.
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, #6 (Oct-Nov '96). PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
by Turan Rifat © 1996,
Paranormal Management Systems
PO Box 2749
Brighton, Sussex BN2 2DR, UK
posted on
03/17/2003 11:59:04 PM PST
(Pull out of the UN and drive into Bagdad)
To: JustPiper
Interesting. You are a student of parapsychology?
It has always intrigued me, but there do not seem to be many degree programs basically is the "hush hush" science.
posted on
03/18/2003 12:08:22 AM PST
(Soli Deo Gloria)
To: JustPiper
During WW II, this " secret " study of paranormal stuff, was carried out, with the help of some at Duke University. I don't know if there's anything PUBLIC , about this; however, I know about it, because my parents were part of the study.
posted on
03/18/2003 12:13:30 AM PST
To: JustPiper
Everyone gets psychic feelings every now and then - problem is that there's no way to verify their accuracy. So how do you resolve that?
posted on
03/18/2003 12:15:02 AM PST
To: rwfromkansas
This would have been an interesting adjunct to my once harried Chess endeavors!
posted on
03/18/2003 12:17:09 AM PST
(If you can read this, you've had life support from someone. Promote Life Support for others.)
To: LPStar
Oh yes, actually there ARE means of testing one's psychic abilities.
The thing is, people use only about a 10th of their brains. Things like ESP, precognition, etc. are like one's appendix, not used much , if at all, by most. At one time, probably many people had these abilities, but once man stopped being rather " primative ", stopped using these traits. Those, who still had them, became " wise ones ", shammans, etc. Now, most people, who claim to have psychic abilities , are FRAUDS . Use it or lose it, as the saying goes. :-)
posted on
03/18/2003 12:22:24 AM PST
To: JustPiper
There is reason to believe that their research in the biophysical domain became so advanced that they opened doorways to other continuums and themselves fell prey to malevolent forces.YIKES!!!!!!
posted on
03/18/2003 12:57:37 AM PST
To: LPStar
easily. work on it. study it. and work on it some more. It is infinitum.
posted on
03/18/2003 1:10:15 AM PST
(How about the servers won't take capital letters!)
To: JustPiper
The ruskies can't even come close to our abilities. Otherwise they probably would have won the cold war. I studied their techniques in our libraries and found that yes they were the early pioneers in the field. Their tele-kinisis is a waste of mental energy. What could they possibly want to accomplish by moving things with their mind.
Let them, the Ruskies, study our psycho-neuro-immunology, and apply it to electronics like we do. It will never happen in a constrained society without freedom of spirit. They have a whole generation or two to evolve into the belief system to which our country was built upon.
It can be very dangerous yes. But remember. You have not met your match and neither have I. Unless you can see God. Amen
posted on
03/18/2003 1:11:31 AM PST
(How about the servers won't take capital letters!)
To: JustPiper
I studied electronics in high school in 1973 and knew without thinking that we as humans could interface the brain with a computer. As far as military apps? Thank God we have it and they don't. And they never will! The problem is though that each of us has to pay our dues. That includes the oil barrons, Washington's drug importers and yes even the homeless guy on the streets.
Actually the interface of the brain with a machine will be used just as test model for brain to brain communications. Telepathy.
posted on
03/18/2003 1:34:53 AM PST
(How about the servers won't take capital letters!)
To: jimlilko
So, alright. Here is a clear example of how the unconscious works when there are tiers upon which the mind is tracking.
If you were given the task of sketching the man now charged with the Smart *kidnapping,* and you produced this sketch which bears no resemblance to the perp, yet bears an uncanny resemblance to the other man shown below, how could anyone have found Emmanuel without the pics provided by his ex-wife?
It would seem that this artist was not sketching the description being dictated but might have had other cases or at least one other case already working on the subconscious, especially if it was an FBI sketch artist.
Further, why did Ed Smart lose his entire cool on ONE Rep. who could not possibly have had any value whatever in the *finding* of Smart? Why was the timing of the *disappearance* and *reappearance* so intensely precise? 9 months? Why did he have the photos of Emmanuel published months after they were in his possession if it was not a signal that it was time for Elizabeth to come home?
Why did Ed Smart seek out unsavory people to expose his children to? Why did Emmanuel continue saying the exact same things to Elizabeth that we have heard over and over and over for months from Ed and Tom Smart? (Elizabeth is just so special. She is so beautiful and loving. We just love her so much. She was an angel.)
This sounds like she had strayed away from his lifestyle and he wanted her back the way she was instead of the opposite.
Why did only one detective throughout this entire case ever make public that the photos released of Elizabeth Smart were older, and that since those photos, she had had piercings, started wearing makeup, and was showing signs of rebellion? Why did the Smart Family try to destroy the reputation of Mark Klass when he was trying desperately to help them?
Why did they NOT seek outside help to *deprogram* her, instead choosing to keep her in exactly the subservient mode she seems to be in now? Is it possible this was the entire purpose of her *kidnapping?*
Bear in mind that the police had absolutely NOTHING to do with finding her. They allowed an innocent man to die, for which I have yet to hear one spoken word of regret...never mind that he looked nothing like the sketch either, yet both the police and the district FBI were breathless to get to a mic and proclaim their own hard work in solving a case that they had literally nothing to do with.
OTOH, John Kerry's laptop was *stolen* by a well dressed man in a suit recently. We know there has been an ongoing investigation to uncover leaks of top secret and classified material from Kerry's Committee. His wife has refused to endorse his candidacy for president, refused him money, which is why he is accepting fed matching funds, has never had one good word to say about him in any interview in which she has participated, (much to his chagrin,) but interviews with Theresa Heinz Kerry are very few and far between and not widely dispersed in the lamestream.
We know he was a made man just like Carter was, a Hefner production that had him throwing another Veteran's medals at the Capitol claiming them as his own, and we never knew until 2 years ago that he had kept his own. We know he is a Ted Kennedy/Jimmy Carter protege in the mold of Bill Clinton. Just ask Theresa.
We know that the early days of Playboy promoted the occult as it gathered intel on keyholders. We know that they promoted Carter as a Nuclear Physicist when the closest he ever came to anything nuclear was that he served on a nuclear powered ship in the Navy for a short while.
So....why does THIS sketch look far more like John Kerry than the purported kidnapper of Elizabeth Smart? What does Ed Smart have to do with Dem politics that begat his bizarre tirade against a Republican Congressman, seemingly out of thin air and for no reason whatever?
From the mind of a profiler...and it ain't an easy job under the best of conditions....look for yourself. I report, you decide.
all pics
John Kerry
John Kerry
John Kerry
Which One?
posted on
03/18/2003 2:10:00 AM PST
Nix 2
( Rocks in the AM.)
To: jimlilko
Do you have any links on psi-power influencing a random number generator and a flow of ping pong balls down a sorting shute?
posted on
03/18/2003 3:51:09 AM PST
To: rwfromkansas
You mean, "pseudoscience," not, "science."
posted on
03/18/2003 4:29:14 AM PST
To: Nix 2
posted on
03/18/2003 5:54:21 AM PST
("Vengeance is Mine , I will repay," says the Lord.)
To: dennisw
Do you have any links on psi-power influencing a random number generator and a flow of ping pong balls down a sorting shute? No, but some lotto workers in Ohio once did it with a syringe and a few drops of water. this is all so funny.
posted on
03/18/2003 5:58:30 AM PST
To: js1138
In the field of parapsychology, which is solidly empirical and has struggled in vain for mainstream academic acceptance for many years, we have prestigious institutions such as Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research or PEAR that have absolutely proven that human consciousness can affect the outcome of seemingly random procedures. This can include effects where the participant is able to demonstrate the following, statistically significant results:
- affecting computerized random number generators,
- changing the speed with which radiation emanates from a source to be measured by a Geiger counter,
- and even affecting the random movement of ping-pong balls through a matrix of pins. The experimenter drops the balls through a single slot into a matrix that normally should funnel them into a random configuration throughout ten or fifteen slots at the bottom, and yet by sheer intent the participant is able to significantly increase the number of ping-pong balls that fall into a certain slot.
It is also important to remember that the subjects for these sorts of experiments are not heavy-duty psychics, but ordinary people; so we are not talking about something that is only available to certain elite humans in our society. These experiments clearly reveal that the human being possesses untapped potential that has not yet gained mainstream scientific acceptance.
I. Human/Machine Anomalies The most substantial portion of the PEAR program examines anomalies arising in human/machine interactions.
Random mechanical cascade experiment. Looks like ping pong balls to me. |
In these experiments human operators attempt to influence the behavior of a variety of mechanical, electronic, optical, acoustical, and fluid devices to conform to pre-stated intentions, without recourse to any known physical processes. In unattended calibrations these sophisticated machines all produce strictly random outputs, yet the experimental results display increases in information content that can only be attributed to the influence of the consciousness of the human operator.
Robot experiment. |
Over the laboratory's 20-year history, thousands of such experiments, involving many millions of trials, have been performed by several hundred operators. The observed effects are usually quite small, of the order of a few parts in ten thousand on average, but they are statistically repeatable and compound to highly significant deviations from chance expectations. These results are summarized in "Correlations of Random Binary Sequences with Pre-Stated Operator Intention: A Review of a 12-Year Program." (view PDF)
Fountain experiment. |
A number of secondary correlations reveal structural features within these human/machine databases. In many instances, the effects appear to be operator-specific in their details and the results of given operators on widely different machines frequently tend to be similar in character and scale. Pairs of operators with shared intentions are found to induce further anomalies in the experimental outputs, especially when the two individuals share an emotional bond. The data also display significant disparities between female and male operator performances, and consistent series position effects are observed in individual and collective results. These anomalies can be demonstrated with the operators located up to thousands of miles from the laboratory, exerting their efforts hours before or after the actual operation of the devices.
Linear pendulum experiment. |
These random devices also respond to group activities of larger numbers of people, even when they are unaware of the machine's presence. "FieldREG" data produced in environments fostering relatively intense or profound subjective resonance show larger deviations than those generated in more pragmatic assemblies. (view PDF) Venues that appear to be particularly conducive to such field anomalies include small intimate groups, group rituals, sacred sites, musical and theatrical performances, and charismatic events. In contrast, data generated during academic conferences or business meetings show no deviations from chance. Elaborate analytical methods have been developed to extract as much understanding as possible from all of these results, and to guarantee their integrity against any experimental or data processing flaws.
posted on
03/18/2003 6:10:14 AM PST
To: dennisw
Wonderful. Now we can all be rich.
posted on
03/18/2003 7:21:27 AM PST
To: dinodino
Just because you choose to live in a world that ignores many RECORDED strange events, does not mean it is "pseudoscience" to try to determine what causes them....and no, it doesn't necessarily have to be "little green men" or something.
posted on
03/18/2003 11:23:31 AM PST
(Soli Deo Gloria)
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