Since Apr 12, 2000

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Live by Lookout Mtn (a famous civil war battle site) in North West Georgia. Our county has no zoning and a very limited government for the very independent residents.

Everyone (kids too) in our family loves the outdoors and are good shots with pistol, rifle and shotgun. I have a concealed weapons permit and often carry. We are working to reestablish native grasses and wildflowers on about 20 acres as a habitat for critters that cannot live on the fescue grasses that predominate most cattle and hay pastures. We attend an active evangelical non-denominational church that models the first century church - active work on a daily basis to put into practice Christ's love and desire that all can come to know His transforming power.

We have home schooled and sent our kids to group school (but not government school at primary and secondary levels). Our dogs often feed themselves with area wildlife and keep the coyotes out of our yard. Our wine co-op makes really good wine each fall from California grapes.

In short, we are probably typical Southerners (but not the stereotype "known" by liberals) - we actively care for others not like us, stand for principles of independence and freedoms described in the original Constitution, care about the environment, are active Christians that recognize that God gave us the freedom to choose - even things He detests.