Posted on 12/26/2024 4:25:34 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum
The story we’re about to share reveals a failed ten-year experiment by officials in San Francisco, who tried desperately to prove that whites and Asians aren’t better than anyone else when it comes to math. Needless to say, it failed miserably. The truth—one most people are afraid to say out loud—is that the left was, once again, covering for black students, who tend to score much lower in math (and other subjects). This isn’t “racist”; it’s just facts.
African Americans score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and math tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. The gap appears before children enter kindergarten and it persists into adulthood.
The fact that certain races have different average IQs is an “inconvenient truth” the left refuses to acknowledge. Truthfully, this doesn’t do black students any favors. We’re not all the same. Different races excel at different things, and that’s perfectly okay. Pretending the playing field is level for everyone is a disservice to those who may naturally need extra help with certain subjects. This failed “math experiment” in San Francisco proved it’s also a waste of time, money, and resources. In an effort to claim everyone is “brilliant” at math and how “racist-free” they were, officials forced strong math students to lag behind with those who struggled. In the end, everyone lost—another predictable, epic failure of this “magical,” pie-in-the-sky progressive thinking.
SF public schools forced all students to take algebra in 9th grade instead of 8th grade because some weren’t ready yet.
The entire motivation was magical thinking. The reformers thought that if they repeated the incantation “all students are mathematically brilliant” it would come true.
They believed that giving students access to math classes at the same time (no one can accelerate, even if...
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But ... the pyramids!
Should be interesting to see the reactions on FR to what you have posted in # 1...
That’s why I posted it. 🤡
There is no such thing as a curve that traces all people’s IQ. White folks long ago tested other White folk and came up with our own curve with 100 in the middle, and they just assumed everyone was similar. That was our average. It’s literally different for every group of people. It’s silly to just lump everyone together. It’s cruel to think that everyone is meant for calculus. I’m lousy at sports. it would be cruel to put me in the nbA and look down on me if ai couldn’t score a single point (i couldn’t)
It won’t deter them.
The California Bar came up with a cockamamie scheme to stretch the bar exam to 3 days because black applicants were “just as smart as whites but in a different way.”
The outcome? No difference.
You don't appear to comprehend the implications of your statement.
My takeaway from the distribution chart is there are lots of dumb white people.
We wouldn’t need to talk about races being less good at anything, if the left didn’t cause all kinds of unfairness.
There are brilliant people who happen to be whatever color.
IQ and math are racist!
(but we knew that....)
I would be thrilled not to compare people by race—as soon as all racial preferences end.
But—not one day before...
Actually, the CalBar was shortened from 3 to 2 days. Not sure when. It was two days when I smoked it in February 2018.
And yet Black African countries have a MUCH EASIER time answering the basic question: “What is a woman?”
Thereby PROVING that IQ is only one factor when assessing intelligence.
It was three days when I took it.
They moved it back to 2 days once they finally admitted that the extra day changed nothing regarding black passing rates.
They are on television shows and in the movies.
Herman Cain was brilliant at math.
It was two days when I smoked it in February 2018.
No one “smokes” any bar exam. You make it through. No one ever wants to take another ever again.
In cities such as New York they lowered the standards and then completely eliminated the teacher competency testing.
My eighth grade science teacher was an activist against civil rights legislation (1960). He was on local TV news interviewed saying “They say black students will improve by being next to whites and asians who are better in school. They call it “White Magic.” Well that will never be proven to work. I say to HUD, take your HUD money and rules back, pack up your HUD bags and get out of town.”
School system lost some funding by refusing the HUD regulations but the people in my small city were happy.
The entire motivation was magical thinking.
It has been replaced by its cousin, Common Core.
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