And every enjoyable pastime seriously offends somebody, somewhere. But that doesn't make it wrong.
Having someone ogle my daughters would bother me, yes. That's because they're 7 and 5 years old. But they won't be children forever: at some point, it will be their call, not mine. Will it be tough to let go? I'm certain it will, but the oglers won't owe me a moment's consideration for all that. My daughters might, but that's between me and them.
"She's so neat
what a piece of meat"
That's what your daughters are to a great number of people. A piece of meat. Nothing more.
Sadly there are too many parents who are indifferent to this fact. Even sadder, is their boasting of their indifference.
Pornography is objectively wrong because it violates the Natural Law. By reducing a female human being to the status of a product, it offends against the dignity of the human person. Furthermore, it offends against the natural order of sexual relations: the relationship between husband and wife. By alienating sexual pleasure from the loving and procreative aspects of sexual relations it creates a perversion of those relations. The sin of gluttony comes from the alienation of the sensual pleasure of tasting and consuming food from the nutritive and social aspects of eating; in the same way, the alienation of the sensual pleasure of making love from the reproductive and emotional aspects of the sexual union is sinful (=contrary to the natural order).
Having someone ogle my daughters would bother me, yes. That's because they're 7 and 5 years old.
The primary rule of ethical behavior is: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You have admitted that having someone ogle your daughters would bother you. Therefore, it is ethically unsound for you to condone the practice, since every woman is somebody's daughter.
But they won't be children forever: at some point, it will be their call, not mine.
"They won't be children forever: at some point, if they decide to become heroin addicts it will be their call, not mine." If that's the way you truly feel, I pity you.
Unless it offends God, then I'd say the debate is over.
I'm going to get serious for a minute, my friend:
You cannot pretend to know the universe and not know yourself.