To: East Bay Patriot
We are all angry as hell, but let's not try to stir ourselves and others in xenophobic and racist anger. It might feel good to generalize after what happened, but it would just be stooping to their level. Anger always follows shock, and this is to be expected. But let me be one to warn us all against becoming obsessed with hating a whole culture based on the actions of a minority of them.
God bless.
326 posted on
09/12/2001 8:26:53 AM PDT by
To: ehat
Thanks for the unrequested and presumptuous moral lecture about man's inhumanity towards man and the typical doggerel about racism, blah, blah, blah. Save that snivelling shit for the perpetrators of this act of mass murder. We can delineate the responsible parties without your "considered" opinion. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson