Posted on 01/22/2025 6:58:58 AM PST by Kid Shelleen
---SNIP--- for those defendants pardoned who live in Pennsylvania, a new legal threat might be looming with Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, who is mulling filing state charges. There will be challenges vis-à-vis double jeopardy, but Krasner is reportedly sold on the opinion that “you can have a state prosecution for conduct that was not fully encompassed in the federal prosecution.”
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Another extreme left Pennsylvania freak show.
OMG.....Evil DOESNT sleep.
How does a city AG from Pennsylvania have ANY jurisdiction to file ANY charge for something that did not happen within the confines of Filthedelphia??
If the pardoned J6 hostages are prosecuted under state law, that should be a green light to prosecute all of Biden’s pardonees under state law as well.
They’re PLAYING WITH FIRE as they may well get the entire Double Jeopardy issue revisited by the Supreme Court. In suspect they’ll drop charges once the cases get that far (and then it’s up to the Supremes to decide whether to rule on it anyway).
Since when is Washington DC in Pennsylvania?
The idiot DA is so blinded by liberalism that he doesn’t even understand jurisdiction.
Well, could not the same thing happen to other pardonees? Fauxnocchio perhaps?
Was the conduct done in PA? I thought J6 was a DC thing...
You’re right. Excellent.
Ask the clowns in NY.
How does a city AG from Pennsylvania have ANY jurisdiction to file ANY charge for something that did not happen within the confines of Filthedelphia??
The same way a New York prosecutor takes a misdemeanor campaign fund violation and finds a way to attach it to a felony, then makes it 34 felony counts?
The Federal courts have ruled that one can be charged for the same crime by a state *and* the Feds. There’s a guy sitting on death row at Leavenworth having been convicted of murder by a court martial *after* having been found not guilty by a North Carolina state court. IIRC his name was Higgis or something like that.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Especxially Fauci. Every state in the union could charge him if this goes through.
I had the same exact question.
Conduct unbecoming aside (which is highly subjective), said ‘crime(s)’ were committed in the District of Columbia, not Pennsylvania.
One would have to argue that some collaboration, plotting, collusion, planning, etc. to participate in an insurrection occurred in Pennsylvania and there would have to have been laws already on the books that made this ‘planning’ a state crime. And, THAT means he has to prove INTENT to insurrect. Go ahead and try it. Maybe you can facilitate turning over the other Senate seat to a Republican........
BTW, that was one funny damn movie, Kid. Lee Marvin earned his Oscar on that one.
Neither does Trump.
This is not Washington DC, obtaining convictions in a Pennsylvania court are another matter.
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