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JUST IN: House Passes Bill to Deport Illegal Aliens Who Sexually Assault Women and Abuse Children — 145 Pro-Illegal Alien Democrats Vote NO
thegatewaypundit ^
| Jan. 16, 2025, 11:30 am
| by Cullen Linebarger
Posted on 01/17/2025 8:31:10 AM PST by airdalechief
The Democratic Party continues to put the well-being of criminal illegal aliens above the safety of the American people.
This morning, the House of Representatives passed a commonsense bill called H.R. 30, the Preventing Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act, sponsored by Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.). The legislation amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to enhance restrictions on illegals who have committed serious felonies, especially those against women, children, or related to sexual offenses.
Under the bill, these aliens would not be permitted to enter America and would be deported if they committed a sex offense. These include domestic violence, stalking, child abuse, neglect, or abandonment, and a violation of a protection order regarding threats of violence or harassment.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 119thcongress; children; democraps; democrats; demonicrats; deportation; hr30; illegals; sexualassaults; women
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But what should have been a unanimous vote broke partly along party lines. 145 pro-crime Democrats decided to vote to let illegals stay in America even if they sexually assaulted or beat women.
How sick does one have to be?
This continues a pattern for Democrats who want to protect violent illegal aliens. Just last week, the House of Representatives passed the Laken Riley Act in a 264 – 159 vote. The bill mandates ICE to arrest and detain illegal aliens like Laken Riley’s killer until they are deported.
Unsurprisingly, all of the no votes came from Democrats.
To: airdalechief
If I were a reporter I’d be writing headlines like, ‘Dems are okay with women and children getting raped and assaulted’.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:37:18 AM PST
( )
To: airdalechief
No one cries for more government when the people are content. They need chaos to create unrest so people will demand more government.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:39:08 AM PST
Dutch Boy
(The only thing worse than having something taken from you is to have it returned broken. )
To: airdalechief
Just passed Senate 61-35. All no votes from DemonRats.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:39:40 AM PST
To: airdalechief
what if they sexually assault men? Never mind ... double standard ...
posted on
01/17/2025 8:43:43 AM PST
(Repeal the 19th ...)
To: airdalechief
So 14 Democrats voted “present but abstaining?”
posted on
01/17/2025 8:44:11 AM PST
(Amount of "child" support paid is inversely proportionate to mother's actual parenting of children)
To: airdalechief
Isn’t it actually a reward to be deported instead of prison time, followed by deportation?
It’s the masses of illegals that need deportation, while the violent criminals require incarceration.
We are going about this all backwards.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:47:18 AM PST
To: chrisinoc
Remember “Just In Time” warehousing and shipping? This is the legislative version.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:47:22 AM PST
(Watch. Wallet. Gun. Right foot! Left foot! Sweet Liberty Valens!Thank God for Guns! --Denny Crane)
To: airdalechief
I think the filibuster should be abolished 1/21/25. All MAGA policies need to be ram rodded down the Marxists throats. Just as they have done to us for the past 4 loooooooonnnnnnnngggggg years.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:49:51 AM PST
(Amount of "child" support paid is inversely proportionate to mother's actual parenting of children)
To: airdalechief
How do I find out how my Rep, the “Honorable” Summer Lee, of Pittsburgh, voted on this bill?
To: airdalechief
Why are the Republicans NOT seizing the moment and asking the 149 when did they stop abusing their spouse and molesting their children?
posted on
01/17/2025 8:53:01 AM PST
To: airdalechief
The US already has these laws in place, but they have not been enforced.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:53:02 AM PST
To: FroggyTheGremlim
To: airdalechief
The Democrat Party is the Party of Hate and Evil. What else could anyone expect from the party of slavery, infanticide, the ku klux klan, political assassination, election fraud, and every other evil ever devised by man or the devil.
Their supporters fall into three categories: mentally ill, evil, and stupid.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:54:49 AM PST
Savage Beast
( If the hostages aren't released by the time I take office, there will be hell.--Donald Trump)
To: airdalechief
To: airdalechief
What about exporting ALL ILLEGAL immigrants? They are ALL criminals. They have ALL broken US laws by entering and remaining in the USA ILLEGALLY. What don't these Congresspersons understand about that?
There must be a bounty paid to all informers who identify ILLEGAL immigrants to the US Government for exportation.
posted on
01/17/2025 8:57:28 AM PST
Savage Beast
( If the hostages aren't released by the time I take office, there will be hell.--Donald Trump)
To: airdalechief
Correction- 145 pro women and child rape advocates voted against it.
posted on
01/17/2025 9:04:10 AM PST
(A fascist is the one who wants to take your guns. That's how it always starts.)
To: airdalechief
posted on
01/17/2025 9:04:32 AM PST
Uncle Miltie
(As we know, guilt or innocence is determined by relative light reflectivity.)
To: airdalechief
"JUST IN: House Passes Bill to Deport Illegal Aliens Who Sexually Assault Women and Abuse Children — 145 Pro-Illegal Alien Traitorous Democrats Vote NO"There. Fixed it.
posted on
01/17/2025 9:07:34 AM PST
Carl Vehse
(Make Austin Texas Again!)
To: airdalechief
Have the Senate debate and vote on this shown live on Fox News. Make the rats go on record in front of the entire world.
posted on
01/17/2025 9:07:36 AM PST
(Drill Baby Drill!)
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