Posted on 01/24/2025 7:12:05 AM PST by Freeleesy
Columbia University suspends student following a disruption earlier this week during a class on Israeli history, in which protesters distributed flyers with “violent imagery”....Pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators at Columbia set up dozens of tents in April of last year, demanding that the university divest from its Israeli assets. The university administration called in police to dismantle the encampments.
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The reason this Muhamnad’s name is concealed because of Qatar money?
History is an indelible record of final outcomes. This passionate young Muslim’sfrustration is understandable. Despite the rage, tantrums and terrorism, the concept of Palestine as a viable political and cultural entity is being obliterated.
Name names.
Yeah, so they can’t eat at Hop Sing’s...
Because they refuse to live in peace
Exactly. The plot apologizers always leave that part out beczuse it argues agaisnt their “jews are the aggressors” false claims.
Now deport him with extreme prejudice.
Plo apologizes I meant- thougn the plo is no longer perhaps, their evil “legacy” lives on
Sadly, this was most likely an American citizen.
Even if we took jews and wasps out of the equation, muslims would still murder each other. Sunni. Sheite. They’re all full of hate.
Can we deport natural born American citizen supporters of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations too? Please?
Don’t worry. If it’s obliterated another terrorist state or organization will fill the void. His “passion” is certainly misplaced.
People have hated Jews and Israel since Abraham, Issac and Jacob. God has a plan for Israel and a separate one for the Church. Antisemitism is the work of Satan who has always sought to stop the line to the messiah in his first and then second coming to the earth. Upon Christ second coming Satan will be bound for a millennium. Kill more Jews and delay the fulfillment of the Gentiles will give Satan more time on earth. Romans 11:25. Right now there is a hardening of the Jews towards acceptance of the Gospel.
When Israel accepts Christ as Messiah, the nation will be delivered. Until that day, salvation is open to all that believe in Christ as Savior.
Long overdue
Gaza is run by freedom fighters to liberate the stolen land
One Adam Anik responded:
Zafar, lands named Judea and Samaria were stolen by Jordan, they were part of League of Nations mandate for Israel, lands in Israel were mostly bought from the absentee Ottoman landlords that had been renting them for generations to the Arab farmers. Additionally, when Israel declared statehood in ‘48, Arab leaders ordered the farmers to ‘temporarily’ evacuate for the attacks to drive the Jews into the sea.Numerous quotes follow validating this: ·
Hey! I think we can work that out! :D
Great response. Simple truth.
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