Posted on 01/12/2025 8:13:18 AM PST by DIRTYSECRET
The invitation marked a slight change in tone in the political battle between Newsom and Trump, with Newsom imploring Trump not to politicize the tragedy.
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I'm enjoying this but the people down there don't. I hope once again the republicans pile on as they're not the ones in power.
Trying to pass off his filthy buck.
DJT should declare martial law in CA and have Newsom arrested and tried before a military tribunal for dereliction of duty. Then shot by firing squad.
"Americans" Gavin? You don't even want to stand next to our flag!
He ts a photo op like Christy had with Obama
Trump: stay out of the way, the fires are still burning.
Someone needs to say the rich folk will be ok. They don’t need any help while Biden promises to pay 100% of the bill. Why should well-run states pay for the mistakes of those run poorly?
Trump needs to slap this 🤡 back hard, Newscum is just trying to save his own ass.
And by the way, President Trump is still waiting to be sworn in.
In exactly what capacity would PDJT be appearing?
Trump is not president. And hasn’t been
Gavin goes on meet the press and calls Trump a liar, but wants him to come to Cali and bring a check to cover 100% of costs as Biden did.
Well, at least branDUHn showed to announce his new great (gender to be announced) grand child had been born. Oh, and to survey the fire.
Was not Bidone in Ca during the middle of the start of the problem, so much so there was a no fly zone set up because the 747 with the a hole on board was coming to make a few national monuments??
Why the hell should President Trump ruin a good pair of shoes touring the Newsom and Biden scorched earth when he can see all he needs to see on FNC? Trump knew what needed to be done to prevent this many many moons ago and said so many times. Watching adult male politicians crying over spilt milk is very UnAmerican. It’s way too late to fix it now.
Why isn’t Gavin asking _Resident Brandon to come visit? Or even V _Resident Kammy?
They’d be the final nail in the coffin for an already dead political career, though. ;)
I would tell Newsom “Sorry, I have to be in court”
(he wants Trump to tour the damage)?? What? So people there who hate him can take pot shots at him??????????
The left wants to involve Trump as much as possible so that they can blame him for their problems and demand money for the damages.
What’s sad is these people are not vetted in areas that come up where the SHTF. In the aftermath of Katrina it’s been reported that the Louisiana Governor had a nervous breakdown. Now Newscumb has to slime his way out of it and wants Trump’s help to do it.
Tragedies don’t happen every day so the left pretends they won’t when advocating the woke stuff. Then they overreact. Think blackouts under Gray Davis-ended up being way overcharged to make up for the lost power. $500 fees yearly to register an 8 cylinder truck.
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