And to think there are NO bad elements is naieve, like really. There is no such thing as 'blame america" here, or in any other post I have seen on freerepublic, what we DO do here is to investigate past abuses, and abuses by their nature indicate 'bad" behavior, making the perpetrators 'bad" people, although they might be 'american' by citizenship.
That's the differences, unless you are promoting the idea there are "no" bad americans, in that case, this being a forum to uncover decades of past abuse, exactly what's your point in commenting here? Why be on free republic if you don't want to look at past or present or potential abuses? The article 'questions" some points, it points at some data, that's it.
There is NO proof possible on the internet, none, it can't be done. You can point at various web pages that contain words and images, and that's about it. One must look as far as you care to look, then make up your own mind. Some of us like looking, we don't like stopping at some arbitary point that someone else picks out for us to stop looking at. And we take the premise of the genesis of this forum to heart, we are "independent" grassroots folks, not aligned with some named political faction, we are interested in uncovering decades of past abuse, by anyone, by any political faction, any name, any capital letter in front of it. This article is musing, and I would at this point start to agree enough to keep looking, that there VERY WELL could have been plenty of warning given to some people who failed to act on it. And if so it needs to be uncovered. This seems a most appropriate topic to look at in these times.
This is neither a "blame america" article in that sense, nor is it anything more than a worthwhile and maybe more important than you might think discussion. If you disagree with the writers premise, then take what web pages you have to point to that would tend to indicate otherwise, and point to them, so we all can go look if we so choose. I know I will, I frequently follow up and look at the source of this or that on various threads here, and keep following it. And doing that for years- a small time here, but years in general-one thing I have learned, is to not take political happenstances at surface face level, there are often hidden truths. Not all the time of course, but in a lot of cases, important cases.
I hope you understand what I am saying, and please don't take this as a flame, it's not meant to be, but I think it's important to make the distinctions more clear. Wanting to get to some possible real truths is the patriotic thing to do, ignoring them or not even looking is not. A lot of us like looking and discussing, it seems the thing to do.