Posted on 02/04/2025 6:11:18 AM PST by Red Badger
It seems shocking that a government entity that has the word "aid" in its acronym would ever be accused of doing dirty tricks and worse against the friends and foes of the U.S., much less be defanged or shut down by Donald Trump. For the world's lefties this defanging is unthinkable. But now, we're finding out all kinds of skullduggery attributed to our color revolutionistas at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Victoria Nuland, and Samantha Power and their kindred through the years. And color revolution coups have been their specialty. See Ukraine 2014.
Need a race riot in Africa? No problem, USAID is your go-to riot planner. Want to force out a democratically elected president? Call USAID for an information onslaught guaranteed to get rid of any elected populist. Need conservatives censored? Call USAID.
But you may not have heard this one unless you follow the work of former CIA targeter and Defense Department operative Sarah Adams. See her interview on the "Shawn Ryan Show" podcast below.
She tracked the Al-Qaeda operation and operators that Jake Sullivan and Hillary Clinton denied were part the Benghazi attack and proved it was a preplanned Al-Qaeda terrorist attack.
And Adams has tracked-back the money being sent by the United States government to our enemies—the people we went to war against to settle the score for 9/11.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
How about criminal charges for those who knowingly transferred money to known terrorists or terrorist organizations? Both at USAID and at the Fed. They “knew or should have known” that it is a crime to provide aid to listed entities.
>>wouldn’t it be a good idea to get a reckoning of how much we’re paying these terrorists to kill us?
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to hang the SOBs that authorized these payments? Or, at the very least, long prison terms.
Providing material aid and comfort to the enemies of the US is the Constitutional definition for treason, and the penalty is death.
Well now I think we are getting an idea of who paid for the pallets of bricks and frozen bottles of water that were prestaged at riot locations all around the country.
At one time I understood USAID was a CIA front organization. This was not because of clearances I had, but because a AF neighbor got assigned there and he had intelligence training. This was 1964.
“Well now I think we are getting an idea of who paid for the pallets of bricks and frozen bottles of water that were prestaged at riot locations all around the country.”
I’d bet you’re right.
Lets do a little math exercise concerning USAID!
They give away 40 billion US taxpayer dollars per year.
They were established in 1961
That is 64 years of giving away US taxpayer money.
40 billion x 64 = 2.56 TRILLION
Do you know how many cities there are in all of America?
according to google 19,500 total cities in the US.
If you gave every single incorporated city in the US (including ALL of those dying towns you drive through on road trips)
that would equal 131 million for EVERY SINGLE TOWN IN AMERICA!!!!!!!
Imagine how great America would be if we had spent that money on ourselves instead of funding transgender comic books in the congo or whatever!
USAID was subsequently established by the executive order of President John F. Kennedy, who sought to unite several existing foreign assistance organizations and programs under one agency
Our government is corrupt. How much more proof do we need? Assume every government entity is corrupt them move on from there.
And yet some senator is holding up confirmations for the president if he doesn’t restore funding- that is how sick and evil the left are
Why isn't there a direct Interstate quality highway between Dallas and Tulsa? Why doesn't Atlanta have an outer beltway? Why isn't there a bridge between Long Island and Connecticut? While NIMBYs and liberal, anti-car politicians are part of the problem, a lack of funding is important as well. Even states like Texas and Arkansas, although pro-growth and not anti-car, cannot achieve their highway construction goals due to lack of funding.
USAID is the tip of the spearhead of the Deepstates globalist ambitions.
now we know where the rioter squads wearing Keffiyeh are probably getting their cross country riot running around expenses.
then the evil saw how to hijack and embezzle the fortune and shot john in the head.
good point , thank you.
Our government is corrupt. How much more proof do we need? Assume every government entity is corrupt them move on from there.
our form of gov is the best the world has ever seen.
it is the commie infiltrated traitor/domestic enemies that are the problem.
Buying lunches for Al-Queda fighters in Syria?
This agency is a wet dream Marxist slush fund.
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