1 posted on
12/29/2001 8:10:31 PM PST by
To: tbeatty
My timer went off. Thank God for Ann Coulter and others willing to go out on the limb.
I was just reflecting on the commentary she made about Walter Cronkite. After pointing out that Falwell went on a Christian broadcast network and said that homosexuality is offensive to God, Cronkite responded with "that's the worst thing I've ever heard."
(shaking head) That really does tell you something.
To: tbeatty
BEST PART OF THE COULTER THING - KID ASKS HER WHY GOP LOVES POL POT! Shes puts the proverbial smack down! :>
To: tbeatty
".............hundreds of children burned at Waco"
To: tbeatty
I really don't think Coulter represents conservatives all that well. She is WAY overrated IMO. Give me Laura Ingraham anyday, she is more intelligent, makes better arguments and cracks jokes that are actually funny.
To: tbeatty
She is smart and gutsy.
To: tbeatty
We're killing millions of people in Afghanistan?
To: tbeatty
Ann's Q&A session is much better than the prepared remarks. I am enjoying this segment more than the speech.
To: tbeatty
Ann Coulter was fantastic! Enjoyed every minute of her talk. I also enjoyed the young lady who introduced Ann - because it was fascinating to hear her speak to potential "disruptors" of Ann's talk and the Q&A sesssion afterwoards ------- telling them that if they went into a tirade the mic would be shut off. It is just so amazing that this woman who speaks with more clarity and more truth than Norm Chomsky has in his frizzlled and frazzled liberal brain - would face the possibility of hecklers/verbal attackers - while Chomsky would be wined and dined as liberal royalty! Ann defines he liberal mind so well - and says she is writing her next book - about the liberal mindset (another winner, I imagine). Ann Couleter NAILED the liberals and will no doubt have caused them acid indigestion in doing so.
I am alzo amazed that cspan carried this! Way to go, Cspan - are you out of Hillary's clutches now? If so, isn't it nice to be part of the "free" press again?
To: tbeatty; *Academia list
Pol Pot was a Communist. He was not installed by any American. The moron who is saying that he was a "fascist" and an "American puppet" illustrates how ignorance is embraced on campuses today.
To: tbeatty
why wasn't i informed about this, ann being in oregon. i'm very upset.
25 posted on
12/29/2001 9:05:52 PM PST by
To: tbeatty
Yes, she is! {:0)
27 posted on
12/29/2001 9:08:46 PM PST by
To: tbeatty
I love to hear her speak. She is fun and can hit hard when needed.
28 posted on
12/29/2001 9:08:54 PM PST by
A CA Guy
To: tbeatty
29 posted on
12/29/2001 9:09:27 PM PST by
To: tbeatty
Thanks for the Ann Coulter notice. I watched some of it and am taping the rest, it's bedtime here in Tennessee.
Ann Coulter makes me proud to be a Conservative and proud to be a woman. Her agile and brilliant mind works just like mine only faster, farther, 3-dimensionallly and in full color.
To: tbeatty
Ann Coulter did a wonderful job. I hope someday to send money to her election campaign.
53 posted on
12/29/2001 9:49:42 PM PST by
To: tbeatty
I only got to see the tail end of the session, but I have to hand it to Ann Coulter! She had the sniveling little college commies quaking! She stands up there firm in her principles and doesn't bat an eye! God bless you Ann!
61 posted on
12/29/2001 10:04:17 PM PST by
To: tbeatty
Caught part of this last night...Ann you were fabulous as usual. You go girl ;)
69 posted on
12/30/2001 6:35:30 AM PST by
Lady GOP
To: tbeatty
One point I liked is when she talked about democrats wanting to raise taxes because we are at war and she said that we should perhaps cut funding for the Department of Education because we are at war.
BRAVO!War is indeed hell.
84 posted on
12/30/2001 8:02:25 PM PST by
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