It seems that someone wants some discord. Perhaps Bin Laden wants a partizan food fight? I considered that. He doesn't gain much going after liberal democrats and media. Hillary, on the other hand, can't stand peace and quiet. She loves discord, feeds off it.
But then there is the 'red-handed' matter to consider. One of the terrorists is said to have red hands. Perhaps it was muslim terrorists after all. Perhaps they think the liberals are easier to intimidate than conservatives.
Then there was that crazy episode at the airport, where Hillary's witch-mobile tried to bypass checkpoints. Why? Could it be she didn't want to be searched? Could it be she wanted to sneak out without having her name registered there at that particular time? I wonder what the time line is for that letter. This notion might be easilly discounted if the days don't match up.
I even considered Bush. LOL. Yes I'll turn any stone. Being as cynical as possible about the potential he had as evil a team together as Clinton [and it takes a lot of work to get that evil a team together], Bush doesn't need this kind of turmoil. His approval ratings as high as they are. Why bother? Everything is going his way right now. And frankly, I don't think he or his team would have enough energy left at the end of the day to plan a daring caper like this.
But back to Russell Welch, while it's unlikely the Welch incident is connected to this, it is still worth considering and investigating. And when liberals try to pin the blame on conservatives, I'll be ready to throw this in their face.
One thing is for certain, the hand writing on the envelope will shorten the suspect list very quickly. Potential suspects could be cleared in no time. But who wrote the letter? An islamic foreign terrorist? A staffer? A stranger paid to write on an envelope? A friend? The anthrax handler directly?
If you have someone else write on envelopes, you just created a witness. Most criminals don't want too many witnesses. Soooo..... I am curious.