Posted on 01/15/2025 11:02:48 AM PST by Red Badger
In the hellscape of the Los Angeles fires, a stranger with a blowtorch is an unwelcome sight.
A man reportedly spotted trying to ignite flammable trash outside the home of actor Brian J. White last week found out just how unwelcome he was after White and neighbors conducted a citizen’s arrest to hold the man until police arrived.
And he turned out to be an illegal alien with a criminal record in this country.
According to Deadline Hollywood, the entertainment-centric news site, White and fellow residents of the Woodland Hills neighborhood of L.A. were preparing in case they had to evacuate their homes to escape one of the fires torching the city.
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Doesn’t matter, the lefts corrupt machine will let him go...
That’s what he is here for. He’s doing his job.
Isn’t he the one the cops let go for “lack of evidence”?
(The illegal) has not been charged w/ arson and is in custody only on a probation violation at the moment, as multiple agencies have been interviewing him.”Never mind the residents SAW the suspect light the fires -that isn't enough for the LAPD.After investigating and questioning the suspect, LAPD Divisional Chief Dominic Choi decided not to charge him with arson.
“After the interview and additional investigative steps, looking at some additional evidence that was present, they made the determination that there was not enough probable cause to arrest this person on arson or suspicion of arson,” said Choi.
I'd like to know what the new "law-and-order" DA, Nathan Hochman has to say about this.
Thanks for posting. HOORAY Brian J. White and other citizens.
The libtard celebrities are obligated to let him torch their mansions. I have no sympathy for them.
B-bbbut, he was just coming here for a better life! Probably just wanted to toast a few marshmallows. Those citizens are all racists! Let him go. Let him go. Let him go. Arrest the citizens!
His name? Global Climate Change
Globalo Climateo Changeo........................
Sounds like he needs to be prosecuted for the offense of ‘interfering with an illegal alien criminal’
Anyone who had a sweet, innocent remnant of belief in the justice system had a stunning blow from that story.
They knew inside they were doubting the system but thought it’s right to leave it all to the police, FBI, CIA and government justice system and courts, not to “take the law into your own hands.”
Sad when others join me. I wish I had been proven wrong.
I’d like to know what the new “law-and-order” DA, Nathan Hochman has to say about this.
= = =
Me too!
A true “blowtorch” is kind of rare. (I have one in brass, kept as an antique).
It’s probably a PROPANE torch, if California allows such sales.
The article says it’s a yellow propane torch.
The color yellow means it’s the more costly MAPP GAS torch, which burns much hotter.
There’s a recall on the older MAPP torches, as the head of the torch can blow off, affecting everyone in the vicinity!
Only older folks know about blow torches.
In the linked page I don’t see one blowtorch. There are a couple of poor look a likes, but no blowtorch.
Cost doesn’t matter. He most likely stole it anyway.
“Only older folks know about blow torches.”
Thanks a lot...!
Since you have one, I should ask a question, I don’t think I have ever known what fuel they used and I have always associated them with the plumbing trade.
In addition, in searching the Internet, I have not even found a picture of what I remember as a blowtorch, but sounds like what you describe as having.
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