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To: JohnGalt
Please, it was Buckley and the neo-Cons who began the process of excommunicating those who wished to increase individual freedom: the Birchers, the Randians, the American Firsters, the Libertarians, and more recently the Buchanan Brigades.

I have long disagreed with what I considered to be Bill Buckley's sanctimonious distancing himself from those Conservatives who were not considered intellectually respectable in some eastern circles, where Buckley was accepted as the Conservative you could invite, to make your gathering more interesting. But it is not fair nor right to suggest that he is a "neo-Conservative." He wrote "God and Man At Yale," half a Century ago, and started his Conservative Magazine shortly thereafter.

While he could have been more helpful to other Conservatives, had he not been so quick to find fault with their approaches, he has basically fought for traditional American values. Since I have not read National Review for some years, I cannot vouch that he has not strayed. But if he has, that would make him a "neo-Liberal," or a "neo-moderate." It would certainly not make him a "neo- Conservative."

Even as Buckley was wrong to apply litmus tests to other Conservatives, so we would be wrong to apply litmus tests to Buckley. Taken all in all, he has helped our cause immensely. Let us not degenerate into a bunch of inquisitors, insisting upon perfection before we will associate with natural allies.

William Flax Return Of The Gods Web Site

42 posted on 09/26/2002 3:06:47 PM PDT by Ohioan
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To: Ohioan
I don't disagree with you.
46 posted on 09/26/2002 3:10:18 PM PDT by JohnGalt
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To: Ohioan
Do you know what's wrong with your posts???

You're always just so danged reasonable! LOL!

49 posted on 09/26/2002 3:20:30 PM PDT by headsonpikes
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To: Ohioan
The way Buckley treated Rand was not unforgivable.
162 posted on 09/26/2002 7:51:08 PM PDT by weikel
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To: Ohioan
From Murray Rothbard's 1992 "Strategy for the Right"

"The answer to both of these seemingly disparate questions is the same: what happened to the original right, and the cause of the present mess, is the advent and domination of the right wing by Bill Buckley and the National Review. By the mid-1950s, much of the leadership of the Old Right was dead or in retirement. Senator Taft and Colonel McCormick had died, and many of the right-wing congressmen had retired.

The conservative masses, for a long time short on intellectual leadership, were now lacking in political leadership as well. An intellectual and power vacuum had developed on the right, and rushing to fill it, in 1955, were Bill Buckley, fresh from several years in the CIA, and National Review, an intelligent, well-written periodical staffed with ex-communists and ex-leftists eager to transform the right from an isolationist movement into a crusade to crush the Soviet god that had failed them.

Also, Buckley's writing style, while in those days often witty and sparkling, was rococo enough to give the reader the impression of profound thought, an impression redoubled by Bill's habit of sprinkling his prose with French and Latin terms. Very quickly, National Review became the dominant, if not the only, power center on the right-wing.

This power was reinforced by a brilliantly successful strategy (perhaps guided by National Review editors trained in Marxist cadre tactics) of creating front groups: ISI for college intellectuals, Young Americans for Freedom for campus activists. Moreover, lead by veteran Republican politico and National Review publisher Bill Rusher, the National Review complex was able to take over, in swift succession, the College Young Republicans, then the National Young Republicans, and finally to create a Goldwater movement in 1960 and beyond.

And so, with almost Blitzkrieg swiftness, by the early 1960s, the new global crusading conservative movement, transformed and headed by Bill Buckley, was almost ready to take power in America. But not quite, because first, all the various heretics of the right, some left over from the original right, all the groups that were in any way radical or could deprive the new conservative movement of its much-desired respectability in the eyes of the liberal and centrist elite, all these had to be jettisoned. Only such a denatured, respectable, non-radical conserving right was worthy of power.

And so the purges began. One after another, Buckley and National Review purged and excommunicated all the radicals, all the non-respectables. Consider the roll-call: isolationists (such as John T. Flynn), anti-Zionists, libertarians, Ayn Randians, the John Birch Society, and all those who continued, like the early National Review, to dare to oppose Martin Luther King and the civil rights revolution after Buckley had changed and decided to embrace it. But if, by the middle and late 1960s, Buckley had purged the conservative movement of the genuine right, he also hastened to embrace any group that proclaimed its hard anti-communism, or rather anti-Sovietism or anti-Stalinism.

And of course the first anti-Stalinists were the devotees of the martyred communist Leon Trotsky. And so the conservative movement, while purging itself of genuine right-wingers, was happy to embrace anyone, any variety of Marxist: Trotskyites, Schachtmanites, Mensheviks, social democrats (such as grouped around the magazine The New Leader), Lovestonite theoreticians of the American Federation of Labor, extreme right-wing Marxists like the incredibly beloved Sidney Hook, anyone who could present not anti-socialist but suitably anti-Soviet, anti-Stalinist credentials.

The way was then paved for the final, fateful influx: that of the ex-Trotskyite, right-wing social democrat, democrat capitalist, Truman-Humphrey-Scoop Jackson liberals, displaced from their home in the Democratic party by the loony left that we know so well: the feminist, deconstructing, quota-loving, advanced victimological left. And also, we should point out, at least a semi-isolationist, semi anti-war left. These displaced people are, of course, the famed neoconservatives, a tiny but ubiquitous group with Bill Buckley as their aging figurehead, now dominating the conservative movement. Of the 35 neoconservatives, 34 seem to be syndicated columnists.

And so the neocons have managed to establish themselves as the only right-wing alternative to the left. The neocons now constitute the right-wing end of the ideological spectrum. Of the respectable, responsible right wing, that is. For the neocons have managed to establish the notion that anyone who might be to the right of them is, by definition, a representative of the forces of darkness, of chaos, old night, racism, and anti-Semitism. At the very least."
276 posted on 09/27/2002 7:01:44 AM PDT by JohnGalt
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