Posted on 11/15/2024 6:01:17 AM PST by Tench_Coxe
The Pentagon is in “absolute disarray” with “generals scrambling” due to the incoming Trump administration’s plans to fire woke senior military leaders who prioritized diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) over combat readiness, according to sources.
One source compared it to a hornet’s nest being kicked over and that “DEI pages are starting to disappear off the main websites.”
“They’re being archived as we speak. They are full-bore focused on cleaning up anything DEI-related,” the source said.
Another source said people are trying to find out if they are on the list to be cut. “They are in panic mode,” the source said.
The scramble to hide evidence comes as President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has begun gathering names of senior officers who pushed DEI.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Are Necessities in U.S. Military
They must have read, War On Warriors.
There will inevitably be enemies they’ve made who will be only too happy to report on their wokery. There will be social media posts which I assume somebody has had the brains to copy before they could be deleted (and there’s always the wayback machine). There are orders they’ve given and recorded statements they’ve made.
Its relatively straightforward to investigate and find who the Leftists are - then chitcan them.
Good way to move up - keep the evidence and share it when the new regime comes in.
I like the idea of FIRING EVERYONE - put them on probation, say - and have them write a letter explaining what they do, why they should be retained, and their POV on what the purpose is for the gov’t organization for which they work.
That’d ax about 80-90% and then you go out and hire people who actually want to work.
Thune said yesterday only 6% of federal workers were showing up for ‘in person’ work. What are we paying them for???
Probation period for ALL at will.
Purge the government.
We also need to give part of VA back to DC to flip that state back to red.
.”“They’re being archived as we speak”
they mis _spelled “wiped”
That and wouldn’t it seem obvious that this “list” was made years ago in anticipation of this very moment? Nothing they do now will stop what’s coming.
I’d like to see the purge start with Brown.
Seems stupid to think you can lawfully purge years worth of orders, memos and programs without getting caught.
A drowning man will grasp at anything.
LOL - so anyone purging or hiding records - dishonorable discharge. Appreciate their help!
Stupid woke military brass isn’t aware that once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever. Ha!
“You can look to the left and look to the right
But you will live in danger tonight
When the enemy comes, he will never be heard
He’ll blow your mind and not say a word
Blinding lights
Flashing colours
Sleepless nights
If the man with the power can’t keep it under control
Some heads are gonna roll
Some heads are gonna roll
Some heads are gonna roll
Some heads are gonna roll”
And BTW, we aren't just talking about mismanagement...this is about treason. These officers took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. They violated that oath and weakened our military and country in the process.
The wayback machine is gonna get all of these traitors.
One of my favs...
There needs to be a complete overhaul of the General/Flag Officer ranks. Time to trim the fat.
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