When I was at Padilla's Taco Bell yesterday nothing seemed too unusual. I just ate a burrito there and phoned a friend and mentioned where I was. Then late last night that damn burrito was making me feel like hell. Maybe it just pschosomatic but I actually felt a weird paralysis in part of my right hand this morning. Most likely it was just psychosomatic since I remember viewing a lung cancer operation film in high school which they showed as a warning against smoking. It was quite graphic and my chest was in horrible pain after watching the documentary. (Effective too since I never did start smoking.)
This was taken while Padilla was attending the Darul Uloom Islamic Institute 1993-1995.
I had this posted as part of the newsweek article-From Taco Bell To Al Qaeda (which was pulled because newsweek is owned the wash. post)- since this was the largest of the threads related to Padilla, it is now added here.