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YOO-HOO! useful-idiot Wallets, Ds / clinton Left-Wing-Radio Scheme isn't worth diddlysquat to YOU
2.19.03 | Mia T

Posted on 02/19/2003 7:47:25 AM PST by Mia T

YOO-HOO! useful-idiot Wallets & Ds

Utter-Failure clintons' Left-Wing-Radio-Scheme FIG LEAF isn't worth diddlysquat to YOU

by Mia T, 2.19.03

The Utter-Failure clintons are behind this Left-Wing-Radio Scheme FIG LEAF for two reasons--and two reasons only: (him and her!)

In short, this clinton concoction has been engineered to benefit--surprise!--the clintons, who couldn't care less that the scheme isn't worth diddlysquat to the Wallets, to the D hacks or to the D rank and file, who, by the way, the clintons will have to drag and drop to this ill-conceived conceit.

Utter-Failure clintons Concoct Left-Wing-Radio Scheme Fig Leaf
Flower Children Fall for the 2 Self-Evident Thugs & Opportunists Yet Again
(Liberals have always had problems figuring out causation)

"I have no infrastructure to deal with this."

bill clinton 

One of the unintended consequences of America's rejection of mandated political correctness is that legends crumble.

The classic case is that of Bill Clinton. The conventional wisdom has been (even from his critics) that notwithstanding policy and philosophy disagreements Bill Clinton was/is a smart, charming, even brilliant man.

The reality that is becoming increasingly clear to those willing to see is that "The President Clinton Package" and his team of advisers, managers, and spin doctors, were smart, charming and at times brilliant. However, left to his own devices and without the support, advice, counsel and coercive powers of office, Bill is (for the second time in two months) emphatically demonstrating he ain't all that smart.

Bill's big yap:
Geoff Metcalf slams Clinton's foot-in-mouth sophistry


Utter-Failure clintons Concoct Left-Wing-Radio-Scheme Fig Leaf
Flower Children Fall for the 2 Self-Evident Thugs & Opportunists Yet Again (Liberals have always had problems figuring out causation)


by Mia T, 2.18.03


Sounding a bit like a cheerleader stepping out of retirement, Mr. Clinton cautioned Democrats about being too discouraged over the setback in November as he offered suggestions on how to proceed.

"We don't have to be more liberal," he said. "But we do have to be more relevant in a progressive way. We have to have a clear and strong national security stand [now that it costs me nothing to do so]."

Mr. Clinton, second-guessing the strategy employed by Congressional leaders, said that to many Democrats and independent voters, "we were missing in action on national security ..."

He added: "When people are feeling insecure, they'd rather have someone who is strong and wrong rather than somebody who is weak and right. [Be strong and wrong, you morons!]

Mr. Clinton said the Republicans were benefiting from the support of an "increasingly right-wing and bellicose conservative press," which he contrasted with "an increasingly docile establishment press."

"What was done to Tom Daschle was unconscionable, [YOO-HOO Mr. clinton, you brave, loyal man, you: What you and your wife did to the women, to the children and to the country was "UNCONSCIONABLE"] but our refusal to stand up and defend him in a disciplined way was worse," he said.

"We cannot wilt in the face of higher negative ratings for our leaders," he said. "They have a destruction machine. We don't have a destruction machine [now that I am no longer in power].



We're not inflicting pain on these f*ckers. When people kill us, they should be killed in greater numbers. I believe in killing people who try to hurt you. And I can't believe we're being pushed around by these two-bit pricks.

 Bill Clinton, quoted by George Stephanopoulos,
All Too Human: A Political Education




Mrs. Clinton was still flush with her triumph in New York [i.e., Today VRWC interview] when she returned on Tuesday afternoon to join Harry Thomason's vigil in the solarium.

"I guess that will teach them to f*ck with us," the first lady said.

  A Vast Conspiracy, p. 258, Jeffrey Toobin

CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme Fails Again:
clinton tries to deflect Blame for Democrat Debacle of '02 Onto Ds/ LIMBAUGH
NY Times-Adam Nagourney Article Annotated



A group of wealthy Democratic donors is planning to start a liberal radio network to counterbalance the conservative tenor of radio programs like "The Rush Limbaugh Show."

The group, led by Sheldon and Anita Drobny, venture capitalists from Chicago who have been major campaign donors for Bill Clinton and Al Gore, is in talks with Al Franken, the comedian and author of "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot." It hopes to enlist other well-known entertainers with a liberal point of view for a 14-hour, daily slate of commercial programs that would heavily rely on comedy and political satire.

The plan faces several business and content challenges, from finding a network of radio stations to buy the program to overcoming the poor track record of liberal radio shows. But it is the most ambitious undertaking yet to come from liberal Democrats who believe they are overshadowed in the political propaganda wars by conservative radio and television personalities.

The concern has been around for years: Hillary Rodham Clinton first mentioned a "vast, right-wing conspiracy" in 1998. But the sentiment has taken on new urgency with the rise to the top of the cable news ratings of the Fox News Channel, considered by many to have a conservative slant, and the Republicans' gaining control of the Senate in November. Such events have spurred many wealthy Democrats to explore investments in possible, liberal-skewing media ventures. New campaign finance rules that restrict giving opportunities also gave them further incentive.

Liberal Radio Is Planned by Rich Group of Democrats
The New York Times | 02/17/03 | JIM RUTENBERG


A group planning a liberal-leaning radio network says the idea hasn't caught on in previous attempts because it wasn't marketed properly and wasn't entertaining enough.

Now venture capitalists from Chicago and an Atlanta radio executive are behind an effort to start just such a radio network that would offer an alternative to conservative talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh.

... "There are so many right-wing talk shows, we think it's created a hole in the market you could drive a truck through."

The group, led by Anita Drobny, consists of investors who have financially supported Democratic candidates. Hoping to start the network by this fall, they are talking with comedian and author Al Franken about working with the network and hope to attract other entertainers and political guests.

Their group will be called AnShell Media L.L.C. and they are initially investing $10 million while hoping for assistance from like-minded entrepreneurs.

Sinton said those who lean to the right are great at haranguing Bill and Hillary Clinton, but those who lean left have better connections to the entertainment world in Hollywood and New York....

Sinton said earlier programs have failed because they were placed in time slots between more conservative programming and weren't entertaining enough. Former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo also tried his hand at a liberal-oriented talk show...

While questions have been raised about who could be host on a liberal talk show, the bigger question may be the difficulty of mobilizing an audience for such a show.

A sign of the liberal dilemma is the code word that they like to use to describe themselves these days - "progressive" - which allows them to avoid the word "liberal," which has become almost an epithet when used by conservative politicians and pundits.

"Part of the impetus for this angry conservative bent of talk radio is the notion that the press is unfair, that it's part of a liberal establishment conspiracy," said Tom Rosenstiel, director for the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

"Progressives historically don't run in a pack," Rosenstiel added. "There's a kind of independent streak to the left wing in America that there isn't in the right wing."

Communications specialist Kathleen Hall Jamieson, who was involved in a study of talk radio in the mid 1990s, said the conservative radio audience is easier to mobilize because it is more likely to see liberals as very distant from their own views. And there are more people in polls who identify themselves as conservative than identify themselves as liberal.

"The search for the liberal equivalent of Rush Limbaugh may be misunderstanding how Limbaugh starts from a natural advantage," said Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. "His audience is already polarized. The liberals don't need a host, they need a different audience."

Liberal-Leaning Radio Network Planned
AP | 2/18/03 | WILL LESTER

LEFT-WING TALK RADIO 2: "It's the terrorism, stupid."


by Mia T, 1-21-03





Hear clinton stupidity, smallness, banality, fecklessness, ineptitude, prevarication, corruption, perfidy and utter failure directly from the rapist, himself. clinton provides the perfect foil for Bush, who makes a cameo appearance or two.

Pay special attention to Dan Rather's little story about terrorism hitting the U.S. "bigtime" during the clintons' tenure.

In particular, connect the following dots: the '93 WTC bombing. a certain bin Laden protégé and clinton's admission that he passed up bin Laden. Note clinton's spurious argument for this monumental failure.

To this day, clinton seems not to understand that bin Laden is -- and was in 1996 -- an enemy of the state, not a simple criminal.

clinton still seems not to get it -- the same terrorist --the terrorist he refused to take--hit the same building in '93.

Notwithstanding this, to hear clinton tell it, his disastrous decision not to take bin Laden when offered on a silver platter by Sudan, (arguably the worst decision ever made by a president), derived from his scrupulous avoidance of abusing power and trashing laws...

Yeah, right.




  • the attacks on America


  • Dan Rather ruminating on the terrorism that came to America "bigtime" during clinton years


  • Dan Rather relating OBL protégé, Ramzi Yousef threat to clinton FBI that the terrorists WILL complete the job


  • the clinton non-response to terror


  • FDR response (says national security a president's raison d'être)


  • Bush response, "I can hear YOU...," "I [as opposed to clinton] will not wait on events, while dangers gather," etc.


  • Mike Moran "Osama bin Laden, you can kiss my royal Irish ass" battle cry


  • "go home hillary!" chant, etc.




play tape

If the Powell evidence made anything plain, it's this: The idea of "monitoring" a dictator is ludicrous. Saddam is quite happy to participate for another decade or two in an eternal ongoing U.N. field study of dictatorship


The Powell evidence was, in fact, superfluous. For anyone capable of critical thinking, the absurdity of the task was self-evident.

What the Powell evidence did make plain, however, was this:

  • the Democrats systematically and reflexively put their perpetual grasp for power over America's national security

  • the Democrats are unfit to lead, especially in a post-9/11 world

  • the clintons were utter failures and are America's biggest blunder.



Thou art arm'd that hath thy crook'd schemers straight.
Cudgel thy brains no more, the clinton plots are great.

Mia T, On Neutered and Neutering,
by Mia T and Edward Zehr (EZ)



IT IS OBVIOUS (NOTE: Written 8 months before the Democrat Debacle of '02)


By Mia T, 3-3-02


It is obvious to anyone who bothers to remove his political blinders. It is so patently obvious that even those whose political blinders are a permanently fixed fashion statement -- that is to say, even Hollywood -- can see it. (Just ask Whoopie Goldberg...or Rosie O'Donnell...) Bush's poll numbers are a reflection of this self-evident truth.

What is manifestly obvious and confirmed on a daily basis is the plain fact that Democrats are, by definition, constitutionally unfit to navigate the ship of state through these troubled, terrorist waters. Democrats were unfit pre-9/11, but few could see it then. It was 9/11 and its aftermath that made this truth crystal clear even to the most simpleminded among us.

The unwashed masses, the uninformed, the disinformed can see it now. All America can see it now. Self-preservation is kicking in, trumping petty politics at every turn.

And this is why Democrat demagoguery and stupidity and sedition are achieving new lows...

 We are witnessing the last gasp of a political relic. The Democrat party is not merely obsolete. As 9/11 and clinton-clinton-Daschle action and inaction have demonstrated, the Democrat party is very dangerous.

 We must now make sure that this fact, too, is obvious to all...

Clinton's failure to grasp the opportunity to unravel increasingly organized extremists, coupled with Berger's assessments of their potential to directly threaten the U.S., represents one of the most serious foreign policy failures in American history

Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize


Bill Clinton may not be the worst president America has had, but surely he is the worst person to be president.*

GEORGE WILL, Sleaze, the sequel


Had George Will written Sleaze, the sequel (the "sequel" is, of course, hillary) after 9-11-01, I suspect that he would have had to forgo the above conceit, as the doubt expressed in the setup phrase was, from that day forward, no longer operational.

Indeed, assessing the clinton presidency an abject failure is not inconsistent with commentary coming from the left, most recently the LA Times: "Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize."

When the clintons left office, I predicted that the country would eventually learn--sadly, the hard way--that this depraved, self-absorbed and inept pair had placed America (and the world) in mortal danger. But I was thinking years, not months.

It is very significant that hillary clinton didn't deny clinton culpability for the terrorism. (Meet the Press, 12-09-01), notwithstanding tired tactics (if you can't pass the buck, spread the blame) and chronic "KnowNothing Victim Clinton" self-exclusion.

If leftist pandering keeps the disenfranchized down in perpetuity, clinton pandering,("it's the economy, stupid"), kept the middle and upper classes wilfully ignorant for eight years.

And ironically, both results (leftist social policy and the clinton economy) are equally illusory, fraudulent. It is becoming increasingly clear that clinton covertly cooked the books even as he assiduously avoided essential actions that would have negatively impacted the economy--the ultimate source of his continued power--actions like, say, going after the terrorists.

It is critically important that hillary clinton fail in her grasp for power; read Peggy Noonan's little book, 'The Case Against Hillary Clinton' and Barbara Olson's two books; it is critical that the West de-clintonize, but that will be automatic once it is understood that the clintons risked civilization itself in order to gain and retain power.

It shouldn't take books, however, to see that a leader is a dangerous, self-absorbed sicko. People should be able to figure that out for themselves. The electorate must be taught to think, to reason. It must be able to spot spin, especially in this age of the electronic demagogue.

I am not hopeful. As Bertrand Russell noted, "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so. "

Mia T, hillary clinton blames hubby for terrorism
(SHE knew nuttin')
Meet the Press, 12-09-01





*George Will continues: There is reason to believe that he is a rapist ("You better get some ice on that," Juanita Broaddrick says he told her concerning her bit lip), and that he bombed a country to distract attention from legal difficulties arising from his glandular life, and that. ... Furthermore, the bargain that he and his wife call a marriage refutes the axiom that opposites attract. Rather, she, as much as he perhaps even more so, incarnates Clintonism


Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs; Hillary is getting $8 million dollars for hers, for a total of $20 million. Not bad for a couple that for eight years swore under oath they couldn't remember anything.



YOO-HOO Mrs. clinton

A '68 Mustang is not exculpatory


by Mia T, 1-29-03

link to movie

 HALF A HOUSE, HALF A BRAIN: Why the clintons hit on Simon & Schuster





by Mia T



The clintons: Meshuga, tref, tsuris.
Shopworn shtick, schmaltz, tsimmes.
Ganef, schlemiel, schlimazel.
A crooked putz with a big schnozzle.

Nudnik, nebbish, tummler.
Two chachkas on Geraldo's mantle, two schnorrers.
Kibitzer, kvetch with chutzpah.
Yenta, spieler, two stuffed kishkas.





A Katz's delicatessen bump. 
(The best in New York City.) 
(Send  your boy in the Army a salami)
(It's a Jewish thang, ya wouldn't understand!)



Me, I prefer a New York bagel, some nova and a (fat-free) schmeer. . . 

The bagel's attenuation, BTW,
has nothing whatever to do with triangulation,
Safire notwithstanding.
(The clintons analogize not to the bagel's substance but to its hole.)

The modern bagel is not trying to be a doughnut.
The doughnut-ization of the bagel is illusory.
The tough torus softened because of technology,
not demographics, or even demagogues. . .
It all boils down to boiling...
and, according to some bagel purists, New York water!

Real bagels are first boiled in a kettle,
then rinsed and cooled in a fresh water trough.
Only then are they baked.

The boiling process
reduces the starch and increases the gluten
to produce the real bagel's
characteristic leaden heft, golden brown thin crust and chewy center.

So-called bagel stores in recent years have skipped this very important step.
They steam the bagels in a rack oven
producing the ubiquitous,
(and quite-by-accident doughnut-esque),
ersatz bagel.

Why this happened:
Real-bagel makers are dying off and taking their trade secrets with them.
Real-bagel making is more time- and labor-intensive.
Boiling reduces shelf-life...

Would that we had parboiled the co-presidents, too...

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: New York
KEYWORDS: abuseofpower; clintonagitprop; clintoncorruption; clintonegomania; clintonexploitation; clintonfreeloading; clintonlegacy; emptysuits; noinfrastructure; prmachine; selfaggrandizers; usefulidiots; wallets

1 posted on 02/19/2003 7:47:25 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T
It occurs to me that if the left-wing hosts have conservative guests on, to do verbal jousting with, then they may well attract a large audience on conservatives......go figure!!
2 posted on 02/19/2003 8:47:18 AM PST by ken5050
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To: Mia T
Where's my bump? You've had lots of time.
3 posted on 02/19/2003 7:56:21 PM PST by Lonesome in Massachussets
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