Somehow the behavior of these former analysts became known and was considered to be disruptive to a productive work atmosphere. Sort of like adultery is - and is a non-gay issue.
A separate thread on FR yesterday mentioned a coach who benched his entire first string football team (including his son) in an important game for violating an alcohol policy they had signed before the season. The players were sobered up probably by game time - why would this coach want his rules enforced?
To compare right behavior with wrong behavior is ludicrous and disordered. Lets see how it works with other paraphilic pathologies, shall we?
Is this any more disruptive than male mother and female adult son office rats being attracted to one another?
Is this any more disruptive than male man and female sheep office rats being attracted to one another?
Is this any more disruptive than male man and female consenting 12 year old office rats being attracted to one another?
Yep, it works every time.