Posted on 01/13/2025 6:14:52 PM PST by SeekAndFind
There are a lot of people currently holding down jobs in the Biden administration that we would like to see gone. A new president is coming in a week, and as a new broom sweeps clean, soon-to-be President Trump's second term promises to sweep very clean indeed.
One person we'll be glad to see gone is FBI Director Chris Wray, architect of the infamous Mar-a-Lago raid, when FBI agents rifled through the Trump's personal items, evidently expecting to find classified documents hidden among Melania's lingerie.
Well, he's leaving now - and trying to spin his legacy as the unemployment line looms.
Outgoing FBI Director Christopher Wray said Sunday the bureau had a duty to retrieve the documents stored in President-elect Trump’s Florida home when it conducted a search of the premises in 2022, adding that he has never discussed the investigation with President Biden.
During an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Wray said the bureau followed policy in giving Trump multiple opportunities to return the documents before sending its agents into his Florida home.
“Part of the FBI’s job is to safeguard classified information, and when we learn that information, classified material is not being properly stored, we have a duty to act. And I can tell you that in investigations like this one, a search warrant is not — and here was not — anybody’s first choice,” Wray said.
I have a question for the soon (not soon enough) to be ex-Director:
If it is the FBI's job to safeguard classified information, why was an intrusive search warrant issued to allow a raid of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, after which he was indicted when the documents in question were from his term as President of the United States - who has the power to declassify documents by decree? Also, if it is the FBI's job to safeguard classified documents, why was the investigation into the classified documents in Joe Biden's garage whitewashed? Some of those documents, of course, dated to Biden's time as vice president and even senator, when he had no authority to either declassify or move those classified docs to his home.
We know that answer already, of course; Joe Biden has that infallible "Get Out of Jail Free" card - a "D" after his name.
The fact is that Chris Wray was a participant in some of the most egregious, banana-republic-style political lawfare in the history of the republic. The corruption of the Biden administration would make Huey Long blush, and it's to the credit of the American people that enough of us saw through it to send a very distinct electoral message last November 5th.
Previously on RedState: Melania Trump Blasts FBI's Mar-a-Lago Raid: 'It Serves As a Warning to All Americans'
It's time the FBI, indeed the entire Justice Department, was subjected to rigorous housecleaning - and by housecleaning, I'm inclined to say, "Fire freakin' everyone and start from scratch." That's probably not completely practical, and there may even be some street-level agents who are dedicated cops and not political activists. If we are to keep the FBI as a viable federal law enforcement arm, even though there is no constitutional authorization for its existence, then it is those people that the new director should find and promote. By their deeds shall you know them, and as an operating assumption, I would maintain that anyone involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid in any capacity should be shown the door, maybe with a size 11 boot placed in an appropriate location to speed them on their way.
Here's Chris Wray's parting shot:
Wray said Biden had no influence along the way.
“I haven’t had any interaction with the Biden White House about investigations into the former president,” he said.
This is a personal opinion, but... Horsefeathers. Of all the Bravo Sierra Chris Wray has slung, this may be the most egregious handful to hit the wall.
He sounds like a Bee headline.
Wray to incarceration for Treason and harm to the President of the US.
But not Biden’s garage?
This clown’s lawyers should be telling him to stfu. Blubber lipped retard.
Unadulterated BS!!!
I was at my neighbor’s house and caught a little bit of that 60 minutes interview of the FBI director. The first question was “what is the biggest threat to Trump Administration”. I could only laugh and walk away.
He was trying to determine one of the most important of all security questions: Does Trump wear boxers or briefs? And what brands of lingerie does his wife wear?
Ward Clark nails it. I can't wait for the 3am SWAT raid on Wray's house - with Fox News and Newsmax tipped off like CNN was.
The president doesn’t own any classified documents.
Lying bass turd Wray
Christopher Wray tried to murder Trump over classified documents he doesn't have, then.
‘ Christopher Wray tried to murder Trump’
He should have to pay Melania’s replacement lingerie bill. It would be great if it bankrupted the slimely pervert. Prove to me he is not a pedophile since he certainly seems unconcerned about child trafficking.
But oddly enough, he must have believed he had no duty to raid any one of the several locations where Biden stored docs, of which he had knowledge before the 2016 election, that Joe as VP had no power to de-classify.
Wray apparently found it necessary to follow instructions to display Trump’s de-classified documents for photographing and release to the MSM with lurid labels, TOP SECRET, CLASSIFIED, etc.—as if Elliot Ness had just raided a Capone joint.
It was nice of Trump to not release to the MSM, “I had him told he could resign or be fired.”
If his goons pawed all over some of her designer dresses that would certainly bankrupt the little Bushite weasel.
Please, please, please convene a federal grand jury to look at possible charges against Wray and everyone else who tried to destroy our constitution just to stay in power.
Trump extended numerous offers for these hacks to come look at anything they wanted.
Going through Melania’s and Barron’s personal things was the lowest of low.
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