I do think the town is out of line as far as cancelling Santa.
I apologize if I have offended anyone.
Ordinarily, I might agree with you on the smoking issue.Dittos and you haven't. My Mother passed away this past January from tobacco-related cause - Emphesyma, COPD. I sure can empathize/sympathize with you, friend.
However, my husband has severe emphesyma and to hear you say he(or anyone)
is welcome to quit breathing was beyond kidding.We try to avoid situations that
make smokers uncomfortable, but there are times it is inevitable.
And I hope that in those times people are flexible.I have never run
into anyone who wasn't, yet.I do think the town is out of line as far as cancelling Santa.
I apologize if I have offended anyone.
For years I tried to get her to quit smoking, and gave it up 20 years ago because I decided that my interjections were only causing a situation and not solving anything.
Last fall, when she clearly saw how it had severly deterioriated her quality of life (she DID finally quit a year before), she told me I wish I had quit a long time ago. What could I say? - I know, Mom. . .so do I was all I could say at the time. . .
You haven't offended anyone who is sane. I'm not a smoker now,but I was for about 40 years,and I never once saw or heard of a smoker refusing to put his/her cigarette out when someone with legimitate health problems asked politely. Not once.