Posted on 11/11/2024 11:57:44 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
It is, indeed, morning in America again, but Americans “have to stay vigilant,” Michael Reagan, president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily, explaining that President-elect Donald Trump is not stepping on his father’s legacy. Rather, America — 40 years later — needs a “strong” leader to right the ship, and Trump is that person.
“A couple people called in on this and made this point that it’s morning again in America. Have you thought — I’m sure you have — much about that messaging from your dad, the morning again? And what does that mean, and are we there again?” host Mike Slater asked former President Ronald Reagan’s eldest son.
“Well, it’s morning. We just got to keep it going. Actually wrote in an op-ed piece last week, I said it’s mourning America for the Democrats — m-o-u-r-n-i-n-g — which is exactly what’s going on,” Reagan began.
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Reagan should have never expected Tipsy O’Neil to keep his end of the agreement regarding the border.
President Reagan understood the grave threat of unconstitutional gov’t more than Trump and others.
Trump is just Step One in our recovery.
I think President Reagan is holding his breath (you can do that in Heaven I think).
Michael is a communist traitor to his country and the people. He is a disgrace to the Reagan legacy.
You are thinking about Ron Reagan the other son?
Excellent Find! Very Interesting!
An excellent read!
I remember Tip O’Neil somewhat fondly - compared to today’s Democrat.
Back then, it seemed that compromise really did mean reaching across the aisle. Today, it means how much dirt you have on someone.
Sorry, I just had to post that image!
Michael needs to understand though we loved Reagan - there’s no time being concerned about anything other than righting this ship.....just 4 yrs to pull it off....and take out the trash.
Trump is in fact Reagan’s legacy. Make America Great Again was borrowed from Reagan. I’m sure Ronaldus Magnus is guiding Trump and America.
Nope Michael. He is MIC/NWO through and through and the MIC is out to kill Trump. Michael talks the talk, but he is not loyal to anyone but the MIC and NWO.
Michael Reagan made a lifetime career out of trashing his father and all the people who voted for his father... Why would anyone care what he thinks?
President Ronald Reagan infused the American Presidency with the wonderful gift of Candor and Trustworthiness, raising America to the pinnacle of International Leadership, International Diplomacy and Peaceful transition of Governments.
President Trump will Make Those Processes Great Again.
ITA! Especially since most of the politicians in his own party had no more interest in securing the border than the dems did.
No. You’re thinking of Ron Reagan, Jr.
Michael Reagan is the good son.
7 minutes on how to take down the DEEP STATE
Oh, NOW that little f@&&0t is worried about his father’s legacy?
You don’t even know who Michael R=agan is. He followed proudly in his fathers footsteps and had a wonderful conservative radio talk show.
GHW Bush called Supply side economics, “VooDoo economics “. It worked for JFK, Reagan, Clinton (yes, bill Clinton with help from newt Gingrich) and DJT. What did they all have in common? They were Democrats (at some point in time).
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