Ann Coulter was fantastic! Enjoyed every minute of her talk. I also enjoyed the young lady who introduced Ann - because it was fascinating to hear her speak to potential "disruptors" of Ann's talk and the Q&A sesssion afterwoards ------- telling them that if they went into a tirade the mic would be shut off. It is just so amazing that this woman who speaks with more clarity and more truth than Norm Chomsky has in his frizzlled and frazzled liberal brain - would face the possibility of hecklers/verbal attackers - while Chomsky would be wined and dined as liberal royalty! Ann defines he liberal mind so well - and says she is writing her next book - about the liberal mindset (another winner, I imagine). Ann Couleter NAILED the liberals and will no doubt have caused them acid indigestion in doing so.
I am alzo amazed that cspan carried this! Way to go, Cspan - are you out of Hillary's clutches now? If so, isn't it nice to be part of the "free" press again?
I just tuned in, where is she speaking and who is she speaking to? The Q A is on now but probably almost over. Were the questions informed ones? I hope that it will be shown again.