I can't remember all the details, but there was a story recently about a day trader who went berserk and shot up two brokerage offices. Whas that in NYC? Anyway, the story was that he walked right by the recptionist in the first office. She who was able to hide under her desk and survived while he went on to shoot up another office. How many died? Seven in two offices?
Now, imagine if she had had a gun in her desk and was trained to use it.
I'd hate to return to the "Wild West" (which I believe never existed) but without moral restraints in the populace there will never be enough police to protect my family. When they fail, the job is mine. How much more so if I am charged with the welfare of others like a pilot is.
I'm with the pilots. I also might like any citizen with a license to carry to be packing on the plane. Why shouldn't potential terrorists be afraid of an armed army being on the plane?