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Celebrities to Send Bush Anti-War Letter
Drudge Report ^
| 12/10/2002
| puppage
Posted on 12/10/2002 5:48:30 AM PST by Puppage
LOS ANGELES (AP)--Mike Farrell and Anjelica Huston will release a letter Tuesday signed by a hundred celebrities who want President Bush to stop his war rhetoric toward Iraq.
The letter reportedly is signed by stars including Kim Basinger, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Lange and Martin Sheen, publicists for the event said Monday.
Details of the letter weren't released.
Bush has threatened military force against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, saying the dictator has amassed weapons of mass destruction that pose a danger to the United States.
United Nations weapons inspectors are searching the Middle Eastern country for such devices but have turned up little so far.
Farrell, who plays a veterinarian on the NBC drama ``Providence,'' previously compiled a celebrity-endorsed letter in June asking U.S. senators to vote against a plan to bury the nation's nuclear power waste at Nevada's Yucca Mountain.
Co-signers of that letter included Alec Baldwin and Tim Robbins, Rob Reiner, Barbra Streisand and Harry Belafonte
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: activistactors; antiamerican; antiamericanwar; antibush; antiwar; notinourtheaters
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WHO CARES?????????
posted on
12/10/2002 5:48:30 AM PST
To: Puppage
Nobody, but that won't stop the hollyweirdos.
To: Puppage
...Kim Basinger, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Lange and Martin Sheen,... Wow! Now's there's a real braintrust. Combined, they would know how to pour water out of a boot if the the instructions were written on the heel.
posted on
12/10/2002 5:52:48 AM PST
To: Puppage
Do any of these people understand just how out of touch with most of America they are?
I'd call them Ivory Tower thinkers, but that'd be giving them far too much credit for their knee-jerk reactions.
posted on
12/10/2002 5:53:30 AM PST
To: Puppage
You know, I don't wish death on anyone, but if Saddam sets off a nuke or infects a large city with super-smallpox, I hope it's right square in the middle of these dipsh!ts.
To: Puppage
White House assistant to the assistant letter writer responds:
Dear Hollywood Friends:
The President appreciates your recent interest in public and foreign affairs. We are keeping your names on file for future reference should there be a need to consult any of you for military or government movie-making endeavors.
Thanks again for writing and you can be assured that this President has your nation's security and your safety as his priority.
To: Puppage
Let's see. Rush is a clown and entertainer even though he studies the political and international scene with a task force of in-the-know assistants. Baldwin, Babs etc. are serious students of the world who don't have a clue about what is going on anywhere.
What does not wash here,
posted on
12/10/2002 5:54:32 AM PST
To: ladtx
Hey, somebody might mention to Drudge to maybe drop us a line and tell us who these idiots have as agents. Because when I get the names of the agents, I will tell them that their clients better keep their f_ _king mouths shut because as it is I and many, many other will never watch any of their movies ever again. As it is, I don't watch any movies where the actors have revealed themselves as leftists.
posted on
12/10/2002 6:00:41 AM PST
To: Lee'sGhost
You know, I don't wish death on anyone, but if Saddam sets off a nuke or infects a large city with super-smallpox, I hope it's right square in the middle of these dipsh!ts.They have a first amendment right to express their opinions no matter how stupid they are. I always thought that actors should keep their mouths shut when not reading from a script because then they do what Mark Twain advised against, "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool then open it and remove all doubt."
As far as where a rag head terrorist nuke should go. My first vote would be Quantico VA.
To: rambo316
To: from occupied ga
To: Puppage
Whoopee-doo. Hell-i-wood Trash
posted on
12/10/2002 6:12:03 AM PST
To: Bluntpoint
To: Puppage
Gee, weren't these the same people that said they were going to leave the USA if Bush was elected? Why didn't they move to such worker's paradises as Cuba, Iraq or Viet Nam?
To: Puppage
Bush to Send Celebrities Anti-Crap Hollywood Movie Letter...JFK
To: Lee'sGhost
I had similar thoughts. Would they feel the same if they were on a hijacked plane?
To: The Great RJ
Maybe those countries require for entry an I.Q. test for soon to be psuedo expatriots.
Can you imagine the deafening pop that would be heard if all these scrotes pulled their heads out of their butts at the same time.
To: Puppage
Someone forgot to fax talking points, and nobody in Hollyweird noticed...Dems just changed over the weekend (for political advantage, natch) and are suddenly very hawkish.
That leaves this gaggle of boneheads COMPLETELY alone, aka John Kerry;"Sometimes you turn around and there's no one behind you."
This gaggle of boneheads had better criticize the new Liberal hawks, too, or be exposed as the frauds they are?
posted on
12/10/2002 6:25:07 AM PST
To: Puppage
Say what you will about Mike Farrell, but he will never have to worry about testicular cancer.
To: Lee'sGhost
You know, I don't wish death on anyone, but if Saddam sets off a nuke or infects a large city with super-smallpox, I hope it's right square in the middle of these dipsh!ts. Really. Hmm... I wonder, does anyone make a chemical/biowarfare-rated gas mask that will fit Barbra?
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