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Exclusive: Sudan Aid Workers Attacked; American Escapes
CPI News - Conservative Press International ^ | August 1, 2002 | William Holzer

Posted on 08/01/2002 5:59:32 PM PDT by CPI News

Sudan Aid Workers Attacked; American Escapes

Humanitarian aid workers in Sudan are reported to have been victims of a July 29th attack in southern Sudan. According to World Vision (WV) – a Christian international humanitarian aid organization – one WV humanitarian aid worker was killed and three were taken hostage.

A southern Californian church has now confirmed that one of the aid workers that escaped the attack was American.

Jeff Lasseigne, associate pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, told CPI News investigators that Eric Green, an American, was able to escape the attacks.

Dean Owens of World Vision says he is "not aware of such reports regarding an American being involved." This appears to be because the American was in Sudan independent of the humanitarian organization, although he was working with WV aid workers.

World Vision first released reports that three aid worker were missing; however, Dean Owens of World Vision has now confirmed that they have been abducted. The nationalities and status of the aid workers are given as one Kenyan and two Germans abducted, and one Kenyan killed.

Jeff Lasseigne confirmed earlier CPI sources claiming that Eric Green had made it safely to a Kenyan orphanage. The Harvest missionary escaped with a World Vision worker, identified as Lois.

Earlier unconfirmed accounts of the attack indicate that the American "had gone to get parts for the group, was on his way back when he witnessed the attacks, and was able to hide with another missionary."

Eric Green, the American missionary, was originally sent to drill wells in Sudan. According to his pastor, Jeff Lasseigne, he is currently ministering to the Kenyan population in an area 80% infected by AIDS.

The attacks came amid hopes for the recent peace talks…and nearly two decades of misery. The northern government - that adheres to Islamic law - has been dominating and brutalizing the peaceful Christian and animist southern inhabitants.

While the northern policy of genocide has been on going for the last nineteen years, the attacks have increased in recent years. The reasons can be found in a new influx of revenue, which has enabled the Islamic northern government to obtain more advanced weapons and equipment.

The money is coming from the sale of Sudan’s oil reserves. Sudan Oil reserves have become immensely profitable to foreign companies, such as Talisman Energy of Canada, which pour up to a million dollars directly into the regimes genocidal policies.

According to the Human Rights Watch annual report on Sudan, "The government announced that its new oil revenue, constituting 20 percent of its 2000 revenue, would be used for defense, including an arms factory near Khartoum. Defense spending in dollars increased 96 percent from 1998 to 2000. Not coincidentally, government use of air power and bombing increased."

This is not the first time Christians have been attacked by the northern Islamic government. International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that, "Forced conversions to Islam is part of government policy," and that "Churches are often closed, destroyed, or not allowed to be built."

World Vision website describes the organization to be a "Christian relief and development organization working for the well being of all people, especially children."

It remains to be seen what the Bush administration’s actions will be, in response to the attack on an American citizen.

CPI News will continue to follow this story.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: abducted; africa; africawatch; aidworkers; dead; humanitarian; killed; missing; missionaries; sudan; terrorism; terrorists

1 posted on 08/01/2002 5:59:32 PM PDT by CPI News
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To: *AfricaWatch
2 posted on 08/01/2002 6:01:33 PM PDT by Libertarianize the GOP
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To: CPI News
"...the Bush administration’s actions will be, in response to the attack on an American citizen... "

Probably nothing. Especially if we're talking about a Christian American citizen.
3 posted on 08/01/2002 6:07:03 PM PDT by livius
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To: CPI News
Here's a clue folks:

Stay away from the toilet bowl.

Minister to Americans who (a) need it, (b) just might appreciate it, and (c) are NOT likely to kill you for it.

The sudanese, etc. and so forth, had sooner or later best learn to care for their own.

If they can't do that simple thing, all we need to do is make sure none of them come here.

Give them guns, give them history books written in their languages by westerners who have not sold out to the third world.

Let them do it on their own or let them ....
4 posted on 08/01/2002 6:26:08 PM PDT by norton
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To: norton
Yeah, you're right. Jesus had his fingers crossed when he told us: "I have been given all authority in heaven and earth. Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you; and be sure of this - that I am with you always, even to the end of the world."
5 posted on 08/01/2002 6:31:33 PM PDT by DryFly
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To: norton
Yeah, you're right. Jesus had his fingers crossed when he told us: "I have been given all authority in heaven and earth. Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you; and be sure of this - that I am with you always, even to the end of the world."
6 posted on 08/01/2002 6:31:48 PM PDT by DryFly
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To: norton
Yeah, you're right, Norton. Jesus had his fingers crossed when he told us: "I have been given all authority in heaven and earth. Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you; and be sure of this - that I am with you always, even to the end of the world . "
7 posted on 08/01/2002 6:32:30 PM PDT by DryFly
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To: norton
Or bring a gun with you.
8 posted on 08/01/2002 6:33:17 PM PDT by Chad Bagwell
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To: DryFly
Whoa, sorry for the multiple posts. Strict trinitarian.
9 posted on 08/01/2002 6:33:42 PM PDT by DryFly
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To: CPI News
And yet, muslim extremists always whine about how oppressed and under seige muslims are. BS!
10 posted on 08/01/2002 6:56:50 PM PDT by Frances_Marion
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To: DryFly
The things is, these aid workers aren't Ministering or "making disciples"...they're assisting a terrorized populace of Christians that have been there for centuries, long before the jihadists came into town. The wicked terrorist regime in Khartoum has killed something like 2 million christian Sudanese...a total progrom of genocide engaged against Christian and Animist sudanese, and the world and the great moral authority of the United Nitwits say nothing. Check out the book "Their Blood Cries Out", very illuminating..
11 posted on 08/01/2002 7:00:23 PM PDT by Frances_Marion
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To: Frances_Marion
12 posted on 08/01/2002 7:26:51 PM PDT by crazykatz
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To: DryFly
I don't see anything in your quote that suggests that those nations want to be made desciples or that they were particularly enjoined from killing the messenger.

13 posted on 08/02/2002 12:54:39 PM PDT by norton
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