Posted on 12/05/2001 12:00:36 PM PST by Magician
WHO'S TRULY BEHIND THE ATTACK ON AMERICA? Many people have compared the horrendous terrorist attack on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. It is an apt comparison, though not for the reasons most people think.
For true students of history, it is now nearly beyond dispute that certain high-ranking officials in Washington, D. C. knew in advance of the Japanese intention to attack the U.S. fleet in Hawaii, yet did nothing to prevent it.
President Roosevelt, who at the time was blatantly violating the Neutrality Act, has been quoted as saying, "A Japanese attack on us.would certainly fulfill two of the most important requirements of our policy [to engage America in the war despite his pledge to keep us out of war.]"
Must the citizens of the United States wait another 50 years to learn that the 9-11 terrorist attack was allowed to take place just like Pearl Harbor?
Could such an appalling scenario possibly be true? Consider the comment of Kenneth Katzman, a terrorist expert with the Congressional Research Service, who told the Washington Post, "How nothing could have been picked up [by U.S. intelligence agencies regarding the coming attack] is beyond me."
Simple countermeasures against such an attack now seem apparent. For example, if the airlines would assigned just one armed plainclothes security man to each flight, this tragedy may have been averted since apparently the hijackers were armed only with knives or other type blades. So, how were they able to overpower a plane load of people and, more importantly, gain access to the cockpits? Who taught them to fly jumbo jets?
As in the case of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the key to understanding the event lies not in who actually committed the violence but rather who was able to strip away the normal security protection.
Government and airline officials knew immediately that planes had been hijacked, yet no interceptors appeared in the air until after the attacks were completed. Who stripped away the normal security protection of America on 9-11?
At least in this most recent case, the government cannot blame the attack on a lone deranged individual, some Lee Harvey McVeigh. They must deal with a full-blown conspiracy, even though authorities were quick to point the finger at Osama bin-Laden. Any investigation of bin-Laden must look beyond the man, to the backers and financiers behind him.
The trail of the terrorists will most probably become murky, with plenty of accusations for all concerned. But one thing appears quite clear, the tragic events of 9-11 play right into the hands of persons with an agenda aimed at eroding American liberties and sovereignty.
After decades of bloated and misused defense budgets, there are now calls for doubling our defense allocation. In a time of rising recognition that the CIA is an agency never sought by the public and one which has brought so much condemnation on this nation, there are now cries for doubling its size and budget. If the chief security officer for a large company fails to protect one of its most prized assets, is he more likely to be fired or have his pay doubled?
Watch for more anti-terrorist legislation to further shred the U.S. Constitution. As we all scramble to deal with the effects of terrorism, are we in danger of losing our few remaining individual liberties? The media blithely reported that each of the cell phone calls made by doomed passengers on the hijacked airliners was recorded by the government. Doesn't this mean that all cell phone calls are, or can be, recorded? Whatever happened to telephone privacy? Where is the indignant outcry over such Big Brotherism.
But the biggest threat comes from the inner elite of the globalist societies. Within hours of the attack, the television and radio airwaves were full of ranking Council on Foreign Relations members, such as Henry Kissinger, Wesley Clark, Alexander Haig and Strobe Talbot. Talbot, President Clinton's deputy secretary of state, told Time magazine in 1992, "In the next century [today], nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority."
No matter who was speaking, their "party line" was the same: terrible tragedy, find and punish those responsible, stop terrorism. But, of course, since terrorists move between national boundaries, we must joined with other "freedom loving" nations and work with the United Nations and NATO to combat this new menace. This is a thinly-disguised effort to have a mourning and emotional American public stampeded into their New World Order.
Also, consider that we are distracted from a faltering economy [the current crisis may require more federal financial controls], a plummeting public opinion of George W. Bush and surging energy prices. Would leaders allow a public disaster to happen with an eye toward advancing their agendas? It's happened before. in Nero's burning Rome, Germany's gutted Reichstag, at Pearl Harbor and gain at the Gulf of Tonkin. While we should grieve for our losses, we must keep our heads. When the emotions of the moment run hot, we must remain cool and thoughtful so that we can find who is truly behind this attack on America.
1) Create cover for the central bank's failure to prop up the market by another massive round of monetary inflation, the very thing that is the root cause of the economic malaise, in the event #2 below doesn't work
2) Take advantage of the incident, purposely, and unnecessarily shut down the market for 4 sessions, then execute a panic 'shock' move just a few ticks above 1998 lows in 3 sessions, then have Bob Rubin show up a few days later at the US Treasury to give them a few tips on how to use the treasury money to prop up the market. With the aid of new, massive borrowing by the govt for the war on Afghanistan, the treasury is flush with cash to play Rubin's game.
3) Creates a pretext to get the USA to fall deeper into the hole of globalist political and economic hegemony. That means no more national autonomy. The goal is to supercede the US Constitution with a global constitution, because the US Constitution is simply out of step with the times. You see, we need a global constitution and a global govt, because, as you can see from 9/11/01, why, the world has changed, etc.
4) Creates a pretext for the US govt, under the employ and direction of multi-national corporations, who have a specific vested interest in oil, nat gas, and pipeline construction in the Afghanistan region, to go to war with Afghanistan, but not have to call it a war with Afghanistan, because 9/11/01 makes it a war against terrorism, dontcha know. The purpose of the war is to get rid of the current governing regime in Afghanistan and replace it with one that will accomdate the interests of multi-nationals. This is simply the Shah of Iran play now being executed in Afghanistan. Looks like they got what they wanted -- so far.
5) Gives the govt an excuse to force us deeper into the already suffocating quasi-police state we currently live in. Now they are pushing hard for bio-metric national IDs, which eventually means you won't be able to fart with out showing your papers. All in the name of safety, of course.
6) It gets the US congress off the hump to pony up the so-called 'past due' UN dues of $500,000,000.
7) It further ingratiates the USA into the sordid, filthy, mindless, and intractable political issues swirling around Israel and the Arab countries. This is the worst outcome, but the creeps with the power just made it happen.
But who really has the power? If the US taxpayer told the govt and the NWO to F O and went on a tax strike, saying that we will not empower you to keep screwing us with your NWO scam, that would deball this entire gameplan.
Unfortunately, the nominal US citizen has an IQ of 35, and for the rest that don't, you have the NWO patsies that say tin foil, and the brilliant skeptics that smell a rat. At the end of the day, those in the last category lose because of the overwhelming number in the first category, and the sanguine set of know-it-alls in the second.
No matter what one says to the skeptic, the facts are clear, and the NWO has reaped massive gains as a result of 9/11/01, and the big loser has been the US citizen, starting with the people killed 9/11/01, then their families, then the soldiers who fight the corporations' war, and then the rest of us who have to suck it up while the govt takes our freedom away.
People forget that freedom is not a right. Well, it is and it isn't. It is a priveledge in the sense that unless somebody fights like heck to get it, and works very hard to keep it, a govt will come along and take it away. The freedoms we saw in the last 225 years were in a big way historically unprecedented. All we have to do is look at Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc, to realize that it is not a given that just because freedom is your right, that it will be handed to you on a silver platter.
History teaches us that in almost every generation, in every part of the world, there has always been ambitious men on a power trip. To imagine that the meglamaniacal process of another group of creeps angling for their latest version of global conquest, suddenly and miraculously falling off the radar screen, is hopelessly, and laughably naive.
But the new meglamaniacal creeps are not out in front of the parade like Pharoah, Alexander, Ceasar, Mohammed, Kahn, King George, Napolean, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. No, they are working from the Rothschild playbook. Secrecy is in. Operate through other people. Eventually, there will be somebody we'll be looking at as the current creep, the 'president' of the 'world', IF this current trend continues.
And the way things are going, it sure looks to me like the trend is moving swiftly in that direction. While the smug, and overly confident laugh at the alleged tin foil hat crowd, the snakes are slowly coiling around your ankles, and you do not even know it.
"Show me the proof!!" It is out there. Just read the headlines. It is the same thing as an atheist demanding proof of God. "Open your eyes. Look at the sunset. Look at the mountains. Look at the stars. Think of how our planet just 'happens' to be suspended in space, held up by nothing, and maintains a perfect and even course around the sun, held in check by an invisible force. Newton called that gravity. But then maybe there is another name for it as well."
I think we see things. Some people just simply like to deny the obvious. It is all there right in front of them. It is amazing how few can see it. But there will always be far more blind men than those that can see. "For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them."
This is just another chapter in an old story, called "The Great Irony". There are plenty of other NWO agendas getting sated as a direct result of 9/11/01, but it is clear that 9/11/01 was a major boon to the NWO list of agendas. The whole thing is a big crock and a scam.
Well, there you go. And if Osama and the Afghans didn't get anything out of this, who did? Maybe all those agencies that've been hammering for an end to American liberties and sovereignty for so long?
Seems a lot of American's noses have grown so big they can't see past their own lies with their myopic little eyeballs to read the writing on the wall.
Now is it just me, or is this a pervasive SOP for so many things that later, after the tension of the event is cooled, are finally corroborated in fact? I don't give any faith to either side of it, but the pattern is typical and someday we may know more. Just gives you something to consider.
Now, can you tell me the number one financier for the Taliban year after year?
Come on, it only takes one person with a knapsack. This is like those claims that it would have required tractor beams to levitate the stones of the Great Pyramid into place -- when there are murals from ancient Egypt showing entire statues of greater mass being pulled around on sleds by rope teams.
They lost 700 employees working on four floors. Even accounting for their being on top floors, you take 220 storeys and do the math, you get a figure of 42,000.
Actually, 38,500. But they've only found 400 bodies at Ground Zero. Doesn't that tell you that most people evacuated?
And to think there are NO bad elements is naieve, like really. There is no such thing as 'blame america" here, or in any other post I have seen on freerepublic, what we DO do here is to investigate past abuses, and abuses by their nature indicate 'bad" behavior, making the perpetrators 'bad" people, although they might be 'american' by citizenship.
That's the differences, unless you are promoting the idea there are "no" bad americans, in that case, this being a forum to uncover decades of past abuse, exactly what's your point in commenting here? Why be on free republic if you don't want to look at past or present or potential abuses? The article 'questions" some points, it points at some data, that's it.
There is NO proof possible on the internet, none, it can't be done. You can point at various web pages that contain words and images, and that's about it. One must look as far as you care to look, then make up your own mind. Some of us like looking, we don't like stopping at some arbitary point that someone else picks out for us to stop looking at. And we take the premise of the genesis of this forum to heart, we are "independent" grassroots folks, not aligned with some named political faction, we are interested in uncovering decades of past abuse, by anyone, by any political faction, any name, any capital letter in front of it. This article is musing, and I would at this point start to agree enough to keep looking, that there VERY WELL could have been plenty of warning given to some people who failed to act on it. And if so it needs to be uncovered. This seems a most appropriate topic to look at in these times.
This is neither a "blame america" article in that sense, nor is it anything more than a worthwhile and maybe more important than you might think discussion. If you disagree with the writers premise, then take what web pages you have to point to that would tend to indicate otherwise, and point to them, so we all can go look if we so choose. I know I will, I frequently follow up and look at the source of this or that on various threads here, and keep following it. And doing that for years- a small time here, but years in general-one thing I have learned, is to not take political happenstances at surface face level, there are often hidden truths. Not all the time of course, but in a lot of cases, important cases.
I hope you understand what I am saying, and please don't take this as a flame, it's not meant to be, but I think it's important to make the distinctions more clear. Wanting to get to some possible real truths is the patriotic thing to do, ignoring them or not even looking is not. A lot of us like looking and discussing, it seems the thing to do.
No, it doesn't . . . not with any degree of certainty.
Easy. The United States. We send foreign aid all over the place. What exactly does that prove regarding 9/11? By your logic, we should be expecting a massive attack from Israeli commandoes any minute since we've sent them so much foreign aid...
FYI- Kidney disease is often related to diabetes, Osama has both. The treatment was in part dialysis that Osama needs from time to time to stay healthy.
See #37 Patria "I don't think Bush or the US government or our CIA had anything to do with it."
So it must have been the...?
Nice try again. Tell me, don't you get dizzy when you spin that fast?
In the first year of the Bush administration we increased the aide to the Taliban. The greatest part of it was to reward them for cutting back on opium production, which has since returned to even higher levels.
The point is, I've seen one story saying bin Laden was being treated in Dubai in October, and another in July. I've seen one saying he was being treated for diabetes, and one saying he was being treated for kidney problems. Not all folks with diabetes have kidney problems, and not all folks with kidney problems have diabetes, and when I see these kinds of variances in the story, along with the simple fact that the government of Dubai says bin Laden wasn't there, I, like most sane people, dismiss the story. If you want to keep barking up that particular tree, go right ahead, just don't look at me funny when I refuse to join in...
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