Posted on 02/04/2025 6:33:07 AM PST by george76
The military, under Joe Biden and Mark Milley, openly plotted to incite race riots in Africa then use USAID to swoop in and give striking protestors no-show jobs on US taxpayer dime so they keep could keep getting paid while striking and protesting in the streets.
Simple question: Is USAID a front for the CIA? This isn't "aid," it reeks of covert intel ops.
Soros owned foundation and USAID Setup Biolab in Ukraine
who funded the Antifa and BLM riots? Everyone thought it was Soros, but Scott would say that made no sense, it is most likely our own government + USAID
How much you wanna bet that Patriot Front, Antifa, BLM, Free Palestine and others are getting funded this way?
Yes, CIA...
How much you wanna bet that Patriot Front, Antifa, BLM, Free Palestine and others are getting funded this way?
I wouldn’t be surprised. Plus globalist organizations like Open Society Foundations, Clinton Foundation, etc. They steal our money to use against us in the attempt to take over the world.
Okay, I fear for Elon Musk’s safety now, I really do. Him and the President both.
Hard to believe. Show proof and we can squeeze their balls tighter.
From The Conservative Treehouse around the first of February:
“U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is the cover agency for CIA influence operations worldwide.”
Except for putting food and medicine on commercial ships and planes, USAID will have to have its programs terminated. All its people outside the USA are at too great a risk.
And a bunch of those striking protesters with no show jobs were actually phantom, non existent people and their paychecks were deposited in bank accounts routed to family members of Biden Admin, USAID and congressional officials and cronies
That’s how the system works
And the team of DOGE whiz kids he has assembled.
The country of Georgia targeted NGOs for removal from the country.
It’s always been a cover for CIA.
Not sure if it started that way but it quickly became that way.
So what is the CIA end goal here? When exactly did they turn Maxist? Under GHWB or Clinton? I’d like to blame Obama, but think they were already far down this road by the time Obama came along.
Are our whiz kids better than theirs?
Since I suspect much of it was bumbling bureaucrats it is probably going to be easy for DOGE to root it out
The more we know the worse it is. We can see why the rats tried to storm the USAID building. It is nothing but an ongoing Dem money laundering operation.
It would only take a few ppl to confirm that. Hard to believe they would all STFU now that a handful have bought houses and taken donations, etc and left the rest of the comrades on the outside.
As Arestovich said: “Ukraine was hired, like Indians, for a typhus blanket for the war with Russia”
Less than a month after Zelensky won the election, 70 Ukrainian USAID funded NGOs presented him with a memorandum on red lines he should not cross.
These 70 USAID funded NGOs declared themselves guardians of civil society and stated that they were deeply concerned about the first steps of the new president.
They said, If the President crosses these red lines, it will indicate that he does not seek real democratic change and does not wish to establish a more honest and responsible government, even though he promised to do so during the election period.
The red lines they de facto banned any attempt to negotiate with Putin, revise the language law, etc., so USAID put Ukraine on a path for war.
In particular, they stated that such red lines would be:
- holding a referendum on the format of the negotiations to be used with the Russian Federation and on the principles for a peaceful settlement
- conducting separate negotiations – without the participation of Ukraine’s Western partners – with the Russian Federation, members of the occupation authorities and their armed groups and gangs in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, Crimea and Sevastopol
- fulfilling the ultimatum requirements demanded by the aggressor state or achieving a compromise with the Kremlin at the cost of making concessions to the detriment of national interests, national sovereignty, territorial integrity and order, and independent domestic and foreign policies of Ukraine
- inhibiting the implementation of security and defense policies outlined in the Strategic Defense Bulletin of Ukraine
It’s high time somebody had looked into this. The guilty need to be arrested, charged, & sentenced...and the sooner, the better.
“Repressive [Russian] legislation has gradually circumscribed the activities of non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
“As part of a more general drive to exclude external influences after a wave of post-election protests in 2011, in 2012 Russia adopted a Foreign Agent Law, whose scope since then has been progressively expanded to include media and individual activists as well as NGOs. A second Undesirable Organisations Law from 2015 excludes numerous international NGOs from the country.”
“NGO legislation has become increasingly restrictive. The prominent role played by civil society in Georgia’s Rose Revolution (2003) and Ukraine’s Orange Revolution (2004-2005) prompted Russia’s 2006 law on non-governmental organisations, which, among other things, gives the authorities the right to deny registration to organisations whose objectives threaten ‘the sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity, national unity, unique character, cultural heritage, and national interests of the Russian Federation’, and restricts activities by foreign nationals and organisations.”
“In September [2012], Russia ordered the US Agency for International Development (USAID) – one of the main donors to civil society organisations in the country – to close its Moscow offices.”
I’m don’t find it hard to leave at all, given that we now know USAID set the fuse for the war in Ukraine. These guys obviously believed they could do whatever they wanted. And did.
Barack Hussein Obama was here to disrupt the planet
We saw what he did in Kenya
BUT idiots still supported him
Obama may not be Satan’s Antichrist - but he does a great impression of him
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