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St. Louis Cardinal pitcher Darryl Kile dead.
Posted on 06/22/2002 12:39:36 PM PDT by dennis1x
Edited on 05/11/2004 5:33:49 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
As a Cardinal fan this has been an awful week.
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KEYWORDS: kilecardinals
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To: eddie willers
Some of the people posting the moronic and juvenile posts are just doing so because a rally cry went forth for a commrade in trouble.... No, some others came over to join the fun and laugh at the Phil Donahue Clones.
Well if this is indicative of the folks who migrated over, I'm just as glad that I've never opened one of their threads....
Not nearly as glad as we are.
To: OneidaM
Point well taken! I apologize to all FR women, the overwhelming majority here, who are intuitive, kind and graceful. Unlike the hags above who are dead ringers for Alice the Goon and Jane Hathaway, most Freeper females don't sport facial hair and do understand honor, integrity and underwear rotation. Best Regards!
To: LisaAnne
Perhaps I should take the remainder of the week off to mourn for him. I see from nullandvoid that you are a pleasant, bright and quick-witted person. Who kicked over your corn flakes this morning?
This would be a good time to stop digging ... that hole is only going to get bigger.
To: null and void
Night Nully. I'm going to the movies.
You want to have lunch sometime next week?
To: LisaAnne
To: bootless
You know, I haven't a clue what you are talking about.
To: null and void
Great. I'll email you on Monday and we can set up a place and time. Hugs!
To: bootless
Who kicked over your corn flakes this morning?(Ummm, she and swervie are, umm, an item)...
To: piasa
As someone (whose name I can't remember said): "Sports doesn't build character ... it reveals it."
To: LisaAnne
I've been saying things about you behind your back. (see post #195)...
To: ValerieUSA
Though as a widow and the mother of children who lost their father at a young age, I know none of them are reading this now, and the fiesty grief expressed by strangers here is all about celebrity worship and the bonding ritual of public mourning, and not about her husband and her family, just as the comments about the game's rescheduling are not about them personally either.So it only took you 12 posts to finally offer some sense of condolences here???
I guess it was important first and foremost to chide the Fans of Darryl Kile....and jump on the Swervie band wagon...
I have seen you on baseball threads before and am quite shocked are your comments prior to this post.
I guess people are only entitled to feel pain/grief, as you are wont to remind us from time to time, when it's in their immediate family...and not in the family of baseball...excuse us.
Pity Party begins promptly at 10PM.
posted on
06/22/2002 6:26:33 PM PDT
To: bootless
Its interesting the few who posted tasteless comments denigrating the significance of the pitcher's death, have apparently spent a significant amount of their time continuing to voice their concerns on Kile's thread.
To: ValerieUSA
What a graceless shrew.
To: ArneFufkin
Thank you Arne...not only are you a good sportsmans...but a gentleman to boot!!! (((HUGEROONIES)))
posted on
06/22/2002 6:28:11 PM PDT
When y'all are done on this thread, don't forget to go over to the Ann Landers thread and point out what a senile, hypocritical witch she was.
To: LisaAnne
What I mean is: When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
To: Servant of the Nine
If you want to get into a pissing match, I suggest you bring bigger equipment.
You're in the big boy's forum now.
When did FR get taken over by such hateful people? A man dies, a lot of people admired him, feel sad about it, and post their condolences - and suddenly people turn lib on us and attack those who are showing sadness? You three are petty, hateful people and I truly hope you don't have children to expose such anger down onto.
To: dennis1x; All
To: Charles Henrickson; bonesmccoy; Pharmboy; All
Kile's father died at age 44 due to a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. The above information, originally stated by Dave Campbell on ESPNEWS this afternoon, has been contradicted on the 10 p.m. Baseball Tonight broadcast. There, they stated that Kile's father died in his mid-forties of a heart attack.
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