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Former FBI Agent Dan Vogel Should Testify About the OKC Bombing
CBS 60 Minutes II, Daily Oklahoman, New American Magazine, Channel 8 Dallas ^ | May 9, 2002 | Patick B. Briley

Posted on 05/09/2002 12:19:54 AM PDT by OKCSubmariner

Copyright 2002 by Patrick B. Briley

Dan Vogel’s services at the OKC office of the FBI field office spanned more than two decades. Vogel was a public information spokesman for the FBI under FBI agent Bob Ricks during the time of the WACO siege and the OKC bombing.

When he first entered the FBI, Dan Vogel was sent to the FBI training center in Quantico, Virginia. Vogel first served starting in 1975 in the FBI Los Angeles Division in California where the FBI ran a program called CointellPro. The agent in charge in the California FBI office at the time was Ted Gunderson.

FBI agents were trained in CointellPro techniques at Quantico and in the California offices of the FBI during the 1960s well into the mid 1970s. A federal judge found in the Leonard Peltier case that the FBI continued CointellPro practices into 1978, beyond the 1975 time frame when Congress stepped in to stop CointellPro. After its investigation which began around 1972, Congress stepped in and limited the powers of the FBI because the CointellPro operations used illegal techniques to smear and discredit the reputations of law abiding American citizens (violated their civil rights) who were politically active and often critical of government policies.

After his retirement, the Daily Oklahoma reported that Dan Vogel was blocked by the DOJ from testifying at a pretrial hearing for Terry Nichols in Oklahoma. It was reported in the Daily Oklahoman that Vogel was to have testified about his receiving evidence in 1999 about Middle Eastern connections to the OKC bombing. The Daily Oklahoman also reported that Dan Vogel passed the Middle Eastern evidence on to others at the OKC FBI office.

Dan Vogel received the evidence of Middle eastern connections to the OKC bombing at a time when the FBI in OKC knew that the FBI in Dallas was investigating Middle Eastern individuals in Dallas, Texas who I believe, based on my own personal and independent research, were also connected to the OKC bombing.

Also at the same time Vogel received the Middle Eastern connection evidence in OKC, former OKC bombing inspector for the FBI, Danny Defenbaugh of the Dallas FBI office was using Dallas police officers to track AlQaeda , Hamas and Abu Nidal terrorists in and out of Dallas and across the world. This was reported by Valerie Williams of Channel 8 in Dallas in 1998 and 1999. I have the transcript of the Channel 8 broadcast and I spoke to Valerie Williams about the Channel 8 coverage in 1999. I also last week spoke to Byron Harris at Channel 8 who once again confirmed the Defenbaugh coverage by Channel 8. Harris did a story on Channel 8 about the Middle Eastern connections to the OKC bombing in March 2002. Channel 8’s coverage has been excellent and outstanding in my opinion.

Vogel appeared on the CBS program “60 Minutes II” in May 2001 along with several FBI agents from the OKC FBI field office. During the “60 Minutes II” program, Vogel and the other FBI agents raised doubts about the FBI handling of evidence during the investigation of the OKC bombing. And on the program Vogel said that he had observed situations during his career where he believed the civil rights of private citizens may have been violated by the FBI. It is not known whether or not Vogel was referring to possible civil rights violations that occurred both during the CointellPro operations and allegedly during the Waco and OKC bombing investigations.

CBS News went to court seeking permission from the FBI to allow Vogel to reveal more details to CBS and on the air about what Vogel knew about the FBI handling of evidence in the OKC bombing investigation. Vogel could have told CBS some information off the record that CBS could not broadcast until Vogel and CBS got legal approval. The Daily Oklahoma reported that CBS did not succeed with its legal action to get permission to use all of Dan Vogel’s information.

Vogel also has spoken to journalist William Jasper from the New American magazine on and off the record about the OKC bombing. I do not know the off the record details of the Jasper interview with Dan Vogel. I know William Jasper and have assisted him for seven years in collecting evidence for his articles on the OKC bombing and the Middle Eastern connection, including surveillance evidence of the Samir Khalil, the employer of the Iraqi suspect Al Hussain described by CIA counter terrorism expert LC Johnson on Fox’s O’Reilly factor on May 7, 2002. I have also spoken and corresponded with LC Johnson about my evidence of a Middle East connection to the OKC bombing. I also worked closely with the former Pentagon terror advisor Jesse Clear (who knows Johnson) from 1996 to 1999 collecting evidence of a Middle East connection on the OKC bombing.

I have posted several times a long letter to the editor of the in the September 1998 issue of the New American about the Middle Eastern connection for the OKC bombing. The letter describes a briefing Clear and I personally gave to the legal counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1997. Clear and Jasper worked jointly on the final draft of my letter before it was published and Clear permitted his name to be used in the my published letter.

Based on my conversations with Jasper and Jesse Clear, I believe Dan Vogel knows more than what he has even said on and off the record to William Jasper about the Middle Eastern connection to the OKC bombing. Vogel may be prepared to tell more about what he knows about OKC and Waco if he gets permission from the FBI or more importantly, if he gets to testify before Congressional hearings.

The list of people who are looking into having Dan Vogel testify before Congress and perhaps before courts is significant. The list includes but is not limited to Marc Chretian of Rep. Burton’s House Government Reform Committee and William Jasper of the New American magazine. Marc Chretian discussed Dan Vogel with me on the phone three weeks ago and I have reported this on the FreeRepublic several times in articles and replies. Chretain is one of the investigators collecting information on the Middle East connection to the OKC bombing for possible hearings by Burtons’ Committee

However, the public and Congress should know some more facts about Dan Vogel (which will be described in the remainder of this article) regardless if Dan Vogel ever testifies in court or before Congress. These facts presented below bear on the motives, credibility and accountability of Dan Vogel and should be weighed carefully.

If and when Dan Vogel does come forward to testify he should be required to testify fully and accurately about the additional facts presented below as well as all he knows about Waco, OKC and other FBI operations relevant to the safety of citizens from terrorist attacks and any FBI civil rights violations. His testimony should not be limited to just his verifying what has already been reported in the Daily Oklahoman and posted in articles on FreeRepublic (article by others besides me), namely, that Dan Vogel received and passed along evidence to the FBI about a Middle Eastern connection to the OKC bombing.

I spoke directly by phone to Dan Vogel at the OKC FBI office around 1 PM on April 21, 1995 two days after the OKC bombing at a time when the public was being asked on TV and radio to call the FBI about any information or leads they may have for the case.

Vogel may have taken my call by coincidence, as I did not ask to speak to him specifically. I explained to Vogel who I was which he acknowledged. My wife had taught his son English in a nearby high school and worked with his wife Dee at a department store for over ten years.

I got to tell Vogel about two sentences about my lead and information before he abruptly hung up the phone on me. I told Vogel that I knew of two witnesses who had seen a helicopter above the Murrah building at the time of the blast. That is as far as I got when Vogel said “You will not be hearing from the FBI on this one” and then he hung up. The call to Vogel by me was fully reported and described in OKC by the Mike McCarville radio program in 1997 and in 1998.

One of my witnesses includes a former Air Force Intelligence officer. I know that others besides me told the FBI in OKC about a third helicopter witness who is an expert on helicopters and who saw the helicopter under circumstances that indicate it was not a local TV helicopter in the area.

Regardless of who the helicopter belonged to, Dan Vogel and the FBI should in my opinion have followed up to learn what the occupants of the helicopter saw if they were innocent bystanders or were involved in the bombing somehow. Several years after the bombing and my conversation with Dan Vogel, OKC PD and K9 unit officer Don Browning has claimed he was told the helicopter was following the Ryder truck as part of an undercover operation.

Vogel needs to be asked about what he knows about the helicopter, its role and why he hung up on me and whether or not he did his job in having the FBI follow up on the eyewitness sightings of the helicopter.

The morning of the OKC bombing around 9:30 AM Dan Vogel’s wife Dee Vogel and the wife of FBI agent Jon Hersely, Christi Hersley held a conversation with my wife at a department store where they worked. The agents’ wives had just spoken to their husbands to make sure they were safe. The wives told my wife that their husbands had said the bombing was the result of the BATF botching Waco. How could they be so sure only thirty minutes after the bombing? The wives also said they were glad to learn that their husbands and other agents were told not to go to the Murrah building that morning on April 19, 1995. They said that normally several agents were in the Murrah building by 9 AM every day and sometimes dropped off children at the day care center.

I have confirmed from many witnesses (including the head of Federal Protective Services for the Murrah Building) that FBI agents were in fact regularly at the Murrah building at 9 AM (two minutes before the time of the bombing) to visit the DEA, the Secret Service, the Defense Investigative Services and the BATF and to attend court cases in the court house across the street. No FBI agents were at the Murrah Building at the time of the bombing and no FBI agents were reported injured directly by the bombing.

Two days later on April 21, 1995, Christi Hersley, who was my wife’s boss, sternly told my wife to forget what Christi Hersley and Dee Vogel had told my wife on the morning of the bombing. Christi Hersely also claimed that her husband and other agents never went to the Murrah Building, which was a false statement on Hersely’s part. My wife had not approached Christi Hersely or Dee Vogel to speak to them or ask them questions about their conversation on April 19, 1995. Christi Hersely sought out my wife on April 21, 1995 to warn my wife. Christi Hersley again tried to intimidate my wife with loss of employment in August 1998 to not talk about what the FBI agents wives had said to my wife on April 19, 1995. This happened shortly after it was publicly reported in the Daily Oklahoman that Jon Hersley, the senior FBI case agent for the OKC bombing, would testify before the Oklahoma County Grand Jury about the OKC bombing.

In January 1996, FBI agent John Carlisle came to our home in OKC under false pretenses and threatened me with imprisonment. Carlisle himself brought up the FBI agents’ wives story and warned me under the threat of imprisonment that there was nothing to the FBI wives story. In my opinion, Carlisle’s statements were false and meant to intimidate me and my wife.

Agent Carlisle also asked me questions about any associations with Dan Vogel. And Carlisle also brought up the illegal activities against me before the OKC bombing by another FBI agent Floyd Zimms who worked with Vogel for years in the OKC FBI office. Carlisle told me under his threat of imprisonment that there was nothing to my allegations about Zimms. In other words, in my opinion Carlisle was trying to tell me that I was to forget about doing anything about FBI agent Floyd Zimms

I believe Carlisle falsified his interview report with me. Sheriff Dave Kochendoerfer told me that Carlisle claimed he was in effect going to falsify his FBI interview report with Kochendoerfer about Congressman Istook and FBI forewarning of the OKC bombing. Carlisle worked for FBI agent White who has been reprimanded along with FBI inspector Danny Defenbaugh by DOJ Inspector General Glen Fine for mishandling OKC bombing evidence.

Dan Vogel should be asked about what his wife told my wife on April 19, 1995 about FBI forewarning. Vogel should be asked about what he knows about Carlisle and Christi Hersley threats over what Dee Vogel and Christi Hersley told my wife on April 19, 1995.. My wife and I are prepared to testify in court and before Congress under oath about the conversations Dee Vogel and Christi Hersley had with my wife as well as threats my wife and I received over the story by the FBI. This story about the FBI agents wives was told to the legal counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1999 by me on the phone and in writing.

We have learned that others told Dan Vogel my wife’s story in late 1995 even though we had asked them not to. We also later found out that Dan Vogel had been given evidence I had collected to Dan Vogel about another FBI agent Floyd Zimms who is alleged to have covered up the OKC bombing and transfers of technology to the Soviet Union under the Reagan and GHW Bush administrations.

My confidential information which should not have been given to Dan Vogel included information about the OKC FBI agent Tony Iela reading from Zimms files on me directly to my Congressman Mickey Edwards, in violation of Federal law. These files contained nothing but innuendo by Zimms to smear me because of my allegations. Also Zimms had personally been threatening to me at our church over conversations my wife and I had had with his wife and children several years before the OKC bombing. Vogel was in a position to know this information and he was made aware of much of it by others who should not have. Vogel also worked with Zimms at the FBI in OKC for many years during the same period of time theses incidents happened.

This story about Zimms and the improper use of his and the FBI files on me has been reported in at least five articles I wrote and posted on the going back two years to 2000. I wrote letters to the legal counsels for the Senate Intelligence (1999) and House Intelligence Committee (1991) about Zimms and the improper handling of files on me. The fact I wrote a letter to the House Intelligence Committee about these matters is also believed to have been made known to Dan Vogel. It was also made known to Vogels boss, Bob Ricks by Congressman Mickey Edwards office. I have letters from Mickey Edwards office documenting this.

In June 1996, I was called repeatedly by militia leaders John Trochman (Montana) and Ross Hullet (Oklahoma) to meet with them and FBI agents Dan Vogel and Pete Rickles in Tulsa to discuss the OKC bombing case. They asked me to stop my attempts to find attorneys to sue the FBI over the OKC bombing in exchange for a promise that Vogel and other FBI agents would hold a news conference discuss what the FBI did wrong in the OKC bombing case. I declined their offer and suggested they talk to Tulsa police officer Craig Roberts instead who had worked for the FBI on the case. They expressed anger when I told them I would not go to the meeting and suggested Roberts. I have never met Hullet or Trochman, I did not initiate contact with them and I have never attended any militia meetings.

Hullet had called me many times for almost a year after the bombing to tell me he was close to Dan Vogel and thought Vogel was a great guy and that I should talk with Vogel. I told Hullet I did not trust Dan Vogel because of what Vogel wife had told my wife, because of Carlisle’s threats and because of Vogel hanging up the phone on me about the helicopter sighting. But Hullet still persisted. I told Hullet that Dan Vogel did not need me to come forward for Vogel to reveal what the FBI had done wrong in the OKC bombing case. And I predicted Vogel and Rickles would not hold a news conference or come forward even though they allegedly met with Hullet and Trochman in Tulsa..

I suspected that the meeting was designed as an attempt to discredit me and to thwart my efforts to have litigation started in the case against the FBI and DOJ. And I reported this as it was ongoing to Bill Jasper of the New American and to the former Pentagon terror advisor Jesse Clear who both agreed with my decision to not attend the meeting in Tulsa.

I learned from BATF agent testimony during the Tulsa trial of BATF informant Carol Howe that FBI agent Pete Rickles had allegedly setup Howe in a way that could have gotten her killed by Rickles’ deliberately blowing her cover. This was all going on while according to trial testimony Rickles was maintaining a database on militia members throughout the US and while the FBI was using informants like John Parsons, Trochman and Hullet in the militias. And Rickles was the man who was supposed to meet with me in Tulsa to discuss the OKC bombing. I was concerned for my safety and I strongly doubted the trustworthiness and motives of FBI agents Rickles and Vogel especially in view of what is known about what Rickles is alleged to have done to jeopardize Carol Howe’s safety.

Dan Vogel needs to be asked if, in fact, he was involved in or knew about a meeting in Tulsa with Rickles and Hullet in June 1996 and if he had offered to come forward with other agents in a news conference to talk about FBI failures in the bombing. If this is true, were the alleged Vogel offers sincere then or part of an attempt to discredit me? This is important now because once again Dan Vogel is being considered to testify in the Nichols trial and before Congress.

In July 1996, a month after I had rejected the proposed meeting with Vogel, an FBI counter terrorism agent Paul Geiger, interviewed Pentagon terror advisor Jesse Clear at his home in Vienna, Virginia specifically about me, Pat Briley. Geiger was with the FBI counter terrorism task force unit #3 at Buzzard’s Point near Washington DC. Clear recorded the conversation with Geiger, gave me a copy of the tape and also took a copy of the tape to my Senator, James Inhofe of Oklahoma.

In my opinion, the tape reveals a failed attempt by Geiger to dig up dirt on me, to discredit and smear me even further. The interview also disgusted Clear and this is why he said he took the tape to Inhofe’s office to complain. Geiger wanted to know all the people I was talking to and working with around the country on the investigation of the OKC bombing. Geiger’s tone was hostile and was not justified since I had committed no crimes and was not being reviewed for a security clearance at the time.

I spoke to Inhofe at his home in January 1999 about the letter his staff had written to the FBI about the taped interview held with Clear and FBI agent Geiger. I also complained to Senator Inhofe about FBI agent James Carlisle’s threats against my wife and me in our home over the FBI agents’ wives story. And I discussed with Inhofe a letter written by Inhofe’s chief of staff Herb Johnson. In his letter, Johnson stated the head of the FBI command post in OKC had told Johnson the week of the bombing that the DOJ wanted the FBI to keep information about a Middle Eastern connection from the public. I presented this same information to the legal counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee in the Spring of 1999 with the assistance of Jesse Clear. The legal counsel for the Senate Intelligience Committee apologized to me for the treatment my wife and I had received but the counsel also could not assure me ( when I asked) that the bad treatment would stop. Inhofe gave me no assurances either about what he would do about my allegations of FBI misconduct. Inhofe has not contacted me to this day to follow up. S he told me he would.

The sequence of events and timing of the FBI threats and interviews is significant particularly because they relate not only to the cover-up of the OKC bombing by the FBI but also to FBI agent Dan Vogel’s activities. Once again consider the chain of events. An FBI agent threatens me in my house over my wife’s conversation with Vogel’s wife and the agent also asks me questions about Vogel. Then a possible attempted setup of me occurs via a proposed meeting with Vogel in Tulsa in June 1996. And when I reject the meeting, FBI agent Geiger shows up a month later at Clear’s residence trying to dig up dirt on me.

Was the FBI trying to protect Dan Vogel and the FBI covering up of the OKC bombing by all these activities against me in 1996? And what did Inhofe and the Senate Intelligence Committee legal counsel actually do to stop these activities against me by the FBI - nothing that I am aware of or was ever told about. I feel betrayed and I believe our country has been betrayed.

Because of what may have been attempted with me by Vogel and Rickles and the inadequate actions of Inhofe and the Senate Intelligence Committee legal counsel, those who believe in Vogel’s sincerity need to fully investigate his past conduct and the possibility that he and the FBI and DOJ could have another agenda with Congress and the public.

On one hand, it could be in the interest of the current administration to have Dan Vogel discuss the possible Middle East connection including Iraq with the OKC bombing to justify military action against Iraq which should have been considered seven years ago.

But on the other hand, it would also be in the interest of the FBI and DOJ to use the Iraqi connection as a justifiable diversion to not talk about and to disguise the FBI foreknowledge, use of informants and provocateurs, perjury, intimidation of witnesses and falsification of evidence concerning the involvement of domestic John Does along with Middle Eastern John Does in the bombing. I have written 30 articles on this subject and all the articles have been posted on and widely read since 2000.

And it is not certain yet whether or not a chief Iraqi suspect in the bombing could also have been an FBI/CIA informant who was brought back to the US from Iraq by GHW Bush after the Gulf War. It is a fact of history that GHW Bush approved bringing Al Hussaini along with the other Iraqis to the US after the Gulf War and this has been repeatedly reported on in many articles written and posted by many others besides me. I did original work in late April 1995 to uncover this fact which has since been confirmed by many others including my friend William Jasper and the Pentagon terror advisor Jesse Clear.

The FBI and Dan Vogel have known about (but have not taken action against or interrogated) the Iraqi suspect Al Hussaini in detail for over seven years even before the time the Daily Oklahoman has reported that Dan Vogel received evidence of the Middle East connection in January 1999. I personally was involved, through my efforts with the Senate Intelligence Committee, in helping make it possible for the evidence of the Middle Eastern Connection I had helped in part to obtain with Clear and Jasper to be given to Dan Vogel in January 1999. And the FBI showed witnesses in Newkirk, Oklahoma in early May 1995 sketches of a Middle East suspect looking like AL Hussaini with Nichols on April 18, 1995 with a Ryder truck. I reported this in an article I wrote and posted on on April 18 and 19, 2002.

Vogel worked in the OKC FBI office with and knew other FBI agents alleged to have covered up the OKC bombing including, but not limited to Bob Ricks, Floyd Zimms, Jon Hersely, Danny Defenbaugh, Mark White, and James Carlisle. Vogel was in a position to observe and know about some details of alleged FBI misconduct by these agents along with alleged misconduct of FBI assistant deputy directors Larry Potts, Danny Coulson and Weldon Kennedy who also went through the OKC FBI office at one time or another.

I have reported (based on my own personal investigations) in over seven articles on the since 2000 that FBI agent Floyd Zimms allegedly brow beat a witness knowing of a Middle Eastern connection, falsified an interview report with the witness, and put out false information to OKC police officers, false information which covered up the arrest of Middle East suspects in OKC and Dallas who later were released under questionable circumstances. I have written about allegations concerning the OKC bombing against Ricks, Potts, Kennedy, and Coulson extensively in articles on

Because of Vogel’s access to these FBI agents and his being in a position to observe their conduct, Vogel should be asked in court and in Congressional hearings to tell all he knows about FBI conduct in the OKC bombing and Waco, not just whether or not he received evidence of a Middle Eastern connection of the bombing almost four years after the bombing.

Dan Vogel was in a position to tell what he knows about the FBI policy of tracking known Middle Eastern terrorists from Abu Nidal, AlQaeda and Hamas through OKC and Dallas for years including but not limited to Mohammed Atta, Ali Mohammed and possibly the employer and coworkers of the Iraqi Al Hussaini in OKC. Vogel would also know about the Hamas cell and Iraqi mob that has been and is still being allowed to operate in OKC for at least eight years including some of those who planned the 1993 and subsequent attacks on the World Trade Centers.

In 1995 and 1996, Dan Vogel gave slide presentations and talks to business leaders in Oklahoma City at conferences sponsored by the Oklahoma State Employment Service. I obtained copies of slides from these presentations. I was told by someone in attendance at the presentation that he found the information presented by Vogel in these slides as personally objectionable. That someone provide me a copy of Dan Vogel’s resume and a copy of the slide presentation.

What made the slides objectionable is that the slides contained profiles or a list of characteristics including religious and political beliefs, the FBI was using (similar to what has been revealed in Arizona FBI offices over the years) to identify people the FBI considered as having a high risk of committing crimes and acts of violence. The message in these presentations seemed also to be that these same types of people should be considered as high risk by the employers at Vogel’s presentations.

Many people who would fall under the profiles Vogel was presenting could also easily be law abiding and innocent citizens who were politically active, believed in gun rights, served in the military, may be unemployed, did not believe in homosexuality or abortion on demand. Left wing bureaucrats who had politicized the FBI and DOJ under Clinton could easily have used the profiles presented by Vogel to discredit and destroy the reputations and livelihood of innocent Americans who disagreed in legal ways with the positions of the left wing agenda.

The effect of Vogel’s slides and presentations to the employers could easily have been the discrediting of current employees who had these profile characteristics. Also the slides could have led to the unfair discouragement of employers not to hire new employees with the FBI profile characteristics. The net effect could have been to destroy actual and prospective employees economically and politically without any trial or hard evidence.

The slide show presentation is reminiscent of the activities used by the FBI in California against political dissidents (who committed no crimes) during the CointellPro operations out of the FBI office in California where Dan Vogel once worked and started out as an FBI agent in 1975. The attributes of Dan Vogel’s slide presentation reflected CointellPro tactics in my opinion regardless of whether or not Vogel was ever directly involved in CointellPro operations. And once again, Dan Vogel served under those in the FBI in California who at one time were directly involved in CointellPro. And Dan Vogel would have likely received training from the FBI about CointellPro techniques back in 1975. I strongly believe a lot of evidence clearly shows that the FBI agent training, techniques and mindset of CointellPRo persisted in the FBI for years after Congress stopped CointellPro and likely still does.

If Dan Vogel really has a sincere conscience about the items described in this article, he should demonstrate it by telling all he knows about these entire matters not just one limited item. He may still want to preserve his pension and retirement. Vogel’s possible desire to protect his pension may, in part, also be why he wants to get permission to talk even though the permission may not be granted unless Congress gets involved. But Dan Vogel should also be held accountable for any possible acts of his own misconduct if he has committed any. He may want to limit his testimony because of his concerns about being held accountable for any possible misconduct on his part.

I say that Vogel should be held accountable with full questioning by Congress and the courts and not just by the FBI and DOJ.If Dan Vogel has not done anything wrong he should testify. And if Dan Vogel has done anything wrong he still should be required to testify.

Any FBI agent who may have broken the law in the OKC bombing should be held accountable and convicted just as any other citizen who breaks the law. Conviction of FBI agents for any crimes is necessary not as revenge, but is necessary to set an example and a standard of what is right and wrong before the law. Sentencing of any convicted FBI agent can be ameliorated by taking into account extenuating circumstances and help to uncover wrongdoing by any other FBI agents.

FBI Crime lab specialist Frederick Whitehurst blew the whistle on corruption in the FBI crime lab in Washington DC. Whitehurst specifically named the FBI agents who were corrupt and what they had done. Whitehurst was vindicated by the DOJ IG report on the FBI crime lab. Some of the FBI agents Whitehurst reported on had lied under oath at the Nichols and McVeigh trials and had falsified and fabricated evidence and their own tests and improperly compared and changed their testimonies from one trial to the next.

Dan Vogel is in a position to act as another Frederick Whitehurst by revealing what Dan Vogel may know about corruption in the handling of the OKC bombing by the OKC FBI filed office, the FBI headquarters in DC and by the DOJ. Dan Vogel has already himself raised his own questions about the FBI handling of the OKC bombing investigation in his 2001 interview with CBS “60 Minutes II”. I believe Dan Vogel should come forward and tell Congress and the courts all that he knows regardless of whether or not he, Dan Vogel, has or has not committed any crimes while in the FBI.

Dan Vogel must tell all and adequately account for what I have written about in this article before Congress, the American public, and my family should ever fully trust what Dan Vogel does say. Dan Vogel could help save the country and act nobly like Fredrick Whitehurst. And if Dan Vogel ever did anything wrong, his testimony could also help ameliorate any sentence handed down should he ever be convicted. And Dan Vogel can also be given immunity for his testimony.

And no FBI agents should be allowed to avoid conviction for committing any possible crimes by pleading the Nuremberg defense of following unlawful orders from DOJ officials or FBI supervisors. FBI agents can be given immunity in many cases and be protected by whistle blower laws, but their testimony is vital and necessary for protecting and maintaining the integrity of the Federal law enforcement and Judicial system.

Copyright 2002 by Patrick B. Briley

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial
KEYWORDS: fredthompson; okcbombing
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To: Alamo-Girl
thanks for the info
21 posted on 05/14/2002 9:13:48 AM PDT by Tymesup
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To: Red Jones
Thank you so much for the kudos and encouragement!

I agree that the facts at OKC don't add up, but I haven't gotten into the data gathering and analysis because there are already so many truly heavy hitter Freepers working on it.

The media should have done all this research long ago. I agree that the atmosphere today breeds evil because some are not doing their jobs, others are obstructing the effort, and much of the public doesn't care.

22 posted on 05/14/2002 9:49:57 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Tymesup
You're quite welcome!
23 posted on 05/14/2002 9:51:21 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: NetValue
24 posted on 06/17/2002 5:44:26 AM PDT by Woodstock
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To: B4Ranch; MizSterious; honway; Wallaby; Uncle Bill; Fred Mertz; Prodigal Daughter; Marianne; ...
Former OK State Rep Chrales Key just sent out a fund raising letter for his OKC bombing investigations committee asking for donations to continue his efforts to press Congress and use attorneys on the OKC bombing case.

In his letter Key also reveals that FBI agent Dan Vogel retained David Schippers as his attorney to represent Vogel in matters pertaining to the OKC bombing. Schippers is also representing FBI agent Robert Wright in matters pertaining to the 9/11 attacks.

Late last year Jayna Davis called me and threatened me to shut up about waht I knew about Vogels misconduct in the OKC bombing case. In the call Davis fully acknowledged Vogel's misconduct as it relates to the OKC bombing and my wife, but Davis persisted that I should shut up anyway. I took this as a complete disregard by Davis for the welfare of my wife (who has talked to Davis before) and me.

Now that Key has revealed that Jayna Davis attorney David Schippers is representing Vogel, it may explain in part Davis actions to call me late last year to threaten me to keep quite about the questionable things I know about Vogels conduct carrying out orders as an FBI agent.

I wonder if Schippers knows that Davis did this to me and if Schippers really knows the complete story about Vogel. I wonder if Vogel really intends to use Schippers to testify about what Vogel knows OR if Vogel wants Schippers to shield Vogel from having to testify about the most significant details possibly incriminating to Vogel and the FBI.

In other words I have concerns that Vogel will only tell the least significant parts he knows (if he is compelled to) and use Schippers to help Vogel avoid telling the worst things Vogels may know -damage control. I have similar concerns about how Schippers will be used in the Robert Wright case.

A source very close to Schippers has told me twice that Schippers really does not intend to do anything really serious about evidence pointing to FBI misconduct in the OKC bombing and 9/11 attacks. The source reiterated this again in conjunction to questions and info directed by Freepers to Schippers in conjunction with Schippers radio appearance with Doug on Freeper radio.

This source is in a position to know and the source is disgusted about what they have seen heard Schippers say about his handling of the OKC and 9/11 matters. If this source is correct then damage control for the FBI and FBI agents may be at play here in my opinion. If the source is wrong, then something is not right since the source is so close to Schippers that Schippers could have this person put out a false story to me. Or the source could just have an axe to grind with Schippers and be making the whole thing up.

But the source is so close to Schippers I would be remiss in not reporting this information-it is important because either the source or Schippers may be doing something very wrong here. I have let this story be known to Schippers through another channel to be fair to Schippers and yet still put him on notice that I know something is wrong.

I hope and pray the source is wrong and that Schippers is not behind this. The source did not want me to use the source name but held two lengthy phone calls with me about it and wanted me to know their story and their disgust over it.

Davis also threatened me in the past to shut up about what she and I both learned about the misconduct of FBI agents Zimms and Jon Hersely. These threats came twice ,just before (a few days) both of apperances before the OKC COunty grand Jury.

I hope Vogel does come forward and testify before COngress and the Nichols trials about what Vogel knows as my article in this thread states. But I hope is testimony is full and complete and will not be limited by the FBI,DOJ,White House or legal maneuvering by any attorneys trying to shield the FBi, Vogel and the government from the public learning of any misconduct they may have been involved in.

25 posted on 07/10/2002 10:33:46 AM PDT by OKCSubmariner
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To: archy
Forgive my being utterly ignorant but what is the connection between the link and David Koresh?
26 posted on 07/10/2002 11:24:31 AM PDT by Askel5
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To: archy
And while you're here ... what does Alamo-Girl mean by "WMD" theory. Thanks archy.
27 posted on 07/10/2002 11:25:40 AM PDT by Askel5
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To: honway
The quote is from an article in the 3-20-1996 Strategic Investment Newsletter.

Something else I'd missed entirely ... even despite my fascination with the Colby death when first I arrived at this place.

28 posted on 07/10/2002 11:28:36 AM PDT by Askel5
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To: OKCSubmariner
Thanks for the heads up. I'd missed this post somehow.
29 posted on 07/10/2002 11:29:41 AM PDT by Askel5
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To: OKCSubmariner; archy; aristeides; Fred Mertz; backhoe
If I didnt love ya sooo much, I woud hate you!

I keep reading, and keep getting more confused.

Please excuse my ignorance,but could you answer these questions in a short,short format?

Official name of report Bodansky gave to the House?


Was it in a Classified session?

Is this report in the public, unclassified, domain?

If in closed session, who was on the committee?

Can we not say that those that received this nfo,therefore, know this nfo and have sat on it for years?

Therefore, these members have lied to the public for years re:ME's at Murrah?

Have you personaly communicated to these members that you know that they know of ME's at Murrah?

If these members know, and Clinton admin and Bush admin know, then do we not have an allmost total cover-up of murders?

Do we not have evidence of obstruction of justice of murder?

Sorry for being soo dumb, but if you can answer these questions in my format, my weedle head can maybe start doing sumpin with the nfo. Thanks!

30 posted on 07/10/2002 1:12:31 PM PDT by Betty Jo
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To: Betty Jo; OKCSubmariner
This just went out in a mass email to letters to editors and "opinionators"- like Rush & Hannity. It will get seen, at least.
31 posted on 07/10/2002 1:51:49 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: Alamo-Girl; Betty Jo; OKCSubmariner
I also wanted to throw out a WAG ( wild-a$$ed guess ) that's been kicking around my thoughts for years. That's all it is- a theory.

First time I saw an overhead view of that building, I exclaimed to my wife, "Heaving charge, Hell! That was a cutting charge!"

Ammonium nitrate ( AN ) and fuel oil make a demolition charge of medium brisance, or shattering power. This refers to the speed of the detonation wave in meters per second, and obviously, the lower it is, the more of a "heave" it gives; the higher, the more of a triphammer, shattering shock it yields.

Where this gets interesting is this: if, rather than fuel oil, you mix the AN with nitromethane or hydrazine ( both are liquid rocket fuels ) you get variants of Astrolite, the most powerful common non-nuclear explosive known today. It is commonly used as a "liquid mine"-- pour some in the ground, cap it, and you have a mine. Cloth can be saturated with it and detonated, as drapes and rugs in a house.

My point being, the AN-fuel oil bomb would certainly have wrecked the building, but an Astrolite bomb would have shattered it more-- perhaps accounting for the overhead view where it looked "cut."

32 posted on 07/10/2002 2:09:38 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: backhoe; honway; Uncle Bill; Donald Stone; Squantos; ntrulock; Gary Aldrich; glorygirl; Plummz; ...
You make good technical points in your reply #32 backhoe.

General Partin's analysis ( he sent it to every US Senator) showed that no matter what the mixture was or its shock velocity, the pattern and distribution of damage to columns (there was evidence of brisance on some key support columns) in the building was not explained by a single truck bomb. The single truck bomb alone also does not explain photographic and eyewitness evidence of very heary debris (large boulder that hit Journal Record building about three to four stories up the side of the building) being thrown OUT of the Murrah building.

Prosecutor Beth Wilkinson and FBI inspector Danny Defenbaugh vistied PArtin at his home in 1995. The interview was taped and I have listened to the tape. I also arranged to have PArtin's attorney present during the interview. Defenbaugh at one point said cryptically, suppose I tell you that where the truck bomb crater is is not the location of the source that did the damage to the Murrah building? Defnbaugh also said to Partin that the only way his anlayis could be correct is for the columns to have been drilled for explosives. Defenbaugh's statement was very incorrect. Partin tried to explain to Defenbaugh that charges could have been put close to the colums and cut the colums without the columns ever being drilled.

The man who I think could possibly have given direction to the OKC bombing planning ,ALi Mohammed (Egyptian lieutenant for Bin Laden and FBI informant), was arrested in 1998 having documents showing how to plant explosives in public buildings

33 posted on 07/10/2002 3:12:11 PM PDT by OKCSubmariner
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To: OKCSubmariner
Thanks- it is just one of those weird ideas that pops up unbidden- I could not account for the "cut" appearance from overhead without resorting to some sort of Monroe-effect shaped charge... or multiple demolition charges.

FWIW- this?

Defenbaugh that charges could have been put close to the columns and cut the columns without the columns ever being drilled.

is correct. Drilling is seen in commercial demolition operations to most efficently demolish/shear/cut, but standard military practice ( and bear in mind my training was long, long ago ) is to simply wrap charges- usually 2 staggered opposite each other, off-center, to "push" the structural member in two directions at once to shear it. It's also much faster to place charges that way.

34 posted on 07/10/2002 3:32:33 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: OKCSubmariner
Defenbaugh at one point said cryptically, suppose I tell you that where the truck bomb crater is is not the location of the source that did the damage to the Murrah building?

I remember that the crater under the truck was not as deep as it should have been and it was covered over.

I also remember they cleaned it all up real fast.

Like they did at Waco.

35 posted on 07/10/2002 3:54:07 PM PDT by carenot
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To: OKCSubmariner
You have mail !
36 posted on 07/10/2002 5:58:33 PM PDT by lawdog
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To: Betty Jo; honway; lawdog; Ronneil; Uncle Bill; aristeides; Lancey Howard; B4Ranch; glorygirl; ...
Response to reply #30:

From a NEwsMAx article posted on FR describing Bodanskys statements made during his appearance on Fox News:

The official warning memo indicated that there would be an attempt by ME terrorists to attack a Federal building in the Heartland of AMerica using "lily whites". Bodansky said the memo included a list of likely targets and the Murrah building was one of the targets on the list. The reference to lily whites has been widely interpreted as a reference to Americans who had no criminal records and who were Caucasians. SOme have suggested it may have even been a reference to McVeigh , Nichols and other domestic John Does.

Bodansky indicated his memo went to those Federal law enforcement, intelligence groups and members in COngress with a need to know. I do not know specifically who he was referring to. But...

Bodansky was the Director of the House Task Force on Terrorism at the time he prepared and sent out his memo. Bodansky's boss was the Chairman of the House Task Force on Terrorism, Republican COngressman James Saxon of New Jersey. Presummably Bodansky would have sent his memo to Saxon, Bodasnkys boss, and to other members of the House TAsk Force.

According to the LA Weekly, Bodansky called KFORTV reporter Jayna Davis in 1996 and asked/told her not to go public with BOdanskys memo because it was "too hot". Bodansky had either given Davis a copy or read/described to her a copy of his memo or both. "Too hot" may have been a reference to the embarassment and cuplability of elected and law enforcement officials who had seen the memo before the bombing including Saxon and other members of the House TAsk Force. In effect, BOdansky was covering up then and covered this up until after 9/11.

Davis helped Bodansky in the sense that she did not reveal the specifics of the Bodansky memo for almost six years even though she had the details and was urged by investigators, attorneys and journalists to reveal the details. She also had the opportunity to reveal the details at the McVeigh trial and the OKC COunty grand jury but did not to my knowledge. She could have revealed the details of the memo several years before her pregnancy and several years after her pregnancy but did not.

I have spoken personally to OK COngressman Istook and Senator Inhofe about information they allegedly received pertaining to a ME connection to the OKC bombing. Istook is to have told two Sherifffs deputies the night of the bombing that the government had received a threat from a local ME terror group on APril 9, 1995 and Istook said "we blew it". The deputies were to have testified before the OKC County grand jury. One of the Sheriffs, Dave Kochendorfer, was threatened by FBI agent James Carlisle before his testimony before the grand jury. The two sheriffs held a news conference in Dec 1997 about their encounter with Istook on the night of the bombing.

Inhofe's chief of staff, Herb Johnson, wrote a letter describing the fact that an FBI agent at the FBI command center in OKC told Johnson the week of the bombing that the DOJ wanted to keep the ME involvement out of the press and from the public. I spoke directly to Inhofe about this in January 1999. So far he has taken no adequate action with the information.

I have written and posted several articles about IStook and Inhofe on the FreeRepublic since 2000.

37 posted on 07/11/2002 8:52:11 AM PDT by OKCSubmariner
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To: Betty Jo; honway; lawdog; Ronneil; Uncle Bill; aristeides; Lancey Howard; B4Ranch; glorygirl; ...
One important detail I accidently omitted from my reply #36:

Bodansky said on Fox News that the date of his warning memo was March 3, 1995, more than a month before the OKC bombing on April 19, 1995.

38 posted on 07/11/2002 8:58:07 AM PDT by OKCSubmariner
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To: All
I guess that Schippers would not return OKCSubmariner's calls so he is going to trash Schipper's reputation. If this keeps up, no one will be able to carry the banner for truth. I am very disturbed that OKCSubmariner would post something that may have been given to him for disinformation purposes. That is very reckless. He obviously does not try to really check out what is told to him. I have finally figured OKCSub out. Obviously,someone is feeding him information and he is buying it hook, line, and sinker. That is evidently what he is doing to Jayna about insisting that she told Pat that she was working FOR someone. For him to keep on insisting even when told otherwise, he must have some "insider" information that contradicts the truth. I am reposting what I had put on another thread. He also will not accept that Jayna was forthcoming with the Grand Jury on the prior warning. He is only going to continue to spew another untruth.

39 posted on 07/11/2002 11:19:54 AM PDT by Nancie Drew
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To: All; BlueDogDemo; Nita Nupress
I was able to find a response that I had given to Honway on April 18, 2002. I am reprinting all of it this time because it gives some background on what is going on. The entire thread was pulled so this response was pulled when the thread was pulled. I know there have been some questions raised about Pat's background and he has responded. I am not sure what his present occupation is because he had said recently that he is still unemployed. He had said that he has been unemployed since 1986.

Here is what I posted on April 18:
A while back, I said something to you about responding to Pat Briley’s comments on Free Republic about Jayna Davis. This thread seems to have fizzled out, but maybe the people that are interested will still see it. If you find my comments helpful, please flag anyone you know that would be interested. Some of the comments I am responding to are on other threads. I know you feel that people should not be attacking one another, but also Freepers should not be allowed to get away with posting such lies.

The derogatory postings did not begin until this year. Pat had never criticized Jayna or BlueDogDemo until January of this year. The problem began because Pat was mad at them for not returning his telephone calls. He felt cut out and started lashing out on the Internet. He also felt like he was not getting credit for contributions he had made to the investigation of the OKC Bombing. His January postings give his motives for the sudden turn-around. Jayna has not been in any situation to acknowledge everyone that has helped her, so it is a shame that he is directing his anger at her.

Pat is also angry because no one has investigated for him his Traveler’s Aid evidence and feels like a lot of repercussions will come from this failure. He is lashing out at many people for this failure. He sees a lack of cooperation (His characterization) between different investigators as an impediment to getting the complete truth out. This makes him extremely angry. He has a lot of harsh criticism towards Jayna because of this. He wants to draw Jayna away from all she is doing to answer these accusations. Besides the physical toll that all this has taken on her, she frankly needs to devote her energies elsewhere right now. Free Republic is an important forum, but it is obvious from the comments that the Freepers still have great respect for her. However, I thought I would give it a shot to try to respond to some of the accusations. I will not try to do all of them, but I hope my answers will give you a sense of how Jayna operates and why I have such profound respect for her investigative abilities.

Since September 11, there has been renewed interest in the Middle Eastern connection to the OKC Bombing. Jayna is fielding calls from interested parties, and this has led to several articles being written. Fox News has done an outstanding job of bringing the issues to the public. She has made two trips to D.C. to meet with key people so she has had to spend countless hours updating her investigation. The part that she has left with several important groups and individuals has around 2,000 pages. Keeping in touch with witnesses, sending out press packets, “making copies”, is a full-time job. It has been since 1995. There is a limit to how much one person should be expected to do. She also has a 4-year old to raise. She cannot investigate all the information that is given her. She is doing her very best.

Jayna’s investigation has focused mostly on the Middle Eastern connection. The first lead came from a call to the station from a lady who was concerned that the FBI did not seem to be investigating a lead she felt was very important. That led to the initial story that was aired on KFOR. That initial tip would lead Jayna to start asking questions and one thing would lead to another. That is usually the nature of a good investigation. KFOR did not ignore the domestic side. In fact, there were several stories done about domestic terrorism.

I have had the privilege of observing Jayna first-hand in her investigation and have the utmost respect for her abilities. Unlike the amateur investigators, she was trained at the University of Texas as an investigative reporter. That was always her specialty and KFOR hired her as an investigative reporter. Her 2,000-page investigation is incredible! She has an extremely high standard for information to find its way into that report. She does not put in everything that comes her way.

One of the things that we were aware of early on is that there would be agents of disinformation sent our way. You had to do a lot of questioning of information knowing that 90% of it could be the absolute truth, but were these people giving you 10% lies in order to discredit you. It was hard to know whom to trust. It was also obvious that there were people willing to lie about Jayna to trash her reputation. A call fielded by the late Jack Eden, a radio talk show host in Oklahoma City, woke us up to that reality.

Pat mentions J.D.Cash in an earlier posting and how Cash threatened Pat’s life. So it does surprise me that Pat would want Jayna to work with him. I will not go into the reasons why, but Cash came under suspicion right away as being an agent of disinformation. Pat says that Jayna tried to steer Pat away from domestic terrorism. Since Jayna definitely believes in the domestic terrorism angle of all this, she would not steer Pat away from it. She would try to steer him away from certain individuals, like J.D. Cash. Pat says that Cash expressed disdain for his talking to Jayna and the Middle Eastern connection. The Clinton administration had a definite agenda and did not want the M.E. connection to come out. If Cash was an agent of disinformation, it makes sense that he would trash Jayna. In fact, I have seen information on Free Republic about Cash that indicated that others were suspicious of him. I would also put Roger Charles in the camp of the Clinton administration.

Pat mentions Charles Key in his posting. Key is one of those amateur investigators that did not filter out things, which may have been given to him to discredit him. He had a lady on his staff named Kate McCauley, who absolutely fit the profile of an agent of disinformation. I received a call from a relative who had heard Key speak. Kate was with him. My relative has had extensive experience investigating disinformation agents. She had investigated one such agent that was used after Waco. She said that she visited with Kate after Key spoke and was disturbed by how she ended up coming to Oklahoma City to help Key. Something did not add up to her. I also visited with Kate, and realized that she was another one that was trying to steer the investigation away from M.E. involvement and focus only on domestic. I am not sure how much harm she did to Key’s investigation since I was not personally involved, but I do know that Key was a late-comer to making the M.E. connection an important focus. Another problem is that he did not filter out the inconsistencies in the witnesses that he presented to the grand jury. His desire was that the grand jury would figure out the truth. This may have caused him to lose credibility. I do not know how much Kate had to do with his decision. If she was an agent of disinformation, then her goal may have been to try to discredit his investigation. Give him 90% truth, but ruin him with the 10% of lies. I have seen people lose their credibility with Freepers when there was just one little inaccuracy. It does not surprise me that Jayna would find it hard to work with Key, and I am sure that Kate wanted it that way, too. Kate McCauley was asked by McVeigh to be one of his witnesses when he was executed. She had started corresponding with him while he was incarcerated. She also assisted Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck with their book on McVeigh that spouted the official government line.

Another problem in investigating the domestic side was the long list of government informants, Carol Howe, Millar, Mahon, Strassmier, to name a few. Pat has mentioned these and others. The M.E. connection was easy compared to the mess on the domestic side. Jayna does not have the resources to begin to whack through that mess. She is comfortable with the accuracy of what she has on the M.E. side. It is not as simple as Pat makes it seem. It is a shame that he is criticizing her for not doing this investigation the way he wanted it done. It is O.K. to have a difference of opinion but he is publicly criticizing Jayna in a most vicious manner. This is bewildering.

Jayna has fought to maintain her credibility. When you are lumped in with people that have lost their credibility, it can be hard to overcome. Nita Nupress has had some very wise comments and some instruction on how to get people to listen. Glory girl also had some suggestions. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS). You cannot just dump all you know on people and you have to use wisdom. Jayna has tried to use wisdom in every decision she has made. Others are second-guessing her, but I think she has done an outstanding job. She has had to negotiate minefields.

Pat has commented numerous times that he was responsible for Jayna going to the FBI in 1999. The reason she decided to try again in 1999 had nothing to do with Pat or anyone else who had been telling her the same thing. It had to do with one call from a witness. I cannot go into details but Jayna called the FBI after this witness called and said, “I am not the Department of Justice, I am not the FBI. I will not be responsible if something else happens. You need to investigate what is going on.”

Pat also takes credit for getting her with Schippers. Several of us had read Schippers book and all of us who had read it (Jayna, her husband, me) were saying, “Call Schippers”. Great minds think alike. Pat may have called Schippers and told him to call Jayna but Schippers did not call her. Jayna initiated the call. Pat was one of many that recognized in Schippers the qualities that Jayna needed.

Another accusation involves Pat taking credit for Al Hussaini information in late April of ’95. Actually, this was before the stories even aired on KFOR, so he may have his dates wrong. The Republican Guard information that was on Hussein was in the Gazette so many people had that information including Jayna. He may be talking about the information on the prisoners captured during the Gulf War including the Republican Guard that were later brought to the U.S. during the Clinton administration. He accuses Jayna of taking this information off another reporter’s desk. Jayna said that this is an absolute lie.

While I am writing this small book, sorry about the length, I did want to point out another inconsistency in Pat’s recent postings. He mentions on February 18, Post #20, Paul Bedard. Pat writes the following, “At the time, the author, Paul Bedard, told me that the original source of his information came out of the Assistant Secretary of Defense’s office for Paul Wolfowitz.” That was also what he told Jayna. There is a huge difference in what he says in other postings where it was Wolfowitz himself. Bedard denied that he told Pat that it was Wolfowitz himself. No wonder Bedard was upset with Pat. It looks like another door closed to Pat.

Pat obviously has alienated many people, (by his own admission). He has now alienated Jayna by his accusations. This posting does not begin to address all the untruths that have been told by Pat. For a while, I did not choose to respond to the untruths, hoping that his hurt and anger would subside. I have tried to respond in a way where I gave some information on how this investigation has progressed and why certain decisions were made. I tried to keep the attacks on Pat to a minimum although I am extremely angry with him. (You should have read my first draft!)

Free Republic is an incredible forum but it can be misused. In this case, it has been. I am glad that there are people listening to Jayna.
40 posted on 07/11/2002 11:23:38 AM PDT by Nancie Drew
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