Posted on 01/24/2025 5:19:43 PM PST by ChicagoConservative27
Democratic strategist James Carville said Friday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that Democrats have no choice but to let President Donald Trump “punch himself out.”
Carville said, “I mean, look, he just says anything that he wants to say. I mean, how many stories do I have to read that the delta smelt has nothing to do with this, but he’s just going to keep plowing through? OK. And we have to learn as Democrats just let him punch himself out. Just remember, this is a little bit before your time, but people of my generation remember Muhammad Ali and his rope a dope. He just let you just go to it the first 6 or 7 rounds, and then you come in and you match up, and then you start launching bombs.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Yeah. That’s right.
Keep thinking that.
Stow it snake boy.
Bill: Did you see that? Oowie!
James: Yeah, yeah. That’s just Princess Leawinski. Now about that Ken Star…
Bill: Hey baby, over here!
—Paul Shanklin
What is snakehead even talking about?
yeah sure, Pres Trump is right now out in california FIXING the CRAP that Newsom caused! Keep supporting losers james- Pres Trump will just keep fixing all the crap your party causes!
Good idea James, let Trump be Trump. No go fishing or something and stay away from cameras and microphones for a few years.
I don't know. How many stories do I have to read that Trump called neo-Nazis "very fine people" in Charlottesville, but Democrats just keep plowing through?
Carville doesn't like his own party's tactics being turned back on them - the gentlemanly GOP leadership of his time would never have done it. :)
Serpent head is really losing it. His zipper down video about tongs and paper towels highlighted his decline.
The only person I ever saw punch himself out is you Jimmy. LOL!
The “genius” who owes his 1992 Clinton victory to Ross Perot, weighs in again.
The problem for Carville is that Trump has NEVER been known to punch himself out.
No choice, snakehead!
Skeletor is lying again. I read for years how they were limiting water because of a bait fish (smelt) it literally did have something to do with this.
Why on Earth is anybody talking to Carville???
Lololol I don’t think that strategy would work against energized bunny x1000 POTUS 3x Trump!
Trump has the strength of 12 twenty year olds..I wouldn’t count on him punching himself out :)
Mr Carville is 80 yrs old.
“Let Trump punch himself out”
Very good. Let’s check back in twelve years, after the second term of the JD Vance administration.
Interesting strategy. Rope-a-dope turned Muhammed Ali’s brain to mush, but the democrats don’t have to worry about that because that’s their starting point.
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