His current threat to subpoena Homeland Defense Secretary Tom Ridge is the latest violation of separation of powers.
His abuse of the GAO to unlawfully meddle in executive matters is only possible because its head is a Clinton appointee and an Arthur Anderson alum.
His lies of "secrecy" and "shadow government" were exploded by Tony Snow.
Daschle has formed the core of the American fifth column with his obstruction of the war against terrorism.
The little dictator blocked the tax cut which would have put millions of Americans back to work in a stimulated economy.
The most partisan practitioner of the politics of personal destruction has thrown up an armed checkpoint blocking judicial appointments.
The President's defense budget should take priority, but Daschle will devote all his twisted energies to raping the First Amendment this week.
In the absence of Vieques Island, his megalomaniacal ego would make a fine target for live-fire exercises.
A word to the wise: formatting your text makes it much easier to read.
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However it take a ton of money to unseat an uncumbent. Dasshole(amoung others) is the best arguement for term limits.
Am I wrong, how do we get a Dasshole from a state like yours?
Hillary from NY, I understand. Dasshole from SD?