Posted on 12/19/2024 3:40:14 PM PST by SeekAndFind
Sometimes, the FBI gets it right. After an investigation that apparently has been ongoing for some months, the FBI has arrested an Egyptian national, one Abdullah Ezzeldin Taha Mohamed Hassan, for plotting an attack on the Israeli Embassy in New York City.
The FBI has arrested a Virginia man, Abdullah Ezzeldin Taha Mohamed Hassan, for allegedly sending information on how to build a bomb that would target the Israeli consulate in New York. Charging documents say that Hassan worked closely with an FBI informant.
In May, local police got a tip of an ISIS supporting account on Twitter. A review of his posts revealed past support of ISIS and other extremist beliefs. An FBI informant responded to one of Hassan’s tweets and began a conversation about their purported shared interests.
The plot, as noted, involved an attack on the Israeli embassy in New York and involved "two weapons," presumably firearms, and explosives.
In November, charging documents say Hasan sent the informant the location of the Israeli consulate in New York. Court records say Hassan provided the FBI informant with tips on how to create a martyrdom video, encouraging him to say, “Your governments have been complicit in and utterly responsible for the deaths of millions of men women and children across al-Sham, Iraq, and our beloved Al Quds. Now has come for revenge. As you weaponize yourselves with your tanks and missiles and jets, we weaponize ourselves with the Wrath of Allah AZWJL upon you. However, you may try to find and kill us, Allah AZWJL will replace our fallen with more muwahidden, bent on eradicating the corruption that you have brought forth...
The Bureau says Hassan provided the FBI informant with links to buy two weapons, detailed suggestions on how to construct the bomb, and tips on how to flee the United States after the attack.
The FBI "Affidavit in Support of a Criminal Complaint and Arrest Warrant" noted that Hassan is an Egyptian national living in Falls Church, Virginia, and — surprise — is apparently in the country illegally, as the affidavit notes that he is currently in removal proceedings with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The affidavit also described social media posts made by Hassan threatening attacks, "Praying for an ISIS masterclass," and "revering" Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al Zawahiri.
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The FBI affidavit that led to Hassan's arrest may be viewed here.
What information is available as of this writing — the affidavit alone contains quite a lot — paints quite a vivid picture of a committed Islamic terrorist, willing and able to carry out terror attacks on American soil and who, by the way, has no business being in the country. What isn't clear is how he came to be here in the first place, although the affidavit mentions a Verizon account belonging to Hassan's father, whose whereabouts are not mentioned.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for Eastern District of Virginia, which is prosecuting the case, declined to comment. Efforts to reach Hassan were unsuccessful,.
You don't say.
This is a developing story. We will bring you updates as events warrant.
I personally think that if someone illegally entered your country, everyone should be able to provide them, dead or alive, to authorities, to claim money, just like they did in the Old West.
All such criminals should have bounties.
Sometimes, they have to be forced to get it right:
Emad A. Salem (born circa 1950) is an FBI informant, who was a key witness in the trial of Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad, and Wali Khan Amin Shah, convicted in the World Trade Center bombing of February 26, 1993.
He testified that the bomb was built under supervision from the FBI.[1]
An Egyptian army officer, Salem claimed to have fought as a sniper in the Yom Kippur War of 1973.
He held 17 Israeli soldiers as prisoners of war respecting their rights under international law.
All POWs were ultimately returned unharmed to Israel.[2] At the request of the FBI, Salem had befriended the group of plotters in 1991, meeting them at El Sayyid Nosair’s trial.
He had recently worked as a security guard at the Bergdorf Goodman department store, and an engineer at a Best Western hotel in New York.[2] Salem was working as head of hotel security at the Woodward, on the corner of Broadway and Fifty-fifth Street in New York when, in August 1991, he met and offered information to FBI Agent Nancy Floyd, who came to the hotel to inquire about Russian diplomats who might have frequented the hotel.
At a later meeting, Salem offered that he knew of an Egyptian in NYC who posed far more dangers to the public than KGB agents. He then named the blind sheikh, Omar Ahmad Ali Abdel-Rahman. It was following this meeting that Salem agreed to work for the FBI as an informant on the blind sheikh’s circle centered in NYC mosques.[3]
During his time as an FBI informant, Salem recorded hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers, and reports submitted in court. In tapes made after the bombings, Salem alleged that an unnamed FBI supervisor declined to move forward on a plan that would have used a “phony powder” to fool the conspirators into believing that they were working with genuine explosives.
Federal authorities denied Salem’s view of events and The New York Times concluded that the tapes do not make clear the extent to which Federal authorities knew that there was a plan to bomb the World Trade Center, merely that they knew that a bombing of some sort was being discussed. But for the recordings,
Emad would have been charged as a co-conspirator. It was recordings that were never provided to the New York Times that prevented the FBI from charging Emad.[4]
Should have let him go if he promised he would bomb the UN building.
I wish I could trust the FBI. I really do.
But I just can’t.
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