I wish so much you could be here the whole day. Be sure and check back at te fabulous pictures so many are posting of Arizona.
Love ya GG
Howdy, Everybody! How are you all doing?
Dear Lord, Please bless and protect all those who come to the Canteen both the regulars and the lurkers. Comfort those, like Beep and Kneezles and LindaSOG, who are ill. Bring them healing.And Welcome SAM back to the Canteen I hope he had a wonderful vaction.
Bless and protect all those who travel and who are in the process of moving and changing their lives.
Finally, Lord, Please bless and protect those who are away from home and family protecting this great nation.
Lord bless The gteat state of Arizona and those troops and Veterans who call it home.
God bless Canada and the Canadian people.
God bless and protect from all harm both physical and spiritual Our President, George W. Bush and his cabinet and family.