Posted on 12/04/2024 1:58:36 PM PST by CharlesOConnell
Is Tucker Carlson a traitor for talking with Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov? That's sure what our media want us to think.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs is one of the few clear thinkers who may help us to avoid nuclear annihilation. He says that Sergei Lavrov is in another league from our current, brilliant "diplomats", and that, as reviled as he was in the Cold War American press, Andrei Gromyko also was a great diplomat. (At least we didn't get nuked during the Cold War.)
This is important because by some accounts we have cut off all regular contact with the country we are determined to drive to nuclear confrontation, for a period of from 2 to 7 years, the country with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons.. Whereas all films and newsreel references from the Cuban Missile Crisis, films like Dr. Strangelove and Failsafe, show us enabled to have immediate contact with red phone lines kept continually open.
A fiction work from the end of World War One, which expressed a similar lack of communication, was "City of Endless Night" by Milo Milton Hastings, free on the internet. It was put in a science-fiction context, that Germany was covered by an iron dome which kept out any contact with the West. (In reality, Germany was so reluctant to mobilize that its leaders were under criticism; the German, American and English peoples were so friendly that it took a concerted press-propaganda effort to ensnare Germany in war; Churchill & Lord Gray got the war that had been planned for decades, since as early as 1875, when Germany was seen to be commercially & technologically ascendant over industrial-revolution Britain; Queen Victoria died in the arms of her favorite nephew, Kaiser Wilhelm II.)
NY Teacher of the year for 3 years around 1990, John Taylor Gatto, expresses the urgency for opponents to keep talking:
… [T]he only possible way to arrive at an approximation of Truth, is through argument; the more skillful the argument on all sides, the better for the element resultant of truth. So that people who appear before you in the media and say, “in this time of trouble, dissent is not wanted”, are truly un-American; because this country was the world’s first laboratory of dissent, on the part of everybody. — John Taylor Gatto, 14 Exceptional Principles Taught by the Most Elite Private Schools, Which Distinguish Them from Public Schools, and Which by Implication Most Public Schools Don’t Teach
Or perhaps we could pay attention to an American President, who talked with the Russians during the Cuban Missile Crisis through Pope John XXIII, and who paid with his life to stop nuclear Armageddon:
"We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." — John Fitzgerald Kennedy, February 26, 1962
Eh, Russia isn’t nuking anyone. Cut off all trade and contact, and let them play with their BRICS buddies. Russia would rather be part of Asia than Europe anyway.
Russia is post-nuke: The “Hazelnut” mach 10 missile heats up to plasma and destroyed a “nuclear-proof” cold war era Soviet bunker in Ukraine.
Tucker is an actual journalist.
You need only see who Tucker’s enemies are on the FR to know that he is doing the right thing by giving any foreign official a chance to talk. He gives the Uke Spooks fits.
Gatto was a wonderful man. Met him at several homeschool conferences.
His book is well worth reading, a real eye opener
Thank you! It has been a while since I thought of Gatto, but I learned more about US History from his Underground History of American Education than anywhere else!
He should be the Secretary of the Department of Education!
“Tucker is an actual journalist.”
Yeh, for Russia Today.
His father was lead spook for VOA, so he comes by it naturally.
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