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Fireworks for the few, Whitehouse feared crowd. (No need for everyone to enjoy[Tax Dollars at work])
Fireworks for the few, Whitehouse feared crowd. (No need for everyone to enjoy[Tax Dollars at work]) ^
| 9-05-01
| Matt Drudge
Posted on 09/05/2001 11:00:01 PM PDT by Libertarian_4_eva
Taxpayers may have footed the bill, but White House officials wanted no pre-publicity for a massive fireworks display on The Mall Wednesday night celebrating President Bush's first State Dinner.
The common man was not invited to view the 20-minute fireworks display launched from The Ellipse, described as one of the most dazzling in the city's history.
Officials feared tens of thousands of residents and visitors would gather to watch the show if word leaked out, creating a "security concern" around the executive mansion.
The president and his guests watched the fireworks from the White House's South Balcony.
The cost of the display is said to be $175,000 to $250,000.
A source connected to the Pennsylvania pyrotechnic company responsible for lighting the fireworks, Zambelli Fireworks Internationale, told the DRUDGE REPORT show fees ran into "six figures".
With just 136 invited guests at the White House -- the price tag for the fireworks alone was well north of $1,200 per attendee.
A White House spokesman refused comment on the financing of the fireworks.
The secret fireworks show caught residents by complete surprise.
One local e-mailed: "From my apartment, I just witnessed the most amazing fireworks I have seen in my twenty years in Washington."
A second eyewitness described the show as being "one of the very best fireworks displays I've ever seen.
"The display I saw tonight had many, *many* fancier fireworks than the ones used on the Fourth of July. Tonight there were fireworks that shot up, in three colors, a sort of planet, with a ring around it in another color; a firework that shot off a central band of white explosion and a sort of wheat-sheaf of fireworks in other colors both above and below the band; a firework that shot off hundreds of massive white streamers each of then exploded into five more small streamers. I go into this detail only to say how fancy and beautiful the whole thing was."
Park police estimated less than 100 people quickly gathered to watch from public space surrounding The Ellipse.
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I am glad the powerful got to enjoy them without letting the little people that paid the bill even get a chance of catching the whole thing.
Comment #2 Removed by Moderator
To: animus
"I cant wait to hear the spin on how taxpayers should not be allowed to see what they paid for."
Cmon, the Republican's were out of the White House for eight years. Don't they deserve a nice party?
To: Libertarian_4_eva
Oh please! Can't you do better than this? LOL!
A state dinner honoring a visiting Foreign leader costs money, always has, always will, and this probably didn't cost nearly as much as some have, as if it matters! Sheesh!
posted on
09/05/2001 11:11:40 PM PDT
To: animus
Do they really deserve to see them? Bush should have told all of DC to turn around and not look for 20 minutes. How discusting all of the little people wanting in on some of the fun.
To: Libertarian_4_eva
They didn't turn anyone away, they just didn't advertise it to avoid the cost of crowd control. After all Washington DC is the murder capitol of our country as well as the governing one.
posted on
09/05/2001 11:12:04 PM PDT
A CA Guy
To: Libertarian_4_eva
In DC on a Wednesday night, the little people are the crack users and other junkies, hookers, various other refugees from the criminal justice system, diplomats, interns (those not banging Democratic congressmen and Hillary), and other government hacks. No need to tell them anything since they don't pay taxes, they just suck down tax dollars.
posted on
09/05/2001 11:12:15 PM PDT
To: Libertarian_4_eva
The cost of the display is said to be $175,000 to $250,000.
Small govt? Cutting taxes? HA! Shame on Republicans and "conservatives" alike. Shame on Liberals, too - INDEED, SHAME ON ALL HYPOCRITES.
To: Libertarian_4_eva, animus, libertarian_usa, A CA Guy, LenS
I have to agree with the sentiments that this is a huge waste of taxpayer money... Then again, most of what DC does is!
If it were x42 hosting this dinner and having a "private" fireworks show, the Republicans -- and Freepers -- would be all over him for it.
Instead of wasting MY TAX DOLLARS on fireworks, how about a REAL tax cut!!!
Bush voter who is increasingly disappointed, regardless of how many times people mention the alternative to his being in office.
posted on
09/05/2001 11:19:33 PM PDT
To: ladyinred
Oh please! Can't you do better than this? LOL! A state dinner honoring a visiting Foreign leader costs money, always has, always will, and this probably didn't cost nearly as much as some have, as if it matters! Sheesh!
I am not talking about the state dinner. I am talking about having the decency to let others who pay the bills know about a fireworks display that could have been enjoyed by many people.
Officials feared tens of thousands of residents and visitors would gather to watch the show if word leaked out, creating a "security concern" around the executive mansion.
Thats right no need to slow down the important people who came to the dinner with crowds of taxpayers who would have loved to see the whole entire thing.
To: Libertarian_4_eva
I've had a number of dinner parties at my home. I've found that desert is cheaper than fireworks, and usually does a better job of satisfying the guests.
To: libertarian_usa
Cmon, the Republican's were out of the White House for eight years. Don't they deserve a nice party? Oh, please. I can't stand hypocrisy. Can any of you defending this *honestly* tell me that you wouldn't be one of the ones screaming if the story was "Clinton White House spends 6 figures on fireworks display for State Dinner guests. Keeps public in the dark."?
posted on
09/05/2001 11:25:57 PM PDT
To: saquin
"Can any of you defending this *honestly*"
Oh please, yourself.
Turning it around doesn't change a thing. Yes, I would be saying the same thing. Why would you ask such a thing? To prove your own hypocrisy, while unable to prove mine?
To: TexRef
Bush voter who is increasingly disappointed, regardless of how many times people mention the alternative to his being in office.Well, the alternative to him being in office is water under the bridge. We need to start thinking about the alternative to him being in office after 2004. What I mean is, maybe we can find a better, more conservative Republican.
All it takes is one governor or senator to come forward and oppose illegal immigration, and Bush will not be renominated.
To: ladyinred
By the way, our guy saves the money big time:

The Clinton China is set on tables in the State Dinning Room of the White House, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2001, for the state dinner for Mexican President Vincente Fox. President Bush's culinary preferences are decidedly down-home: spicy meat steaming with the wood-soaked smoke of the fiery pit. But don't look for ribs and coleslaw when he gives his first state dinner Wednesday night: decorum trumps domestic, said the spokeswoman for the first lady, who is organizing the feast for Fox. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)
To: Libertarian_4_eva
I am glad the powerful got to enjoy them without letting the little people that paid the bill even get a chance of catching the whole thing.
What did they do...put a curtain up around the mall so the little people couldn't see the fireworks??? Sheesh.
To: E=MC<sup>2</sup>
No they spent our money without giving us a chance of seeing it because they did not want to slow down their friends trip home. Have you ever heard of any fireworks display that was kept from the public that was paid for by tax dollars? No I thought not!
Comment #18 Removed by Moderator
To: libertarian_usa
Sure, but not one that included fireworks at a cost of between $175K and $250K in addition to the food and decorations for the party. My portion of the taxes that helped pay for the fireworks could have been better spent in support of
To: Libertarian_4_eva
I suppose some of these people here feel that they deserved to be at the dinner too? Do you guys feel obligated to ride on Air Force One as well? That cost is nothing compared to what it would have cost to set up security for the mass crowds that might have showed up.
The President has taste, along with his wife. I guess if they would have welcomed President Fox wearing flip-flops and cutoffs, served mayonnaise sandwiches and Kool-Aid, would some people here on FR be happy.
posted on
09/05/2001 11:50:05 PM PDT
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