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The Beltway Sniper Killings Equal Zebra Killings II?
TooGood Reports ^ | 25 October 2002 | Nicholas Stix

Posted on 10/25/2002 2:15:04 PM PDT by 45Auto

The profilers — the "experts" — all told us that the Beltway Sniper was a white man, from 20-30 years of age, likely a racist, gun collector. Instead, the main suspect — excuse me, "person of interest" in custody, is 41-year-old black supremacist, John Allen Williams, aka John Allen Muhammad. Williams/Muhammad, a Gulf War veteran, earned the title of "expert" marksman while in the army. The other suspect, who was arrested with Williams/Muhammad, is 17-year-old John Lee Malvo, reportedly a Jamaican citizen, and may be Williams/Muhammad's son or stepson. Reportedly, the turning point in the investigation was the linking of Malvo to a September 21 double-shooting at a Montgomery, Alabama, liquor store, in which one woman was killed and another critically wounded.

Williams/Muhammad offered to work security for the Nation of Islam's 1995 Million Man March hatefest, which evoked Hitler's 1930s Nuremberg Nazi rallies. The NOI's founder, Wallace Fard (1903?-1933?), preached that he would pay the passage to Mecca of any black man who murdered a white.

The moment I heard on Wednesday night that the main "person of interest" was a black supremacist, I thought of the "Zebra Killings."

During the early 1970s until 1974, anywhere from 14 to 270 murders of whites were carried out up and down the California coast by approximately 15 members of the Black Muslims, who are now known as the Nation of Islam. The murders became known as the "Zebra Killings" because police working the case used frequency "Z." Many people thought that the term "Zebra" referred to the fact that the crimes were all white-on-black murders.

The Black Muslims were led from circa 1933 until 1975, by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad/Elijah Poole; the since renamed Nation of Islam is led by Min. Louis Farrakhan. Five of the killers, or as they called themselves, Death Angels, were caught and convicted: Jesse Lee Cooks, J.C.X. Simon, Larry Green, Manuel Moore and Anthony Harris, on Harris' testimony.

However, there were fifteen or more Zebra killers. As Clark Howard chronicled in his book, Zebra: The True Account of the 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco, the killers received help from fellow Black Muslims, and the Black Muslims paid the legal fees of all of the arrestees except for Harris. There would otherwise have been no way for them to elude capture. Two of the reasons contributing to the Zebra killers' success were the authorities' political cowardice in covering-up their knowledge of organized racial, mass murder, and their refusal to keep houses of worship under surveillance (sound familiar?).

The City and County of San Francisco claims that the Zebra killers murdered 14 people. Louis Calabro, however, who was a San Fancisco P.D. sergeant at the time, wrote Toogood Reports,

"The correct numbers for the Zebra victims are 23 attacks in San Francisco, and 15 died. The first murdered victim, Quita (nee Perilli-Minetti) Hague, and her husband were abducted and taken to an isolated area of San Francisco, near 25 Street and Minnesota by the RR tracks and she was almost decapitated with a machete as she pleaded for her life. Her husband Richard survived the machete attack.

"The California State Department of Criminal Information confirmed that there were 71 similar murders throughout California at that time.

"The author of the only book on the subject, Clark Howard ... wrote, after interviews with the suspects, police etc., that he believed there were almost 270 such killings."

When the San Francisco Police Department finally mobilized against the Zebra killers, black San Franciscans were outraged at the police, and showed no compassion for the white victims.

And yet, while homicidal hatred may start with a specific target group, it will not be limited or tamed.

The Beltway Sniper demanded that $10 million be sent to the account of a stolen credit card. Al Qaeda-type terrorists have never demanded money. And earlier genocidal black supremacists, most notably Marcus M. Garvey (1887-1940), the founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and the Back-to-Africa movement, did not want the white man's money. Since the 1960s' welfare revolution, however, black supremacists have fallen as much in love with extorting money out of whites, as they already were with the idea of slaughtering all whites. The best-known contemporary black supremacist demand, is for reparations of up to $1M to be paid to every black man, woman, and child in America. A few years ago, Nation of Islam leader Min. Louis Farrakhan demanded that blacks be paid billions of dollars by the American government, and given a large piece of land for their own nation.

While the mainstream media have broadcast black reparations demands unchallenged, they have refused to publicize the black supremacist ideology — in particular, the genocidal theory and practice — behind the demands. Today, the two, seemingly incompatible ideas of racial extortion and genocide exist side by side, in black supremacist thought and practice.

In recent years, racial murders by unorganized black supremacists have become routine, but are almost never reported as such. Instead, they are reported as "robberies gone wrong" or assaults with fatal results, often without citing the respective races of the victim and killer. Frequently, major newspapers misrepresent the nature of such killings, by refusing to report racist statements made by the killers. David Horowitz' web site long featured a section on "Politically Incorrect Crimes," which Horowitz has inexplicably dropped. A very partial listing of some such crimes is available at the web site of American Renaissance magazine.

Many observers will, no doubt, argue that a gunman killing members of all races, including blacks, "doesn't fit the profile" of a racial supremacist.

People are bound to keep on talking, with straight faces, of "profiles." It's human nature. However, keep in mind, that in the past, the primary victims of genocidal black supremacists were ... other blacks. If Marcus Garvey treated his enemies badly, he treated his friends much worse. The paranoid Garvey left a trail of blood, often the blood of allies, in his wake. And during the period of the Zebra killings, a schism within the Black Muslims led to at least 13 murders of fellow Muslims, according to Arthur Magida, in his book, Prophet of Rage: A Life of Louis Farrakhan and His Nation.

From 1974-1976 in Nassau County, I was a token white in the federally-funded, black supremacist Youth Justice Program. In the YJP's 1975 summer program, all participants were given Sam Greenlee's 1969, James-Bond-in-blackface novel, The Spook Who Sat by the Door.

In Spook, the hero, "Freeman" (get it?), the first black CIA agent, organizes black youth gangs in all of America's cities, whom he leads in a bloody, racial revolution. Freeman kills his best friend, "Dawson," a police detective, when he refuses to go over to Freeman's side.

Note that Greenlee's novel was acclaimed by the mainstream media ("Deadly" — Newsweek, and "Blends James Bond parody with wit and rage," according to Time, on the 1990 reprint's cover.) When whites have written similar stories in which the heroes are white, they have been condemned as racist madmen.

The middle-class YJP counselors, most notably a spoiled, Harvard psychology student, insisted that Spook was not only great literature, but a realistic plan of action. In the intervening 27 years, the ranks of those blacks who agree with them have swelled, as have their insane rationalizations and targets.

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: dcshooter; farrakhan; islamonuts; trainingcamps

1 posted on 10/25/2002 2:15:05 PM PDT by 45Auto
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To: 45Auto

New York

October 25, 2002
Many Voice Surprise Arrested Men Are Black

WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 — The No. 1 topic of conversation at Artistic Expressions Natural Hair Salon this morning was not the Redskins or Iraq or how men just don't do right. The talk was about the person arrested in the Washington sniper case — or specifically, about his race.

"People were like, aw, he's black," said Christine Kendrick, 49, the black owner of the shop in Camp Springs, Md., a town close to where the arrested man once lived. "It doesn't make sense. It doesn't sound like our M.O."

As people across the country digested the news of the capture of John Allen Muhammad and his young traveling companion, John Lee Malvo, a sense of surprise and disbelief mixed somewhat uncomfortably with feelings of relief that the three-week nightmare may have come to an end. More than a few people expressed surprise that both men are black, with some acknowledging that they felt ill at ease after realizing they had engaged in their own form of racial profiling. They had assumed all along that the sniper was white.

"When I first heard that they were African-American, I didn't believe it," said Dr. Karen W. Sigel, a white physician in Bethesda. "I felt they must have gotten the wrong guy. I guess we all have our own prejudices."

With law enforcement officials providing no description of the killer, the underlying view of much of the public — sometimes implicitly felt, sometimes explicitly expressed — was that the sniper was a young white man, probably with a military or paramilitary background. If there was deviation from this line of speculation, it generally was that the killer or killers might be Arab terrorists, a view bolstered by a report that an "olive-skinned" man was seen fleeing the scene of one shooting.

Experts say that the image of a white man as serial killer persists, in part, because there have been so few studies on the race and ethnicity of serial killers. What studies there are suggest that the proportion of black serial killers tends to mirror the percentage of blacks in the country's population.

"Blacks compose about 12 percent of the American population and there have been two studies of blacks as serial killers," said Scott Thornsley, an assistant professor of criminal justice administration at Mansfield University in Pennsylvania. "One study indicates that 13 percent of serial killers are black and the other says that about 16 percent of American serial killers are black."

Some researchers say the tendency of police not to aggressively investigate homicides where the victim is black may have caused black serial killers to be overlooked.

"If you have body that turns up in street, and it's black, the cops usually say, it's a gang thing and not the victim of a serial killer," said Philip Jenkins, a professor of history at Penn State University who has studied serial killers.

Dr. Thornsley said movies, television and novels focus on white serial killers like David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam killer, and Theodore Bundy. They seldom recall the black ones like Wayne Williams, convicted of killing five children and who the authorities believed killed more in Atlanta in the 1980's, or Coral Watts, who told the authorities that he killed 13 women — they believe he murdered 26 more — in Michigan and Texas from 1979 to 1982.

Dr. Thornsley theorizes that movie producers and book publishers, seeking to attract a large white audience, tend to focus on white serial killers because their victims also tend to be white. Except for unusual cases like Cleophus Prince Jr., a black man who stabbed six white women to death in San Diego in the early 1990's, black serial killers, like white ones, seldom kill outside their race.

Should police charge Mr. Muhammad and his young companion, this would be one of the few times a black person has been accused in the serial killings of whites. In this case, a number of blacks were killed as well.

But people also tended to believe the sniper was white because that was the theory put out by the endless stream of expert "profilers" brought on to television stations to fill the slow spots in their wall-to-wall coverage of the sniper.

"We are surprised about his race because the public bought too readily impressions that were offered by some the profiling pundits," said Robert McCrie, chairman of the Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration at John Jay College. "Profiling makes wonderful movie material, but as a way of helping police solve complex crime, the profiling approach doesn't offer much."

Candice Skrapec, an assistant professor of criminology at Fresno State University, made the rounds of television shows. She said profilers like herself must be careful not to mislead viewers whom the police are relying on for tips.

"This reminds us that we cannot put too much stock in a profile because it could it send us in the wrong direction," Ms. Skrapec said.

She also acknowledged that she had erred. "For the most part, except for race, my profile was very accurate," she said. "I, too, was thinking in terms of a white male."

2 posted on 10/25/2002 2:27:34 PM PDT by KeyLargo
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To: KeyLargo
"While the mainstream media have broadcast black reparations demands unchallenged, they have refused to publicize the black supremacist ideology — in particular, the genocidal theory and practice — behind the demands. Today, the two, seemingly incompatible ideas of racial extortion and genocide exist side by side, in black supremacist thought and practice."

There are a lot of questions that need to be asked here - and I don't think the main-stream media is up to the task,because it really would shine a light on some of these "protected" groups. For instance, is the shooter connected in some way to other Islamo-nut groups? Just what is the agenda of the Nation of Islam? How many illegal guns does Farrakhan have stashed away? Do these people present a danger for America?

3 posted on 10/25/2002 2:46:32 PM PDT by 45Auto
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To: 45Auto
The agenda of the NOI is to win a race war with American whites . It may not happen in my lifetime , but a race war is in the cards . Bet on it . You can also bet the house that Louis and his boys have got tons of illegal firepower stashed away . Dangerous ? What do you think ?
4 posted on 10/25/2002 5:45:33 PM PDT by sushiman
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To: 45Auto
The agenda of the NOI is to win a race war with American whites . It may not happen in my lifetime , but a race war is in the cards . Bet on it . You can also bet the house that Louis and his boys have got tons of illegal firepower stashed away . Dangerous ? What do you think ?
5 posted on 10/25/2002 5:46:06 PM PDT by sushiman
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To: 45Auto
This country is in deep doodoo. Countless FReepers said day in, day out on the hundreds of sniper threads that it is most likely a Muslim terrorist, quite possibly a domestic convert. What was so frustrating was that noone in the media even mentioned it as a possibility much less likely. And then, when vindication day came, the perp is captured, countless FReepers are proven correct, there is no vindication! Instead, we are sitting here, dumfounded, staring into our monitors, tvs and newspapers with jaws hanging on the floor scratching our heads.

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON????? We scream. All we see are constant replays of US army training videos and the insessant nonsense, US Army veteran, US Army "marksman", earned "expert" marksman award in US Army, US Army Gulf War vet ad nauseum....

I am starting to wonder who is more dangerous, the Jihadi or the liberal establishment 5th column Jihadi enablers. I was an angry white male during the 90's. Take angry, beat it, prod it, laugh at it, point at it, spit on it, then heat it to 10000 degrees forge it into a weapon of pure fire. The resultant emotion cannot be labeled in the English language but, almost, approaches the level of anger I am now at...
6 posted on 10/25/2002 7:47:25 PM PDT by thedugal
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