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President Donald Trump Signs Pardons for 23 Pro-Life Americans
Life News ^ | January 23, 2025 | Steven Ertelt

Posted on 01/23/2025 3:28:03 PM PST by Morgana

President Donald Trump has signed an executive order pardoning the 23 pro-life Americans Joe Biden imprisoned for protesting abortion.

“This is a great honor to sign this,” Trump said, condemning Biden’s lawfare, especially targeted at “elderly people.”

Trump granted pardons for 23 pro-life advocates who faced weaponized prosecutions brought against them by the Biden Department of Justice under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

Earlier this month, Thomas More Society attorneys submitted to the Trump administration formal requests for presidential pardons on behalf of 21 of those pro-life advocates who have been unjustly prosecuted, convicted, and in several cases, imprisoned, by the Biden DOJ. In their letter submitted to President Donald J. Trump, Thomas More Society attorneys urged “that these pro-life Americans are deserving of full and unconditional pardons.” The communicated pardon request package included 21 individual pardon requests, one for each pro-life advocate, outlining the specific facts of each case, their upstanding personal and moral character, and the reasons why President Trump should grant a presidential pardon.

The president is expected to address March for Life participants tomorrow via a vieo message.

As LifeNews has extensively reported, pro-life activists await pardons from President Donald Trump after Biden misused the FACE Act and other laws to put them in prison for minor trespassing misdemeanors. The frustration is mounting because Trump has already pardoned 1,500 conservatives who were jailed for participating in the January 6 protest.

“Today, freedom rings in our great nation. The heroic peaceful pro-lifers unjustly imprisoned by Biden’s Justice Department will now be freed and able to return home to their families, eat a family meal, and enjoy the freedom that should have never been taken from them in the first place,” reacted Steve Crampton, Thomas More Society Senior Counsel. “These heroic peaceful pro-lifers were treated shamefully by Biden’s DOJ, with many of them branded felons and losing many rights that we take for granted as American citizens. Today, their precious freedom is restored. What happened to them can never be erased, but today’s pardons are a huge step towards restoring justice. Thank you to President Trump and his team for righting these grievous wrongs of the previous administration.”

The pro-lifers for whom the Thomas More Society requested pardons for are: Joan Bell, Coleman Boyd, Joel Curry, Jonathan Darnel, Eva Edl, Chester Gallagher, William Goodman, Dennis Green, Lauren Handy, Paulette Harlow, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, Jean Marshall, Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, Justin Phillips, Paul Place, Paul Vaughn, Bevelyn Beatty Williams, Calvin Zastrow, Eva Zastrow, and James Zastrow.

“Today is a new day for the pardoned pro-life advocates who have suffered FBI raids, federal prosecutions, and severe punishment for peacefully and courageously witnessing for life. We thank President Trump for keeping his promise to these pro-life mothers, fathers, grandparents, pastors, and priests,” added Peter Breen, Thomas More Society Executive Vice President and Head of Litigation. “What happened to these peaceful pro-life individuals must never happen again. We urge Congress to act swiftly in repealing the FACE Act to make sure that the Justice Department can never again weaponize this law to target peaceful pro-lifers with severe charges.”

Trump, who will begin his second term on Monday, had pledged to grant some form of clemency to pro-life prisoners of conscience.

“To reverse these cruel travesties of justice, tonight I’m announcing that the moment I win the election, I will appoint a special task force to rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who’s been unjustly persecuted by the Biden administration … so that I can study the situation very quickly and sign their pardons or commutations on day one,” he announced at the 2023 Pray Vote Stand Summit, organized by Family Research Council Action. He also said, under his watch, “never again will the federal government be used to target religious believers.”

Trump has since repeated that promise elsewhere. Last February, before the National Religious Broadcasters, Trump lamented the plight of “pro-life activists … convicted on outrageous charges” in Nashville, where the speech took place. In a speech to the Faith and Freedom Coalition last June, Trump highlighted the case of Paulette Harlow, a 76-year-old with severe medical issues whose judge mocked her faith.

“I will govern by a simple motto: Promises made, promises kept,” vowed Trump shortly after winning the 2024 presidential election.

In their letter, the legal organization outlines the unjust treatment and dubious legal theories that resulted in federal judges doling out multi-year sentences to its often-elderly clients over acting on their conscience.

The Biden-Harris administration has not prosecuted anyone under the FACE Act for the 436 church attacks that took place last year, even though pro-life pregnancy resource centers are 22 times more likely to be attacked than abortion facilities. “While Biden’s prosecutors almost entirely ignored the firebombing and vandalism of hundreds of pro-life churches and pregnancy centers, they viciously pursued pro-life Americans, obtaining convictions against them under the federal ‘FACE Act’ (18 U.S.C. § 248) and the Ku Klux Klan Act’s ‘Conspiracy Against Rights’ felony provisions (18 U.S.C. § 241). But these individuals participated in mere peaceable civil disobedience, in the heralded tradition of the American Civil Rights activists. Peaceable actions like these usually merit, at worst, a minor misdemeanor conviction,” it states. These prosecutions represent a significant escalation of lawfare and weaponization of government against Christians. “Neither the Clinton DOJ nor the Obama DOJ dared use this plainly inapplicable law against pro-life advocates.”

Such prosecutions were never supposed to take place, according to the bill’s authors. During debate over the 1994 act, the late Senator Ted Kennedy reassured voters that, “if an individual does violate this law for the first time, it is not a felony.”

The letter states the prosecutions also violate the Supreme Court’s ruling last June in Fischer v. U.S. (2024), which warned against the potential use of the law to “criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison.”

The FACE Act, signed into law by President Bill Clinton more than three decades ago, makes it a federal crime to block or otherwise harm a reproductive health care facility or church. However, the Thomas More Society argued, clients protesting outside a Washington, D.C., abortion facility objected to the potentially illegal murder of late-term or newborn babies after the remains of five infants were found in its garbage. “The trial judge recognized that, if those advocates acted on behalf of those innocent children left to die, their conduct would not violate the FACE Act. But then, that same trial judge refused to allow the jury to hear the significant evidence establishing the defense: that such illegality was occurring and that the advocates were motivated by their desire to oppose that illegality,” the letter states. (Emphasis in original.)

The 31-year-old FACE Act has become passé, as it attempts to enforce a non-right. The 2022 Dobbs decision ruled that the Roe v. Wade opinion erred in inventing a purported right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution. The pro-life ruling “eroded the principal stated purpose of Congress’ enactment of the FACE Act, namely, to protect the purported constitutional right to abortion access,” which Dobbs ruled “as non-existent.”

“We are hopeful that the second Trump administration will spell a new day for pro-life advocates who have faced FBI raids, federal prosecutions, and severe punishment for peacefully and courageously witnessing for life,” said Peter Breen, the Thomas More Society’s executive vice president and head of litigation, who is one of the letter’s signatories. “By acting on the requested presidential pardons, President Trump has a golden opportunity to not only stop the lawfare against peaceful pro-lifers, but to also undo some of the unprecedented damage of the Biden administration. Inside and outside the courtroom, Thomas More Society attorneys have seen up close the harm inflicted by the Biden DOJ’s weaponization of the FACE Act. Today, we call on President Trump to pardon these peaceful pro-lifers and put an end to this government overreach.”

Erin Hawley, senior counsel for the religious legal advocacy firm Alliance Defending Freedom, told the Washington Examiner that the FACE act “was completely weaponized by the Biden DOJ.”

“President Trump issued a sweeping pardon of the Jan. 6 defendants, and ADF will be requesting that he pardon the pro-life advocates who were selectively prosecuted under the FACE,” said Erin Hawley, who is married to the senator.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government
KEYWORDS: 1994; 47pardons; 51to47; abortion; bevelynwilliams; bidenjudge; bidenstooge; calvinzastrow; chestergallagher; colemanboyd; colleenkollarkotelly; dennisgreen; dissent; evaedl; evazastrow; face; faceact; fidelismoscinski; girlscoutsoftheusa; heatheridoni; jameszastrow; jeanmarshall; jenniferlouiserochon; jenniferlrochon; jenniferrochon; joanbell; joelcurry; johnhinshaw; jonathandarnel; justinphillips; laurenhandy; pardon; pauletteharlow; paulplace; paulvaughn; pedojoejudge; pedojoestooge; politicalprisoners; prolife; protest; r; rapinbilljudge; rapinbillstooge; sdnewyork; stevenertelt; tedkennedy; thomasmoresociety; trump; trump47; trumpmas; williamgoodman; winning
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1 posted on 01/23/2025 3:28:03 PM PST by Morgana
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To: Morgana

good news. praise God!

2 posted on 01/23/2025 3:30:02 PM PST by dadfly
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To: dadfly


3 posted on 01/23/2025 3:31:44 PM PST by mrmeyer (You can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him. Robert Heinlein)
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To: Morgana

“On the Fourth Day of Trumpmas, my President gave to me, pro-life pardons numbering 23...”

4 posted on 01/23/2025 3:35:29 PM PST by kiryandil (No one in AZ that voted for Trump voted for Gallego )
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To: Morgana

Good Job, Donnie John!!!!

5 posted on 01/23/2025 3:37:50 PM PST by Mashood
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To: Morgana

SO SO SO glad that Beverly got pardoned, she did NOTHING wrong, protesting the slaughter of babies is NOT a crime..thank you President Trump!

6 posted on 01/23/2025 3:38:00 PM PST by Sarah Barracuda
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To: kiryandil


7 posted on 01/23/2025 3:38:10 PM PST by combat_boots
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To: Morgana

Day has come again!

8 posted on 01/23/2025 3:39:28 PM PST by EnderWiggin1970
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To: Morgana

Praise God.

9 posted on 01/23/2025 3:40:46 PM PST by TexasFreeper2009
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To: Morgana

Thank goodness.

10 posted on 01/23/2025 3:42:50 PM PST by rollo tomasi
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To: TexasFreeper2009

I honestly don’t know what is in Donald Trumps heart in regards to God, but I do know that God is working through him regardless.

11 posted on 01/23/2025 3:43:20 PM PST by TexasFreeper2009
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To: Morgana

Some here were criticizing Trump on Day 1 for not doing this. He can’t do everything in one day, although he sure did a lot.

12 posted on 01/23/2025 3:43:49 PM PST by packrat35 (Pureblood! No clot shot for me!)
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To: Morgana
Of course, the Bidenstooge Matthew "Run Like A Little Girl" Graves was involved in the railroading...

Seven defendants were sentenced yesterday and today following their convictions for federal conspiracy against rights and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act offenses following three separate trials in connection with the use of force and physical obstruction to blockade a Washington, D.C., area reproductive health clinic on Oct. 22, 2020.

Yesterday, Lauren Handy was sentenced to 57 months in prison, John Hinshaw was sentenced to 21 months in prison, and William Goodman was sentenced to 27 months in prison. Today, Jonathan Darnel was sentenced to 34 months in prison, Herb Geraghty was sentenced to 27 months in prison, Jean Marshall was sentenced to 24 months in prison, and Joan Bell was sentenced to 27 months in prison.

“Violence has no place in our national discourse on reproductive health. Using force, threatening to use force or physically obstructing access to reproductive health care is unlawful,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.

“As we mark the 30th anniversary of the FACE Act, it’s important that we not lose sight of the history of violence against reproductive health care providers including the murder of Dr. David Gunn in Florida — tragic and horrific events that led to passage of the law. The Justice Department will continue to protect both patients seeking reproductive health services and providers of those services. We will hold accountable those who seek to interfere with access to reproductive health services in our country.”

“These defendants conspired to use force to prevent fellow citizens from exercising rights protected by law,” said U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves for the District of Columbia. “People cannot resort to using force and intimidation to prevent others from engaging in lawful activity simply because they disagree with the law. The department was founded to protect the civil rights of our citizens and remains steadfast in this mission.”

13 posted on 01/23/2025 3:44:18 PM PST by kiryandil (No one in AZ that voted for Trump voted for Gallego )
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To: kiryandil
“Reproductive health,” a euphemism for murdering an unborn human. Never let the left control the language or the dialogue.
14 posted on 01/23/2025 3:49:01 PM PST by Fungi
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To: Morgana

Praise God. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.

Now we just need to find some congress critters with spine enough to vote to rip the FACE Act to shreds and consign it to the trash can where it belongs.

15 posted on 01/23/2025 3:53:30 PM PST by cross_bearer_02
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To: combat_boots; Morgana
Name and shame the stooge-"judges" involved in the railroadings:

Lauren Handy, John Hinshaw and William Goodman:

U.S. District stooge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly

Joan Andrews Bell, a 76-year-old Catholic and pro-life activist, Jean Marshall, 74, Jonathan Darnel, 42, and Herb Geraghty, 27:

U.S. District stooge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly

Marshall received a 24-month sentence, Darnel was sentenced to 34 months, and Geraghty received 27 months. The sentences were given by U.S. District abortion stooge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.

16 posted on 01/23/2025 3:54:56 PM PST by kiryandil (No one in AZ that voted for Trump voted for Gallego )
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To: Morgana

Let me paraphrase a line from Bannon: "You're not just going to get a free shot lying and persecuting Christians and conservatives and not be held accountable."

Unless a price is paid for corruption and abuse of power - it will continue.

Put ALL those in government who abused their power and abused Americans - in prison! Prosecute traitors and hang them!

17 posted on 01/23/2025 3:56:36 PM PST by JesusIsLord
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To: Morgana
Rapin Bill Clinton stooge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly

18 posted on 01/23/2025 3:58:22 PM PST by kiryandil (No one in AZ that voted for Trump voted for Gallego )
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To: kiryandil

I would imagine there are more than 23 incarcerated.

19 posted on 01/23/2025 4:14:15 PM PST by Maudeen ( (a true story to share);
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To: Morgana

This is the day of Liberation
Let freedom brightly shine
Justice for all, our justice.
From exile to White House
From Gulag to liberty
Donald has brought us over
Singing the song of victory:

“Glory to your second term, O Trump”

Donald returned to White House
Trumpling down the Bidens’ drecht
And to those into Gulag’s bowels
Bestowing flight!

20 posted on 01/23/2025 4:14:25 PM PST by lightman (Beat the Philly fraud machine the Amish did onest, ja? Nein, zweimal they did already!)
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