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1 posted on 09/19/2001 5:10:29 PM PDT by grahm_crackers
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To: grahm_crackers
It's almost unimaginable what they really had planned.

Time to rid the world of this scum.

2 posted on 09/19/2001 5:15:41 PM PDT by Dog Gone
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To: grahm_crackers
I wonder how they were going to use the amblulences and the fire trucks? Maybe to gain access to places they normally wouldn't be allowed in?
3 posted on 09/19/2001 5:18:11 PM PDT by VA Advogado
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To: grahm_crackers
Something I haven't seen posted: We owe a debt of gratitude to the air traffic controllers and pilots who acted so swiftly to get all other planes out of the air as quickly as they did. This may have prevented at least one more attack.
4 posted on 09/19/2001 5:21:51 PM PDT by Real Cynic No More
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To: grahm_crackers
"The FBI said it has issued an advisory to fire departments across the country to increase security and guard against the theft of any ambulances or fire trucks, which could be used in bombing attacks. The bureau said the warning was precautionary."

I live in a very rural area, in fact, it does not have a name other than, the Fowl River area. We have a volunteer fire department with one truck and an EMS vehicle. I saw the FBI alert and called our VFD today. They say that they were notified yesterday. I'm impressed.

9 posted on 09/19/2001 5:24:20 PM PDT by blam
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To: grahm_crackers
13 posted on 09/19/2001 5:28:59 PM PDT by FReethesheeples
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To: grahm_crackers
Suspect raised eyebrows at Oklahoma flight school

By PAT DOYLE, Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune

NORMAN, Okla. - Nearly a year before he aroused suspicion in Minnesota, a man who is believed to be a high-ranking operative for Osama bin Laden corresponded by e-mail to a flight school under the pseudonym ''Zuluman Tango Tango,'' sometimes expressing vague fears about security.

After Zacarias Moussaoui arrived at the training school in Norman, he shunned the housing accepted by nearly all students and belabored such routines as getting a checking account. He was described as contrary and intense.

''I swore I'd never fly with him again,'' said flight instructor Azim Sumar, recalling one episode. ''He was stubborn. He wouldn't listen.''

In his intensity, Moussaoui often pressed the controls too hard - ''a death grip,'' Sumar called it.

Moussaoui has been detained since Aug. 17 on an immigration violation after flight instructors at a training center in Eagan, Minn., became suspicious when he wanted to learn to fly a commercial jet but not take off or land, sources have said. The New York Times reported Monday that Moussaoui is the most significant of four people flown to New York for questioning in last Tuesday's attacks.

He had established an odd persona in Oklahoma long before last week's events.

Norman police said Monday that they did an intensive investigation but still don't know where he lived during his stay in their city.

In September 2000, he inquired about attending Airman Flight School in Norman, sending e-mails to Brenda Keene, the admissions director.

''Originally, he said he wanted to become a commercial pilot,'' Keene said.

Moussaoui said he wanted to start classes in November. But his e-mails soon expressed concerns about the cost of the program, particularly the need to pay at least one-third of the tuition at the beginning. Instead of signing up for lessons that would include commercial flying, at a cost of $18,995, Moussaoui eventually opted for lessons to become a private pilot. Those cost $5,000.

The two corresponded by e-mail through February. He had persistent questions about the cost of the program, whether he could get extra training if he initially failed, and what assurance he had of getting a job as an instructor. He referred to himself simply as Zuluman TangoTango.

In January or early February, Keene said, she sent Moussaoui a student visa form that required him to provide a name, date of birth and other information. Moussaoui identified himself and said he was born May 30, 1968, in St. Jean de Luz, France. He listed a London address and appeared to have a valid French passport, she said.

On Feb. 22, he sent a final e-mail to Keene saying he was arriving in Chicago the next day on a United Airlines flight from London's Heathrow Airport.

Moussaoui enrolled Feb. 26, paying $2,500 in cash. Keene remembers the enrollment taking more than 2-1/2 hours because Moussaoui asked so many questions.

''It normally takes 15 minutes,'' she said.

Similarly, ''I sent someone to the bank with him to open an account, and it took him two hours,'' she said. ''He was very inquisitive. ...''

Although Moussaoui took the private pilot lessons, he continued to talk about flying commercially. ''That was weird,'' flight instructor Sumar said.

From March 5 to May 24 he took 57 hours of flying lessons, but he never flew solo and never got his private pilot's license.

At the end of the training period in late May, Moussaoui ''just left,'' Keene said.

Although it's unclear where he went from Norman, he appeared in Eagan this summer.

Moussaoui wound up at Eagan's Pan Am International Flight Academy, asking questions about renting a flight simulator for flying a commercial jet, sources said. He was arrested Aug. 17 in Minnesota after an instructor at Pan Am became suspicious and the FBI and immigration officials were notified.

He is being held on an alleged immigration violation and was transferred Friday from the Sherburne County jail to a site in New York.

Publication date: 09-18-01

15 posted on 09/19/2001 5:30:01 PM PDT by kcvl
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To: grahm_crackers
As far as additional targets in which emergency vehicles would be used, I have a guess.

The terrorists struck at the military

The terrorists struck at our commerce

The terrorists apparantly intended to strike at our government with Flight 93

What is the next logical target with multitudes of possible victims? Even more than WTC?


Such as a large scale football game, baseball game etc.

How in the hell can we protect our children?

I pray for President Bush and our fine military every day.

I ask God to forgive our nation and protect us every day

I pray a lot.

16 posted on 09/19/2001 5:30:50 PM PDT by Thoeting
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To: grahm_crackers

The investigation, the largest in American history, has engulfed the full resources of the FBI, Justice Department, Customs Service, Treasury Department agencies that track assets and the CIA, National Security Agency and other spy agencies.

At least these poor people arn't having to spend their days protecting X-42. I'd tell you more, except I can't talk about an ungoing investigation. Bull$hit, We've hear that far to often. We have some exceptionally well qualified cops in our system. They are finally free to do their jobs, and they will do it very well.

God Bless America!

17 posted on 09/19/2001 5:30:52 PM PDT by Dale 1
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To: grahm_crackers
Unbelievably, I know the pilot of the AA plane that was forced to land in St. Louis. The coppers arrested several "Middle Eastern" passengers after they tried to escape on Amtrak. He and his wife have four young children. Thank God this particular plot didn't succeed.
20 posted on 09/19/2001 5:34:34 PM PDT by The Right Stuff
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To: OKCSubmariner, rdavis84, LSJohn, thinden, Fred Mertz, SKYDRIFTER, FormerLurker, Wallaby, roughrider
23 posted on 09/19/2001 5:37:07 PM PDT by MizSterious
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To: grahm_crackers
The FBI has meticulously pieced together a broad terrorist plot, securing evidence the hijackers trained for months or years without raising suspicions in the United States, received financial and logistical support from others and identified additional targets for destruction.

Grist for the mill once the Libertarian threads start up again.

25 posted on 09/19/2001 5:37:41 PM PDT by r9etb
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To: grahm_crackers
hmmmmmmm whats with the double numbers 11 22 does these numbers have any signafance?
28 posted on 09/19/2001 5:42:36 PM PDT by classygreeneyedblonde
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To: grahm_crackers
Thanks for the imformative post! I heard on Dennis Prager's talk show today a lady saying that she thought the target for Sept. 22 was the Miss USA contest to be held in Atlantic City. I didn't get her name of course, she was a part of the pagent. But what she said makes sense. Another symbol of America that would be a feather in their cap. She had alot of evidence for this. They took a vote among the contestants whether they should go on with it and 2/3rds said yes. The lady herself was doubtful and said she may not go in light of what she knows. Sorry I can't tell you more.
56 posted on 09/19/2001 6:10:00 PM PDT by abigail2
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To: grahm_crackers
More info...aired today on The Bob Doran Show ...

Barbara Olson was invited to be a guest on Politically Correct with Bill Maher, filming to take place in Los Angeles Tuesday, Sept 11.

Bill Maher squrimed when asked repeatedly by Larry Klayman (during his appearance on the show last year...) Are you communist?..ARE YOU A COMMUNIST? until Maher finally answered...Mahher is certainly NO fan of Judicial Watch, yet extened an invitiation to appear and tape a Show on 9/11 to Klayman's right hand man, Tom Fitton who is PRESIDENT of Judicial Watch

Fitton and Olson's shows were to be filmed back to back on Tuesday night, Sept 11...

These INVITATIONS caused Olson to perish in the plane bound for LA, that instead used human bodies as bombs in the attack on the Pentagon.

Fitton? By the Grace of God, he took an earlier hour before he was scheduled to leave.

BOTH of Hillary Clinton's ARCH ENEMIES invited to appear and fly on the same day.... One, Barbara Olson who has written yet another book exposing the Clinton's crimes, Two, Judicial Watch... The ONLY organization going after the Clinton's in the Courts.

61 posted on 09/19/2001 6:19:55 PM PDT by reformjoy
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To: grahm_crackers
Just read that Sen. Shelby R-Alabama, said the 9/11 attack was a 'massive intelligence failure'.
It's about time someone spoke out.
133 posted on 09/19/2001 7:52:09 PM PDT by mickie
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To: grahm_crackers
This is a scary thread. I hope bin laden isn't reading it.
138 posted on 09/19/2001 8:07:33 PM PDT by GnL
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To: grahm_crackers
The Attacks were well known to be coming and now the tax payers are being faked-out! This isn't over. It would be naive to think that some batch of 'others' isn't planning alternate attack methonds. We won't know until it happens - even if the next attacks are also known.

McVeigh's attorney, Stephan Jones, made an incredibly strong case for the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma City being a middle-eastern operation. He got the max stifling in the court room. The next event could be anywhere.

Just take time to look over our shoulder. Start with the fact that the nearly non-existent airport security has been well known for a long time. The airlines made money from it. Now, we're to feel sorry for the airlines who stash the real profits in the holding companies that we're not supposed to look at?

The holding company makes huge profits, while the illusion is that the airline is losing money - sorry, it's a statistical fake!

Wake up out there!!!

We may discover quite a scam in the proposed bail-out. For starters, the layoffs are roughly equivalent to the Reserve - Guard call-up; and the layoffs were almost automatic.

Further, in the military operation, the airlines fall under the lucrative "Civilian Reserve Air Fleet" program (CRAF), thus they will pick up a tremendous profit from flying the troops they generated.

The airlines created this mess by ignoring airport security standards, with the knowing and willing help of the FAA.

See -

Airline Safety ‘Net

- look to the “Attack on America” link.
142 posted on 09/19/2001 8:20:43 PM PDT by SKYDRIFTER
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To: grahm_crackers
Wonder if that doctor in San Antonio might be part of a plot to use germ warfare, chemicals, food tampering or whatever. Better start taking your own food onto airplanes. Would be really easy to contaminate the flight food.
149 posted on 09/19/2001 8:44:01 PM PDT by ClancyJ
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To: grahm_crackers
I read somewhere that around 1995 or 1998 the WTC, Sears Towers and the Trans America building were being mentioned as "possible targets" by plane/bombs by someone involved in the original WTC bombing.

I have no doubts that other shoes will fall. Given the heat and security that is now being placed upon the airline terrorists. Ben Ladin & co. will probably move to plan "B", whatever that may be.

This is war and it isn't over. The biggest mistake the Japanese made during the opening day of WWII was not following up on their attack on Pearl Harbor with other attacks. They got scared and ran because they wanted to "protect their assets" (their carriers). They ended up losing them all at the battle of Midway anyway! If they had hit the place again it would have been much more devastating on moral and they may have possibly been able to find our carriers and destroy them, thus changing the outcome of the war in the Pacific.

The terrorists may or may not repeat the failure of the Japanese to hit us again as soon as possible. But we on our part must be ready and prepared, whether they do or not. When they do strike again (and they will), we must persevere and hang tough. Remember, the United States was losing the war in the Pacific for nearly three years before we finally emerged victorious. This victory will not be quick, cheap or clean and easy. However, it will be worth it for the safety of future generations of Americans and freedom loving people throughout the world.


152 posted on 09/19/2001 8:49:32 PM PDT by Jmouse007
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To: grahm_crackers
September 22, 2001 is the fall equinox. A big day to the astro-community.
188 posted on 09/20/2001 8:22:47 PM PDT by LandofLincoln
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