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Posted on 09/11/2001 10:50:39 PM PDT by newsperson999
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 911; 911archive; binladen; islamicjihad
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To: sockmonkey
Oops! In the wee hours of morning the British TV reported that in their morning show, as well as the incident where Barbara Olson was ordered to call her husband back and tell him that they were going to die. Her last words were, "What should I do? What should I tell them?" And then they crashed.
We do have to bear in mind the adage that 'the first casualty of war is the truth,' and I will add that this is true and necessary. So, the stories will come out, but in dribs and drabs.
Quote of the Day by President George W. Bush
posted on
09/12/2001 7:57:47 AM PDT
To: Patriot76
Crawl back in your hole. Your an expert on everything. YEA RIGHT. This will be my first and last post to you - don't dishonor the memories of those Americans who died yesterday by posting your b/s on this thread. This is about those who fought to save lives, not those who sit and bitch. In the coming months more Americans will probably lay down their lives for this country so honor them by STFU.
To: newsperson999
I thought this was what might have occured. If true, they were heroes.
To: Patriot76
Those who know me know that I am an uncompromising libertarian who won't hesitate to attack the govt if I think it warranted. In this case, I don't.
You need to realise that the President is not omnipotent and cannot prevent every calamity. It is tempting to you fans of big govt to say that if the govt would only buckle down and spend lots of money these attacks could be prevented. Real life doesn't work that way.
Our country has this strange idea that everything can and must be "prevented". Wrong! This is the mindset that drives liberal fantasies like gun control. You should drop it like a hot rock.
We should learn from the heroes on that airliner. Whether guns on board a plane is a good idea or not (I understand the problems of firing in a pressurized compartment but in a case like this it hardly seems to matter), the important thing is the will to fight. I think that is the real damage caused by gun control: most people I encounter are horrified by the thought of fighting for themselves. Surveys show that gun owners are more ready to go the aid of those under attack. I think this is because they are accustomed to the idea of fighting.
To: Howlin
I agree about not wanting double-posting; HOWEVER, in light of the current situation, what HARM is caused by a second post about Passengers on the hijacked jets...and look at the number of posts in the thread...320+! So again, FWIW, your pickiness is so incredibly juvenile at this time!
To: East Bay Patriot
We are all angry as hell, but let's not try to stir ourselves and others in xenophobic and racist anger. It might feel good to generalize after what happened, but it would just be stooping to their level. Anger always follows shock, and this is to be expected. But let me be one to warn us all against becoming obsessed with hating a whole culture based on the actions of a minority of them.
God bless.
posted on
09/12/2001 8:26:53 AM PDT
To: newsperson999
My hats off to them, we owe them a great debt.
If I was on the plane, I'd try my best to fly it. I'm an aviation buff myself. Anyhow, I might as well, gotta make those many hours I had at my Apple ][ with Sublogic's (1979) and MS (1983) Flight Simulators pay off. B-) Anyhow, life is a chance and if there is a way I could win by rolling the dice, well, that's what I would do.
Seriously, these people are heroes, that' all I can say.
posted on
09/12/2001 8:30:03 AM PDT
Nowhere Man
To: newsperson999
May God give their families peace
To: imperator2
Those doors are not incredibly difficult to open. And anyone planning to hijack a plane will bring the proper tools to open a such a secured door.
Thinking prior to posting is OK at FR.
To: .30Carbine
There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.Amen. They are American heroes and patriots.
To: FormerLurker
To: Kaptain Kanada
As ye sow, so shall ye reap They sowed. Time for us to do some reaping.
They the saying goes, it's time to "lead, follow or get out of the way."
To: .30Carbine
I sorry you felt you had to disregard the point of my comment. Goddamn filthy, egg sucking liberal dirtbag gun control pukes have convinced the American sheep that an armed, law abiding citizen is THE threat, not murdering criminal filth.
To: Howlin
I know you're new here, but we really don't need a new thread for EVERY sentence on TV. This is on another thread, and could have been added to that one. Hey, this is the first time *I* saw it. And I've been on here most of the morning. So I for one am GLAD it's its own thread.
To: ehat
Thanks for the unrequested and presumptuous moral lecture about man's inhumanity towards man and the typical doggerel about racism, blah, blah, blah. Save that snivelling shit for the perpetrators of this act of mass murder. We can delineate the responsible parties without your "considered" opinion.
To: sockmonkey
Someone on FR speculated earlier that they bet this what had happened. May God rest their souls for willingly giving their lives to save others. I pray their bravery will be a comfort for their families. That was me, my thoughts from the beginning.
1 out of 4 resisting is also about consistent with current american thought and convictions. It was either the pilots, or the passengers that said "NO" to being hijacked by a few thugs armed only with knives. Too bad they did not survive, there were good people on this plane, people that chose not to be executed while sitting quietly in their seats, the only plane with more than sheep in it. There were heros on this plane, and they were successful, although they lost their lives, they did save another building, and deserve to be called heros.
To: Ironsman
"If given more time maybe the passengers on the other flights could have stopped these terrible attacks. "
Yes, and they probably did try to stop the terror! On one plane, at least two stewardess' had their throats slashed to force the Crew to open the Cock Pit...
With such evil and violence, there was no time to stop anything.
The men and woman on the Pittsburg Flight were brave because they wanted to die on their terms, not the terms of Satan. And they were blessed with extra time to do it.
To: newsperson999. Aloha ronnie
I was just at and the Headline was that President Bush was a target!
I have to believe now, that the passangers in the plane that hit the Pentagon forced it down before it could hit the White House.
The passengers probably figured out that their plane was headed to the White House and stopped it!
Remember, Author Barbara Olson via cell phone asked her husband "what can we do"...
I think the passengers stepped forward on this flight too.
To: philman_36
Thanks for #298. Been weeping off and on all day,
sometimes for the extreme ugliness of the destruction,
and sometimes for the extreme beauty of the present-day disciples -
shining like bright stars in this dark time.
Nice to see you again, philman. God bless you.
To: cdwright , Howlin
I didn't see the other posted article either, so I am very very glad he posted it! And I don't mind reading double threads because sometimes there is something in one that isn't in the other.
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