Posted on 09/22/2001 8:09:37 AM PDT by Hillary's Lovely Legs
Edited on 05/26/2004 5:00:53 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
Flame away.
That's a pretty classy thing for Paul McCartney to say. Kudos... I didn't know he had it in him.
September 11 Fund
How will funds be allocated?
United Way and The New York Community Trust are meeting with city, state, and federal agencies and representatives from relief organizations and other nonprofit service providers. We are assessing individual and community needs and identifying where government money will be contributed. We are determining the gaps and will provide emergency assistance for victims and their families, grants that meet the needs of others affected by the disaster, and support to rebuild communities.
Broad categories of need that we have identified to date, include: * Increase the ability of disaster-assistance agencies to respond to emergency needs.
* Sustain the psychological well-being individuals and families in New York and other affected communities.
* Support the social-economic recovery of individuals, families, and communities.
* Support the economic rebuilding of lower Manhattan.
* Ensure the capacity of nonprofits to continue to provide services.
* Monitor and mitigate the environmental impacts of the disaster.
* Promote respect and tolerance within New York and other affected communities.
Final goals for the Fund will be decided upon by the governing bodies that is being developed in consultation with other funders and experts.
Who will determine the policies, procedures, and operating standards of The Fund?
A governance structure is being developed that will include business and community leaders. We are committed to the highest level of accountability and impact.
Is the Fund exclusively for New York or really a national fund that will help other individuals and communities?
The September 11th Fund is a national fund. While a significant portion of the funds will be used in the New York City/Tri-State area, we know that individuals and families from other communities have been affected. The Fund will provide support to help meet their needs and to those of their communities.
Can donors restrict their gift?
Given the enormity and breadth of the needs, we encourage donors to give to the general Fund, so that dollars can be directed to where they are needed most.
What is The New York Community Trust?
The New York Community Trust was established in 1924 to improve the quality of life in New York City and help people with their philanthropy. An aggregate of 1,500 charitable funds set up by individuals, families and business, The Trust last year distributed over $145 million in grants throughout the New York region and all over the country for issues related to children and families, health, community development, education, and many other worthwhile causes. Their Web site address is
What is United Way of New York City?
United Way of New York City (UWNYC) is a volunteer-led organization dedicated to helping New Yorks most vulnerable citizens become and remain self-sufficient. UWNYC funds a network of the most effectively health and human services nonprofits in the five boroughs; mobilizes collaborative efforts to address our communitys most pressing needs; and provides management assistance, technology training, donated computers and more to help nonprofits achieve maximum impact. UWNYCs Web site address is Back to Top This information was updated 9/20/01. Copyright © 2001 United Way of New York City - All rights reserved.
Johnny Rotten, 1977
The thought of allowing this low life loose long enough to spread his disease by shaking hands makes me nauseous. I couldn't stand the sight of him if I were his daughter knowing that he is a filthy minded leering blasphemer. Either she is the same as him (I wonder how she liked those thongs he bought her in Brazil) or she is nuts like her mother.
If what Joan River's is reporting is true, then the WHOLE TELETHON WAS ONE BIG LIE. I am sick.
Translation: Yippee! Big bonuses for all NYC United Way executives this year!
"Funds will be earmarked to non-profit organizations working in three key areas: defending minorities from racial attacks; media and educational programs promoting tolerance; and initiatives offering diverse information about the crisis."Hmm. This sounds familiar.
Any ideas on how to find out if it is the same?
"God bless the USA"
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